July 24, 2020
AFSCME Local 685 Succeeds in Pulling Back 'De-fund Probation' Bill from Legislature!
Assembly Bill 1007 (Reggie Jones-Sawyer), which was co-sponsored by a group of community-based organizations focused on stripped probation of funding for the important community-based services we provide, will NOT move forward in committee this legislative year.

After extensive discussions by myself and the leadership of AFSCME Local 1967 (PMA) and SEIU Local 721 with Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer, the bill’s author concurred with our position that we must work together to come up with a rational plan. Further Jone-Sawyer agreed that we must have a seat at the table to determine how the services funded by the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA) will be delivered, how Community Based Organizations (CBOs) will be held accountable, and how the money will be distributed.
JJCPA currently funds many preventative and support services to the community that are provided and administered by the Probation Department in collaboration with CBOs and faith-based groups. Included in these services are school-based support services, early intervention and diversion, restorative justice program, positive youth development tools, as well as support services for the monitoring of compliance and handling of administrative functions.

JJCPA funds also provides support to parks and recreation services by partnering Probation officers with community parks and programs.

  • 96% of schools loved their school-based Probation officer and valued the collaboration.
  • Over 90% of the school-based services provided to youth were requested by youth's parents. 
  • Schools where the program was eliminated faced a 20-40% increase in absences.
  • Probation officers work in collaboration with a team of teachers, counselors, and school administration to provide services to youth and families. 

If the funding was eliminated, then all the services and programs that are currently provided by Probation would be eliminated as well. This includes elimination of school collaboration and support, CBO partnerships, and new innovative programs such as music and video production would cease. No longer would there be funding to support collaborations between Probation and the Parks.

Congratulations, Team Probation!
General Membership & Stewards Meetings Canceled for August

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and orders from local, state, and federal officials, the Local 685 General Membership and Stewards Meetings are canceled for the month of August 2020. 

Please stay safe and healthy in these difficult times!
COVID-19 Resources

This page is a resource for Local 685 members to have access to official County/Department forms and memos from the County regarding COVID-19's impact on County operations and County employees. Please check here routinely for the latest update from the County and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).