June 7, 2023

BSD2 News & Notifications | District & Community Flyers | BSD2 Events Calendar


Blackhawk's eighth graders are ready to head to high school

Blackhawk Middle School’s eighth graders celebrated the completion of their District 2 careers during their promotion ceremony held Thursday, June 1, at Fenton High School.

Among the 229 eighth graders who participated in the ceremony, the following students were recognized with special awards:


  • BLACKHAWK FACULTY MEMORIAL AWARD | Anaya Blissit & Oswal Zamora
  • FENTON EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AWARD | Ameera Saadeh & Josue Bucio Duran
  • SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD | Carolina Herrera Reyes & Alonso Romero
  • BMS I BELONG AWARD | Ramiyah Green & Aysiah Perez
  • HAWKS RECOGNITION | Josemaria Alvarado


Bensenville Community Foundation’s support

makes for memorable end-of-year celebrations

at BSD2 schools

BCF logo

Fun-filled year-end celebrations and emotional promotion ceremonies can create lifelong memories for both students and parents. 

This year, those experiences were made possible in District 2 through the generous support of the Bensenville Community Foundation, which donated $8,000 to support end-of-year celebrations at all three BSD2 schools.

Here’s how that support made memorable year-end celebrations possible at BSD2 schools.


Before walking across the promotion stage at Fenton, Blackhawk’s eighth graders celebrated the conclusion of their careers as BSD2 students on May 31 with a day at the ballpark and a dance in a tropical paradise.

It was a perfect day for a Chicago Dogs baseball game at Impact Field in Rosemont, and a Hawaiian themed eighth-grade dance in the school’s gymnasium and cafeteria.

These festivities were enjoyed by all eighth graders, who experienced three years at Blackhawk unlike any others, and deserved a special send-off. 


Tioga’s kindergartners are ready for first grade! They celebrated May 30 with a cute, memorable performance for their families, who packed the gymnasium for this special moment. The students looked fabulous in their terrific tie-dyed T-shirts as they sang and danced for their parents and teachers.

The following morning, families once again packed Tioga’s gymnasium to celebrate the school’s fifth graders, who are ready to head to Blackhawk in the fall. Following this touching send-off ceremony, the celebration continued with the traditional fifth-grade picnic in Di Orio Park, and its featured attraction, the dunk tank! The entire day was a fitting salute to these wonderful students and how they’ve learned and grown together throughout their time at Tioga. They looked great in their Tioga Fifth Grade Picnic T-shirts donated by the Foundation, and they had so much fun at the picnic. They will remember this special day for years to come.

And on June 2, Tioga's pre-kindergarten students celebrated the end of the school year with beautiful ceremonies and presentations in their classrooms. After the celebrations, all of them and their families participated in a nice family gathering where they ate a light snack and enjoyed time with their friends, playing and dancing to the rhythm of the DJ.


Johnson’s kindergartners are also ready for first grade! They celebrated June 1 with an adorable performance for their families, who packed the gorgeously decorated gymnasium for this special moment.

The kindergartners’ celebration wasn’t over, though. The next day, they also gathered on the hill for a last-day-of-school picnic with bubble wands for each student. It was a fabulous send-off to first grade! 

Families also packed the gorgeously decorated gymnasium the morning of June 2, the last day of school, to celebrate the school’s fifth graders, who are ready to head to Blackhawk in the fall.

Following this touching send-off ceremony, the celebration continued as the fifth graders loaded onto buses and traveled to Bowlero in Glendale Heights for an afternoon of fun, bowling and eating pizza with friends. The entire day was a fitting salute to these wonderful students and how they’ve learned and grown together throughout their time at Johnson. It was such a fun day, and the students will remember it for years to come.

We would like to thank the Bensenville Foundation for their generosity in not only making these events possible but for creating lasting memories for our D2 students. Thank you!

2023 End-of-Year Celebration & Staff Recognition Video


District 2 recognizes employee achievements in return of its annual celebration of teachers and staff

District 2 capped off Teacher Appreciation Week with the return of its annual end-of-the-year celebration and recognition of teachers and staff, which was held Wednesday, May 10, at White Pines Golf Club. 

Shelved for the past three years due to COVID, the annual ceremony recognizes employees who are retiring or celebrating milestone anniversaries with the District, and teachers who recently earned tenure with the District. 


The District surprised Claire Cooper, its Director of Transportation, with special recognition for her 49 years of service to the District. Mrs. Cooper joined District 2 as a lunch aide in 1974, and moved on to become a bus driver in 1978, and the secretary of the Transportation Department in 1984. She was named Transportation Director in 1999, and has served in that role for the past 24 years.

“She has spent her entire career focused on what matters most: our students,” said Dr. Katie McCluskey, BSD2 Superintendent of Schools. “She knows every street name, pretty much every student name, and can tell you if something is in our boundaries or not without even looking at a map. Claire Cooper has spent 49 years working in District 2. Claire, we look forward to many, many more years of working with you, and cannot wait to celebrate 50 years with you next year.”


