Lead Article: The Impact of Construction Vibration on Adjacent Structures
By Dr. Adam A. Yala, PhD, PE, Vice President, J.S. Held, W. Sharkey Bowers, PE, Senior Engineer, J.S. Held, Andrew F. Lovenstein, PE, Senior Engineer, J.S. Held
Construction often occurs near or adjacent to other existing structures. Claims and complaints often arise over real or perceived damages from vibration at construction sites. In the absence of actual peak particle velocity and recorded frequency data, a mathematical analysis of construction vibration can be performed by engineers to provide the interested parties a lateral radius of possible building damage. This paper outlines the basics of a construction vibration analysis. ... Read more
President's Report
An update from Shallan Fitzgerald
April showers bring May flowers, and in a college town like Boston, the month of May can also bring caps and gowns. While we will most likely continue to experience the reverberations of COVID-19 disruptions for years to come, those brightly decorated squares and billowing robes are a welcome sight of a time-honored tradition. ... Read more
Featured Group: Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Boston Chapter
By Peter D. Nardini, PE, Civil Designer, Howard Stein Hudson and UESI Boston Chapter Chair
UESI’s mission is to advance the utility engineering and surveying industry through collaboration, dissemination of technological advances, and raising public awareness. We are a new institute chapter within BSCES and are looking for members to help establish the chapter! Come join us at one of our virtual monthly meetings by emailing UESI@bsces.org. ... Read more
BSCES Public Awareness & Outreach Committee Events Roundup
By Reed Brockman, PE, National Lead, Tunnel Inspections, AECOM and BSCES Public Awareness & Outreach Committee Chair
The BSCES Public Awareness & Outreach Committee hosts a slew of exciting events throughout the year, exposing young minds to different STEM fields. Recently, the Committee just had our annual Future City and Model Bridge competitions and now we are starting up our next adventure – Future Careers. ... Read more
Historic New England Infrastructure: Pennsylvania Road Trip
By Michael Sullivan, PE, Senior Project Manager, Bridge, CHA and BSCES Newsletter Editorial Board Chair
Come along with BSCES Newsletter Editorial Board chair Michael Sullivan on a roadtrip to Pennsylvania and read about historic bridges he saw on the way to Hershey Park! ... Read more