June 4, 2024

BSD2 News & Notifications | District & Community Flyers | BSD2 Events Calendar


Celebrating the completion of Blackhawk eighth graders’ BSD2 careers

Congratulations to the 209 students who walked across the stage and into a new era in their academic pursuits during Blackhawk Middle School’s Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony.

During the ceremony, which was held Tuesday, May 29, at Fenton High School, the following students were recognized with special awards: 

BLACKHAWK FACULTY MEMORIAL AWARD | Matylda Piskorz & Alex Mitchell



SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD | Lia Sinacola & Daniel Miguel

BMS PRINCIPAL’S AWARD | Keya Shah & Kaylee Roman

HAWKS RECOGNITION | Kaitlynn Overfield


Tioga and Johnson give their fifth graders a proper send-off to middle school

Families packed the gymnasiums at Tioga and W.A. Johnson Schools last week to celebrate their fifth graders, who are ready to head to Blackhawk in the fall.

Following their touching send-off ceremonies, each school continued its fifth grade celebration with its own set of special events. At Tioga, students enjoyed their traditional picnic in Di Orio Park, and its featured attraction, the dunk tank! At Johnson, the fifth graders loaded onto buses and traveled to Bowlero in Glendale Heights for a fun afternoon of bowling and eating pizza with friends.

Finally, before dismissal on Thursday, the fifth graders at both schools were cheered and applauded by students and staff as they walked the main hallway and left their schools for the last time as Tioga and Johnson students.

All in all, it was a fitting salute to these wonderful students and how they’ve learned and grown together throughout their time at Tioga and W. A. Johnson.


Kindergartners finish the year with memorable musical performances for their parents

The kindergartners at Tioga and W.A. Johnson Schools had a special end-of year message to share before signing off for summer vacation - they're ready for first grade!

With a number of songs and several different dances, they delivered that message in cute, colorful performances for their families, who packed the gymnasiums at Tioga and Johnson for these special moments

Each show made for a fabulous send-off to first grade!


District 2 celebrates the excellent work and career milestones of its teachers and staff

With another successful school year nearly in the books, District 2 employees gathered May 22 at White Pines Golf Club to recognize colleagues who were retiring or celebrating milestone anniversaries with the District, teachers who recently earned tenure with the District, and staff who were honored with the District’s new “Those that Excel” Awards.

“Today is the day that we celebrate our amazing Bensenville School District 2 employees,” said Dr. Katie McCluskey, Superintendent of Schools, to the more than 140 teachers and staff members gathered for the celebration. “It’s not just a day for those that are winning awards, but for all of us in this room. This year did not come without its challenges, but every day, each of us rose to the occasion and worked hard on behalf of our students. I am proud of the collective work that we have accomplished this year, and I hope that you are, too. So before we get started on our recognition awards, I would like to give a round of applause to everyone in this room for all that you have accomplished, and for another great year of learning and growing together!” 


Celebrating our CARE volunteers’ hard work and dedication to BSD2 students

For 28 years and counting, BSD2 CARE volunteers have been helping students refine skills they’re being taught by their classroom teachers. They give just one hour of their time each week to mentor Pre-Kindergarten to eighth-grade students in reading, math, science, and other subjects.

This year, more than 240 CARE volunteers provided more than 6,800 hours of academic support, in some way impacting the lives of almost every BSD2 student.

That’s extraordinary!

"We recognize that there are a million other things that you could do with your time, but you choose to spend it with us, our students and our staff," said Dr. Katie McCluskey, Superintendent of Schools. "We appreciate you more than you will ever know, and the impact you make on a daily basis will be seen long after the year ends. Thank you for choosing to make a difference in District 2, and we can’t wait to have you back again next year!"

District 2 celebrated its CARE volunteers’ service during a special thank you luncheon held Tuesday, May 21, at Salt Creek Golf Club.

During the luncheon, the District recognized CARE mentor Todd Sitzer, Vice President for Human Resources at Semblex Corporation, for 25 years of volunteer service in the CARE program. It recognized Marlene Albiani, the mother of CARE Coordinator Lara Schwarz, for 20 years of service, too. 

The District also honored two local college students for their outstanding service as CARE volunteers – Grace McCormick from Elmhurst University and Tessa Sheeks from College of DuPage. 

Key CARE partners, such as Bensenville Community Public Library, College of DuPage, Elmhurst University, Fenton High School, and Semblex Corporation, were also thanked for their ongoing support of CARE.

To volunteer with CARE or for more information, please contact Lara Schwarz, Community Liaison and CARE Coordinator, at 630-766-2605, ext. 3202 or lschwarz@bsd2.org.


Third-trimester report cards will be mailed to students' homes June 6

Thursday, May 30, was the last day of the 2023-2024 school year, and the end of the third trimester.

On Thursday, June 6, third-trimester report cards will be mailed to all students' home addresses. 

Standards-Based Grading

District 2 uses standards-based grading. This means you will receive scores for standards only. You will not receive an overall score for assignments/assessments. The grading scale is:

  • E- Exemplary (4): The student independently extends and applies key concepts, processes, and skills and can transfer this learning to new contexts.
  • M- Meets (3): The student demonstrates a solid understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills and can consistently apply this learning.
  • P- Progressing (2): The student is progressing toward an understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills with minimal assistance.
  • B- Beginning (1): The student is beginning to understand key concepts, processes, and skills with assistance.

Click here for more information on Standards-Based Report Cards.


New summer nutrition program provides $120 benefit card for qualifying students

Eligible families will receive a $120 benefit card per student to help buy food during the summer through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new Summer Electronic Benefits (EBT) program, also known as SUN Bucks.

Students are automatically enrolled in SUN Bucks if they currently qualify for certain public assistance programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid, or if they are in foster care. The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) will send their families a benefit card to the mailing address on file with their school. (Please make certain your address is up to date.)

Those who are not automatically enrolled can apply for the SUN Bucks benefit if they believe they meet the income threshold. The IDHS Summer EBT website outlines the program’s income requirements, and a Summer EBT application will be posted to the site later this summer. 


Free summer breakfast program offered at Tioga

Bensenville School District 2 will serve FREE breakfast to anyone 18 years and younger throughout the month of June. 

  • Location: Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road
  • Dates: Monday-Thursday, June 5-27 (Breakfast will not be served on Wednesday, June 19.)
  • Time: 8:05-8:30 a.m.

Meals must be consumed on site.


 If you're active on social media, please like and follow the BSD2 Facebook and X pages

If social media is your thing, we’d love it if you’d visit our Facebook and X pages, click the “like” button, and follow our postings to keep up with the latest BSD2 News.

Just login and search for “Bensenville School District 2.”

You’ll know you’re where you belong when you're on a page with the District's new "Learning & Growing Together" logo shown to the right.


Here are the current community flyers posted on the District's website

District 2 has gone "green" in its approach to distributing community flyers.

Rather than sending flyers home with each student via backpack mail, District and community flyers are posted on the BSD2 E-Flyers page for parents to view or print 24/7.

It is estimated that this saves our schools hundreds of hours per year spent sorting and handling the materials, not to mention the number of trees and other resources saved in producing them.


Bensenville School District 2
210 S. Church Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
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