On Global Trade & Investment
Published By:
The Global Business Dialogue, Inc.
Washington, DC  Tel: 202-463-5074
No. 56 of 2019

Click HERE for last Thursday's quote from John Murphy.


 "[P]reparing urgently and rapidly for the possibility of a exit [from the European Union] without a deal will be my top priority, and it will be the top priority of the Civil Service too."

Boris Johnson
August 9, 2019
Despite early assurances to the contrary, it was clear near the end of Theresa May ’s premiership that she was not prepared to take the UK out of the EU without an agreed arrangement for the continuing relationship between the United Kingdom and the other 27 members of the European Union, in other words, a deal. Her problem was that Parliament was not prepared to accept the deal she had negotiated. 

Since taking office on July 24, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has done everything he can think of to convince the world – and most importantly Brussels – that he is prepared to have his country leave without a deal if necessary. Among his more recent efforts along these lines was the letter he sent last Friday to all 400,000 UK civil servants. Today’s featured quote is taken from that letter. A more fulsome extract follows, including the opening compliment and the Brexit paragraphs.


Dear colleagues,

After just a short time as Prime Minister it is already clear to me why the UK’s Civil Service is so highly regarded around the world, both for its expertise and its dedication to duty, and I very much look forward to working with all of you on the tasks that lie ahead. …

My approach to Brexit is simple, and I want you to be in no doubt about it. …

We must restore trust in our democracy, and fulfil the repeated promises of Parliament to the people, by coming out of the European Union on 31 October. We will be leaving on this date, whatever the circumstances.

I would very much prefer to leave with a deal – one that must abolish the anti-democratic Irish backstop, which has unacceptable consequences for our country.

But I recognise this may not happen. That is why preparing urgently and rapidly for the possibility of an exit without a deal will be my top priority, and it will be the top priority for the Civil Service too.

I know many of you have already done a great deal of hard work in mobilising to prepare for a No Deal scenario, so that we can leave on 31 October come what may.

Between now and then we must engage and communicate clearly with the British people about what our plans for taking back control mean, what people and businesses need to do, and the support we will provide.

On the same day, Friday, the 9th of August, Mr. Johnson told his senior advisers not to schedule any leave between now and the end of October. And press stories today are full of UK plans to cut back that country’s participation in EU meetings.

He may have been writing to British civil servants, but Mr. Johnson’s message was clearly directed to other audiences as well: the world at large, the press, and, most importantly, EU officials. Our impression is that he is having some effect with those first two groups. Increasingly one reads stories that take the UK’s departure from the EU on October 31 as a given. Brussels, or course has not reacted other than to say the withdrawal agreement negotiated with Mrs. May cannot and will not be altered. Could that change? Possible, but certainly not this month. There is a storm brewing in the British parliament, due to hit in mid-September. Labor, the Liberal-Democrats, and Tory remainers will all try to blow the Prime Minister off his current course if not out of office. The world, and Brussels especially, we will want to see how Boris Johnson weathers that storm before opening any new discussion with their UK counterparts.
In the meantime, there is Biarritz.  Boris, Angela, , Justin , the Donalds Trump and Tusk – they will all make their way to the resort on the Bay of Biscay at the end of this month (August 24-26), where Emmanuel Macron will be their host for the 45 annual meeting of the G7. Of course, there will be many other things to talk about, but Brexit is bound to come up – at the very least between Prime Minister Johnson and President Trump.  
A Letter to the British Civil Service takes you to the story in the Daily Telegraph on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s letter to the Civil Service on the need to urgently prepare for a no-deal Brexit. The article also contains the text of the letter. This was the source for today’s featured quote.

Work to Be Done is a Forbes article on Boris Johnson’s efforts to keep his government focused on the planning for a no-deal departure from the European Union on October 31, 2019.  This includes the above quote from his email to senior colleagues.

The Biarritz G7 is a link to the Wikipedia entry on this upcoming meeting. 

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