BRHP Update for Our Property Partners
October 27, 2023
Important Reminder

Are You a New Property Partner?
We are hosting our next Property Partner Orientation, November 8, 2023 in our office located at 100 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201.

Space is limited, use this link to reserve your spot!
Changes to Rent Increase Process
Property Partners must now submit Rent Increases at least 120 days of the effective date.
Our goal here at The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) is to keep our families housed in safe, economically vibrant communities and to do so we need your help.

For rent increases effective April 1, 2024, or later, BRHP must receive the rent increase request at least 120 days before the requested effective date. The rent may not exceed the reasonable rent for the unit as most recently determined by BRHP per HUD requirements.

For example, if you are requesting a rent increase effective July 1, 2024, the request should be submitted online no later than March 1, 2024. Rent increases effective April 1, 2024, must be submitted by November 30, 2023.

Approved requests will be effective the first of the month, 120 days after the receipt of this request or on the date you request on the Rent Increase Form, whichever is later. You will receive written notice from BRHP 30 days prior to the effective date.

All remaining rent increases for 2023 through April 2024, should be submitted as soon as possible.
Unit Listing Tool
Get Your Property Featured
Did you know we have a new online unit listing tool? This tool is available to BRHP voucher households who are actively searching for new homes. If you are interested in listing your property with BRHP, please use this form.

To have your property potentially featured on our Instagram account, please be sure to include photos when listing your property with us. Not all properties will be featured.
Have you seen what resources are available to you on BRHP's website lately? Check it out below.
BRHP | Resources & Forms

The BRHP Search Tool allows any applicant, resident or property partner to quickly determine if a home is in an Opportunity area, and provides an estimated range of rents based on the payment standard. The tool provides valuable neighborhood...

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