January 14, 2025



Washington D.C., (Jan 14, 2025) - Following a growing global trend, today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed a rule requiring front-of-package (FOP) nutrition labels on most packaged foods. FDA states, as part of a whole-of-government approach, the agency broadly seeks to help reduce the burden of diet-related chronic diseases. This initiative would provide a compact information box on the front of the package and aims to help consumers make healthier food choices in a way that allows them to compare different products quickly. This rule, if finalized, would highlight when foods contain high levels of nutrients that are commonly overconsumed and are linked to adverse health outcomes. The rule proposes to amend some nutrient content claim regulations as well.


The proposed FOP label, referred to as the Nutrition Info box, would provide clear, interpretive information about levels of saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars in a single serving of the food. Using descriptive terms such as “Low,” “Med,” and “High,” along with percentages of daily value (%DV), the labels will enable consumers to easily interpret the amount of major nutrients of concern identified in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and to compare these across products at the point of purchase.

The ranges corresponding to “Low,” “Med,” and “High” are as follows, and based on the percent daily value as shown on the nutrition facts panel:

  • Low: 5% DV or less
  • Med: 6% to 19% DV
  • High: 20% DV or more

Examples of the proposed standard Nutrition Info box, and a format appropriate for small to medium sized packages are shown below. The box would be required to appear in the top third of the product label’s Principal Display Panel, although the exact location is not specified. FDA includes examples of as-packaged and aggregate food product labels. 

While calories would not be included in the Nutrition Info box, a manufacturer could voluntarily include an adjacent calorie statement on the front of the food package, per existing FDA regulations. See additional Nutrition Info box examples here.

Additional Highlights:

  • Specific formatting and placement requirements for the Nutrition Info box to ensure visibility and consistency.
  • Revised definitions for "low sodium" and "low saturated fat" claims to align with updated nutritional science.
  • Exemptions for certain foods and tailored labeling provisions for unique product categories.
  • Compliance timeline is 3 years for businesses with $10+ million in annual food sales and 4 years for smaller businesses after the final rule's effective date. 

Next Steps:

PLC encourages industry to become familiar with the new proposed rule and submit public comments (on docket No. FDA-2024-N-2910 in the next 120 days). If you are interested in learning more about this proposed rule and the front-of-pack Nutrition Info box, we will be presenting a brief 20 minute analysis on Thursday January 23, at 1:00pm ET

Of course, with the new Administration coming in shortly, the fate of this proposal (and other recent FDA action) is uncertain. PLC will continue to track this and will explore in depth what impacts the new Administration will have on food labeling policy at the Annual Food Label Conference June 1 - 4 in Washington DC. From this brand new Front-of-Pack and "Healthy" rules to "Ingredients in the Hot Seat", the Conference will analyze and discuss critical regulatory, enforcement, and policy topics with regulators, top food law attorneys and industry experts. Registration is available here.

In the meantime, PLC recommends that food companies begin to familiarize themselves with the new final “Healthy” rule announced last month and effective February 25, 2025. Companies should re-evaluate their product portfolio for any current and potentially new claims. PLC Regulatory Consultants are available today to help you with this project. For more information, go to our website, Services Order form or contact us at or (202) 546-3333. 

We will continue to monitor developments on this front-of-pack proposed rule and the “Healthy” symbol with our contacts at the FDA and notify our Label Alert subscribers as soon as new information is available. Stay tuned for more developments!

About Prime Label Consultants

Prime Label Consultants (PLC) has been helping companies navigate food labeling since 1972 and has hosted the nation's premier food labeling conference since 1989. PLC is an industry leader in labeling compliance and software, working with over 3,500 clients for both FDA and USDA-regulated products (including about half of the top 100 food manufacturers in the United States). 

As a full-service consulting firm, PLC leverages 50 years of food and beverage regulatory and nutrition expertise in client support ranging from general guidance to complete project development. The combination of systems, automation, training, and expertise results in an unparalleled level of compliance, efficiency, and cost savings for our customers.


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