SEI Boston Chapter/Structural Design

VOLUME 48 | ISSUE 3 | November 2023

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President's Report

By Michael R. Cunningham, PE, Senior Principal Engineer, Kleinfelder

The theme of the November issue of the newsletter is Structural Design. From my review of this newsletter’s articles and what I hear from colleagues, structural design is becoming increasingly challenging, but advancements in technology continue to aid our profession in solving the most complex problems. ... Read more

Structural Engineering Institute Boston Chapter Report

By Diego S. Arabbo, PE, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger Inc. and SEI Boston Chapter Chair

The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) is one of nine specialty institutes and technical groups of the American Society of Civil Engineers. SEI’s mission is “to advance and serve the structural engineering profession.” SEI Boston Chapter seeks to engage our local professionals through on-line and in-person events intended to share ideas, showcase advancements in our profession, look towards the future, and provide networking opportunities. ... Read more

Crescent Street Over Millers River Replacement: Solving Engineering Challenges through Successful Stakeholder Partnerships

By Michael Cruz, PE, Bridge Design Group Leader, Green International Affiliates, Inc. and Tiffany Card, PE, Bridge Group Project Manager, Green International Affiliates, Inc.

The Crescent Street Over Millers River Bridge in the town of Athol is under the jurisdiction of MassDOT, and it is nestled within feet of the L.S. Starrett Company manufacturing facilities at all four corners. Starrett has been the leading employer in Athol since its founding in 1881 and over time, the bridge became deeply woven into its operations and therefore vital to the Company and Town. The design team and stakeholders worked together closely to overcome the physical constraints of the site by incorporating unique and innovative engineering solutions during design and construction... Read more

Accelerating the Rehabilitation of a Masonry Arch Bridge

By William Goulet, PE, SE, Senior Structural Engineer, STV Incorporated

The Connecticut River Mainline Bridge 47.90 is a single track masonry arch bridge constructed in 1848 in Northfield, MA that was starting to show accelerated deterioration of the arch during regular inspections. A rehabilitation utilizing accelerated bridge construction techniques was used to restore the structure, prevent future deterioration, and upgrade track infrastructure while minimizing impacts to rail service. ... Read more

Basics of Silo Design Engineering

By Jesus Chavez Sagarnaga, Director of Structural Engineering, Jenike & Johanson, Inc.

Silo structures are some of the most critical pieces of equipment in industrial facilities, and they are heavily used all around the world. Unfortunately, training in undergraduate program level as well as guidance in the literature is limited for the subject of silo design engineering. This article discusses topics such as behavior of stored bulk solids, material-induced loads and structural design of shells which all are critical for a safe, reliable and structurally sound silo design. ... Read more

Bridge Alternatives Analysis: via Artificial Intelligence

By Brian Brenner, Professor of the Practice, Tufts University

Can AI prepare a conceptual design of a bridge? ... Read more


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BSCES Civil Engineering Practice Journal Needs Your Help

Are you working from home? You can use the time you're saving by not commuting to perform a household chore or better yet, write an article for the BSCES Civil Engineering Practice journal. ... Read More

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Would you like to contribute to the newsletter of the oldest civil engineering society in the country? The BSCES Newsletter Editorial Board is seeking members who are willing to write articles for publication in BSCESNews or to join the Editorial Board. BSCESNews articles can be related to an issue’s theme or on any topic of interest to civil engineers. Please see the BSCESNews Article Submission Form containing article submission requirements. Click here to email the Newsletter Editorial Board for more information.

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Help us build the BSCES community by sharing your achievements. Have you or your company recently been recognized for a professional accomplishment, passed the Professional Engineer Exam, received a promotion, or changed employers? Send your news to BSCES Executive Director Rich Keenan

2023 - 2024 Society Sponsors

BSCES Newsletter Editorial Board

Chair: Michael T. Sullivan, PE

Michael R. Cunningham, PE

Anna Dastgheib-Beheshti, PE

Richard F. Keenan

Rishabh Iyer, PE

Angus J. O’Leary, PE

2023 - 2024 BSCES Board of Government

President: Michael R. Cunningham, PE

President-Elect: Christopher P. Hersey, LEED AP

Secretary: Rishabh V. Iyer, PE

Treasurer: Gregory L. Mirliss, STS

Assistant Treasurer: Vacant

Senior Vice Presidents: Kathryn Swanson, PE, Richard A. Matson, PE

Vice Presidents: Antonios Vytiniotis, PhD, PE, Anuja Kamat, PhD

Past President: Ronald K. Burns, PE, LSP, LEED AP

Western MA Branch Vice President: Vacant

Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Daniel B. Robbins, PE

Construction Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Edward G. Breed

Engineering Management Group Chair: Vacant

Environmental & Water Resources Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Yan Zhang, PhD, PE, CFM

Geo-Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Scott J. Kibby. PE

Structural Engineering Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Diego S. Arabbo, PE

Transportation & Development Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Anna Dastgheib-Beheshti, PE

Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Boston Chapter Chair: Sean P. Donlon, PE

Younger Member Group Chair: James B. Gayle

2023–2024 BSCES Program Sponsors

Beals and Thomas, Inc. | Benesch | BETA Group, Inc. | CDM Smith

CHA Consulting, Inc. | Collins Engineers, Inc. | Dewberry | GEI Consultants, Inc.

Geocomp, Inc. | Green International Affiliates, Inc. | GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. | Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

HNTB | Howard Stein Hudson | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. | Nitsch Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. | Skanska USA Civil | Stantec | Tighe & Bond | TranSystems

TREVIICOS | Tufts University - Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Vanasse & Associates, Inc. | VHB | Weston & Sampson | WSP USA Inc.

Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section/ASCE

One Walnut Street, Boston, MA 02108

Phone: 617/227-5551, Fax: 617/227-6783

Email:, Website:

The BSCES newsletter, BSCESNews, is designed to provide information and opinions in regard to the subject matters covered. BSCES and its Board assume no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in this publication. It is published with the understanding that the Board and the authors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The Newsletter Editorial Board encourages reproduction of BSCESNews with appropriate acknowledgment. © 2023 BSCESNews.