May 1, 2023

BSD2 News & Notifications | District & Community Flyers | BSD2 Events Calendar


District 2 welcomes two new members to its Board, and thanks two departing members for their service

Voters elected two newcomers and three incumbents to the Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education during the April 4 election. 

Victoria Gonzalez and Anita Miller will join the Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education, serving four-year terms alongside newly elected incumbents Jacqueline Dye and James Stoltman. Incumbent Bob Laudadio was also re-elected to a two-year post. 

The newly elected Board members will be seated during a special reorganizational meeting, which will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, in the Lifelong Learning Center at the BSD2 Educational Administration Center located at 210 S. Church Road.

During the reorganizational meeting, the Board will vote to appoint new officers. The District will also thank departing members Dr. Chris McCullough and Katie Krajecki, both of whom chose not to seek re-election.


Third-trimester mid-term progress reports were shared on Friday, April 28

Friday, April 21, was the third trimester mid-term.

Third-trimester mid-term progress reports were shared on Friday, April 28.


Parents of kindergarten students received a message via Seesaw regarding students' progress for the second trimester on April 28. If they haven't already, kindergarten parents should contact their child's teacher to get connected to their Seesaw class.

Grades 1-5

Students in Grades 1-5 were sent home with a printed mid-term progress report on April 28. The report will only include comments regarding student progress in math and language arts.

Grades 6-8

Assignment scores for students in Grades 6-8 were viewable on April 28 through the Student Portal of the District's new Power School student information system. Students in Grades 6-8 were shown how to access the PowerSchool Student Portal this fall. Parents are encouraged to sit alongside their students while on a District chromebook to review their assignment scores.


Final presentation will help parents teach their children the importance of setting limits in their lives

Bensenville School District 2 and Fenton High School's Padres Unidos are partnering this year to present a yearlong parent education series facilitated by Chicago-area psychologist Dr. Ferney Ramirez (Spanish) and YWCA clinical therapist Theresa Taylor (English). 

The eighth and final offering in the series will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, May 4, at Fenton High School, located at 1000 W. Green Street in Bensenville.

The presentation is titled “Son, Daughter, I Love You, But With Limits.” It will help parents teach their children the importance of setting limits in their lives. How setting firm boundaries can help them keep their lives in order and provide for their personal security by avoiding negative situations and navigating toxic relationships.

These presentations will be offered in English and Spanish.

Childcare and food will be provided.


Nobody knows your child better than you!

Bensenville School District 2 will conduct free developmental screenings for children ages 3-5 on Thursday and Friday, May 4 and 5. 

These screenings are the first step in identifying children for our Preschool for All program and/or Head Start.

Professionals will assess the development of your child’s gross and fine motor skills, pre-academic readiness, and speech, language, vision and hearing.

Call the Tioga School office at 630-766-2602 ext. 4200 to schedule an appointment for your child’s screening.


Save the date for Blackhawk's eighth grade promotion

Blackhawk Middle School will hold its eighth-grade promotion ceremony on Thursday, June 1, in the field house at Fenton High School, 1000 W. Green Street, Bensenville.

Families of students participating in the promotion ceremony receive a total of six tickets.

Students should arrive at 6:30 p.m. The ceremony starts at 7 p.m.


Don't miss '123 Andrés' performance May 13 at Redmond Park

Andrés and Christina are the Latin Grammy-winning music duo 123 Andrés, and their songs and concerts get the whole family singing and learning in Spanish and English.

Don't miss their show at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 13, at the band shell Redmond Park, located at 545 John Street in Bensenville.

Sponsored by Bensenville School District 2 and Elmhurst School District 205. 


 If you're active on social media, please like and follow the BSD2 Facebook and Twitter pages

If social media is your thing, we’d love it if you’d visit our Facebook and Twitter pages, click the “like” button, and follow our postings to keep up with the latest BSD2 News.

Just login and search for “Bensenville School District 2.”

You’ll know you’re where you belong when you're on a page with the District's new "Learning & Growing Together" logo shown to the right.


Here are the current community flyers posted on the District's website

District 2 has gone "green" in its approach to distributing community flyers.

Rather than sending flyers home with each student via backpack mail, District and community flyers are posted on the BSD2 E-Flyers page for parents to view or print 24/7.

It is estimated that this saves our schools hundreds of hours per year spent sorting and handling the materials, not to mention the number of trees and other resources saved in producing them.

Bensenville School District 2
210 S. Church Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
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