The District celebrated the careers of two retiring employees. 

  • Myriam Ayala served for the past 21 years as a bilingual, special education and classroom paraprofessional at W.A. Johnson School before retiring in January. She also served for two years – 1997 and 1998 – as a bilingual paraprofessional at Tioga School.
  • Zachary Ettelbrick served for the past two years as an assistant principal at Blackhawk Middle School, and will retire at the end of this school year. Prior to joining the District, Mr. Ettelbrick served for 16 years – 2006 to 2021 – as a principal, assistant principal and athletic director at Byron Middle School. Before that, he served two years as principal at Kelvin Grove School; 14 years as a teacher at Poplar Grove Elementary; and four years as a teacher at Harlem High School. 


Tenure is the highest honor the BSD2 Board can bestow upon a teacher. The District celebrated 13 teachers who earned this honor this year:


  • Megan Arado, Instructional Coach
  • Justin Chappell, Physical Education Teacher
  • Katherine Lange, Physical Education Teacher
  • Mary Novak, Bilingual Interventionist & Instructional Coach
  • Christina Olakowski, Sixth-Grade SEL Counselor
  • David Podrazik, School Psychologist
  • Susan Ramel, Encore/Music Teacher
  • Renee Swidron, Eighth-Grade Math Teacher


  • Gloria Bek, Second-Grade Teacher 
  • Carissa Cornier-Umana, Bilingual Special Education Resource Teacher
  • Carol Fernandez, Bilingual Fourth-Grade Teacher
  • Stephanie Fitch, Fourth- & Fifth-Grade Special Education Resource Teacher
  • Cristal Hernandez, Dual Language First-Grade Teacher
  • Alyssa Lee, Gifted Teacher
  • Skyelar O’Toole, Fifth-Grade Teacher
  • Faye Rivera, Third-Grade Teacher


  • Diane Bendik, English Learners Specialist
  • Chaelee Krejca, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
  • Rachel Leedom, Second-Grade Teacher
  • Diana Luna, Fourth-Grade English as a Second Language Teacher
  • Jayleen Mercado, Bilingual Fourth-Grade Teacher
  • Domenica Ottolino, Family & Community Engagement Coordinator 
  • Brittany Reinhart, Second-Grade Teacher


Many staff have reached milestone anniversaries since 2019, which was the last time the District was able to hold this celebration due to the COVID pandemic.


BMS students who competed in the Young Entrepreneurial Student Pitch Contest meant business!

Big ideas earned big checks during the District's Second-Annual Young Entrepreneurial Student (YES!) Pitch Contest, which was held May 12 at Blackhawk Middle School.

For the contest, seventh-grade students from Deanna Berardi’s STEM Lab classes were tasked with coming up with a product or service that would solve a problem.

Among the more than 16 entrepreneurial ideas pitched during the contest were DIY lip balm kits, replaceable designer shoe covers, magnetic soccer cleats, and self-watering flower pots. 

In the end, the winners were ...

  • FIRST PLACE – $1,000 | "The Sticky Stick" by Jude Abu-Shukhaidem and Gabby Losak
  • SECOND PLACE – $500 | "Flip Switch" by Nazar Prokulevich and Amir Bess
  • THIRD PLACE – $250 | "Anti-Lean" by Jordan Mendez & Angel Meraz
  • PEOPLE'S CHOICE – Robotics Kit | "Food Refresher" by Kaitlynn Overfield

"No matter the winners, all students that participated were touched with the entrepreneurial spirit," said Lara Schwarz, BSD2 Community Liaison. 

District 2’s Second Annual YES Student Pitch contest was sponsored by Bensenville Chamber of Commerce, Alloyweld Inspection, Bensenville Youth Coalition, Green Street Grille, DuPage Regional Office of Education, DuCAP, and The Bensenville UPS Store.

Special thanks to all those who volunteered to judge the pitch contest: Jim Stoltman, District 2 Board of Education member; Anne Paonessa, District 2 Interim Director for Teaching and Learning; Frank DeSimone, Village of Bensenville President; Denise Gallagher, Bensenville Chamber of Commerce; Jimmy Barber, DuCap Executive Director; Donna Block, Bensenville Youth Coalition; Ralph Fazio, Green Street Grille Manager, and Michelle Papanicolau, Fenton High School Director Postsecondary Pathways & Division Leader for Career and Technical Education.


Thank you to the volunteers in the CARE program for their hard work and dedication to BSD2 students

District 2’s volunteer program is no longer a “project.” 

Just call it CARE now: Cultivating Academic Readiness & Excellence.

That’s right, a rebrand – a new name and a new logo, but so many familiar faces still volunteering to serve BSD2 students as they have for so many years! 

For 27 years and counting, CARE’s volunteers from across the BSD2 community have been helping students refine skills they’re being taught by their classroom teachers. CARE volunteers give just one hour of their time each week to mentor Pre-Kindergarten to eighth-grade students in reading, math, science, and other subjects.

This year, more than 260 CARE volunteers provided more than 6,500 hours of academic support, in some way impacting the lives of almost every BSD2 student.

District 2 celebrated their service during a special thank you luncheon held May 23 at Salt Creek Golf Club.

During the luncheon, the District thanked key CARE partners, such as Bensenville Community Public Library, College of DuPage, Elmhurst College, Fenton High School, Lewis University, and Semblex Corporation.

The District also honored two students for their outstanding service as CARE volunteers – Luke Dolezal from Elmhurst College and Jason Jeffers from College of DuPage. It also recognized CARE mentor Beverly Rosenburg for 15 years of volunteer service in the CARE program.

To volunteer with CARE or for more information, please contact Lara Schwarz, Community Liaison and CARE, at 630-766-2605, ext. 3202 or lschwarz@bsd2.org.


Free summer meal programs available at Tioga

Bensenville School District 2 will serve FREE meals to anyone 18 years and younger throughout the month of June. 

  • Location: Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road (enter at Door 17)
  • Dates: Monday-Thursday, June 6-29 (no meals on Monday, June 19)
  • Breakfast: 8:15-8:45 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:30 a.m.-noon 

Meals must be consumed on site. 


Two-day orientation program will help incoming sixth graders feel like they belong

Everyone belongs at Blackhawk Middle School!

That’s why the school is hosting its new Bridge to Blackhawk two-day orientation program for incoming sixth graders. 

Bridge to Blackhawk will be held right before the start of the 2023-2024 school year to welcome incoming sixth graders and help them become familiar with their new school. 

During the two-day orientation program, the new sixth graders will …

  • Get to know their new classmates
  • Meet teachers, administrators and other staff
  • Tour the school
  • Walk their schedules
  • Set up their lockers
  • Pick-up their technology
  • Learn behavior expectations

SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Bridge to Blackhawk will be held from 8-11:30 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday, August 9 and 10, at Blackhawk Middle School, 250 S. Church Road in Bensenville. 

All incoming sixth graders are encouraged to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to acclimate themselves to their new school! 


Learn more about our employment opportunities for the 2023-2024 school year

Interested in working for Bensenville School District 2?

Check out these open positions we're currently looking to fill for the coming school year. 


  • Elementary Assistant Principal (Anticipated)
  • Student Services Coordinator


  • Third-Grade Teacher
  • Bilingual Third-Grade Co-Teacher
  • Bilingual Fourth-Grade Teacher
  • Fifth-Grade Teacher


  • Art Teacher
  • Science/Social Science Teacher
  • English as a Second Language Teachers - Math & English/Language Arts


  • Preschool Coordinator
  • Self-Contained Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
  • Blended Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
  • Bilingual Pre-Kindergarten Long-Term Substitute
  • Infant/Toddler Specialist


  • Self-Contained Special Education Teacher - Academic Life Skills Program
  • Special Education Resource Teacher
  • Special Education Pre-Kindergarten Teacher


  • Bilingual Third-Grade Co-Teacher
  • Bilingual Fourth-Grade Teacher
  • Bilingual Pre-Kindergarten Long-Term Substitute
  • Middle School English as a Second Language Teachers - Math & English/Language Arts
  • Dual-Language (Spanish) Paraprofessionals


  • Registered Nurse
  • Infant/Toddler Specialist
  • School Psychologist
  • Social Worker for Social Emotional Learning and Chronic Absenteeism
  • Bilingual (Spanish) Speech/Language Pathologist


  • Dual-Language (Spanish) Paraprofessionals
  • Pre-Kindergarten Paraprofessionals
  • Special Education Paraprofessionals
  • Bus Drivers
  • Crossing Guards


  • Administrative Assistant for the Birth-to-3 and Pre-Kindergarten Programs
  • 43-Week Clerical Assistant


  • Bilingual Pre-Kindergarten Long-Term Substitute
  • Middle School General Music Long-Term Substitute
  • Middle School Science/Social Science Long-Term Substitute


 If you're active on social media, please like and follow the BSD2 Facebook and Twitter pages

If social media is your thing, we’d love it if you’d visit our Facebook and Twitter pages, click the “like” button, and follow our postings to keep up with the latest BSD2 News.

Just login and search for “Bensenville School District 2.”

You’ll know you’re where you belong when you're on a page with the District's new "Learning & Growing Together" logo shown to the right.


Here are the current community flyers posted on the District's website

District 2 has gone "green" in its approach to distributing community flyers.

Rather than sending flyers home with each student via backpack mail, District and community flyers are posted on the BSD2 E-Flyers page for parents to view or print 24/7.

It is estimated that this saves our schools hundreds of hours per year spent sorting and handling the materials, not to mention the number of trees and other resources saved in producing them.

Bensenville School District 2
210 S. Church Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
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