October 25, 2023

BSD2 News & Notifications | District & Community Flyers | BSD2 Events Calendar


Have a happy, healthy Halloween

Halloween is approaching, and celebrations are already in the works across District 2.

Blackhawk Middle School's Halloween Haunted Hangout is tonight -- Grade 6 from 5-6:30 p.m., and Grades 7-8 from 7-8:30 p.m. 

Tioga and W.A. Johnson Schools have also planned costume parades and classroom parties, and will be sharing those details with families in the coming days.

Parents, please review the reminders below to ensure a safe and fun Halloween celebration for everyone!

  • TREATS: Due to allergy concerns and ongoing COVID safety measures, students will not be allowed to pass out anything edible this year, including pre-packaged, store-bought treats.
  • COSTUMES: Students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to school. Face paint, fake blood, and look-alike weapons are not allowed. Masks may be worn during the Halloween parade, but not during the regular school day.
  • ALTERNATE ACTIVITIES: Parents who do not want their children to participate in Halloween celebrations should send a note to their child’s teacher as soon as possible. Students not celebrating will be in the library, engaged in non-Halloween related activities.
  • MORE SAFETY TIPS: Of course, the celebration continues after school with trick-or-treating. The National Safety Council recommends following a few simple steps to ensure you have an extra safe Halloween. Click here to review them.
  • VILLAGE OF BENSENVILLE TRUNK-OR-TREAT: From 3-5 p.m. on Halloween, Bensenville organizations and businesses will be decorating their trunks and handing out candy to children ages 3-11 years old in the parking lot behind Village Hall. Click here for more details.


Don't miss the BSD2 Family Resource Center's grand reopening

Join us from 4-6 p.m. Friday, November 10, for the grand reopening of the BSD2 Family Resource Center located at Door 12 of Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road in Bensenville.


Formerly known as the BSD2 Community Center, the BSD2 Family Resource Center has reorganized with a focus on helping connect District 2 families with our schools and our community partners that provide ... 

  • Assistance Navigating the School System
  • Medical & Legal Aide
  • Food & Clothing Services
  • Citizenship & Language Assistance
  • Social-Emotional Supports
  • Parent Education & Workshops
  • Other Helpful Resources for Families 

Everyone is invited to the grand reopening - parents, students, staff and community members!


That's because the BSD2 Family Resource Center is here to help ALL District 2 families learn and grow together! 


We're grateful for their dedication and leadership!

October is National Principals Month, and Friday was Principal Appreciation Day in Illinois.

We've celebrated by recognizing the remarkable commitment of our school principals: Dr. Perry Finch (Blackhawk), Jeff Kersten (Tioga), and Carlos Patiño (W.A. Johnson).

Thank you for your dedication to education and for your leadership in our schools.


Join us in thanking our bus drivers for the vital service they provide our students and families!

Every day, District 2 bus drivers safely transport more than 1,100 students to and from school. They are often the first BSD2 employees to greet them in the morning, and the last to wish them well at the end of the day. Over years of driving the same routes, they become friendly faces who form lasting relationships with their students as they watch them grow and develop throughout their time in District 2.

As we continue to encounter challenges related to the ongoing nationwide shortage of school bus drivers, our crew continues to go above and beyond, adjusting as necessary every day to ensure that their students safely make it to school and back.

In celebration of National School Bus Safety Week (October 16-20), we want to invite you to join us in recognizing our bus drivers for their commitment to their students and to the District.

Thank you, BSD2 Bus Drivers! We appreciate your work, and want you to know that you play a vital role in our everyday efforts to learn and grow together!


Thank you, Bensenville-Wood Dale Rotary, for keeping BSD2 students warm this winter

Bensenville-Wood Dale Rotary Club's Coats4Kids distribution was held Saturday, October 14, at W.A. Johnson School.

This annual event provides around 500 new winter coats for BSD2 students in need. Their families are referred to Coats4Kids by teachers and school staff looking to ensure that every student has a warm coat to wear in the winter.

District 2 both benefits and supports Coats4Kids. Lara Schwarz, BSD2 Community Liaison, is President of Bensenville-Wood Dale Rotary, and James Stoltman, a BSD2 Board Member, is its Vice President.

Every year, numerous staff, students and community members also support the program by donating money to buy new coats and by volunteering to help with distribution.

Thanks to everyone who supported Coats4Kids this year!


BSD2 schools celebrated students’ Hispanic Heritage in a variety of ways

Hispanic Heritage Month was September 15 through October 15, and the monthlong celebration took shape in a variety of ways throughout BSD2 schools.


To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, BMS students took over the morning announcements on Tuesdays and Fridays, and shared stories about significant Hispanic figures and historical events and their impact on the world.


Kindergarten students at W.A. Johnson School celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month by creating their own alebrijes. Alebrijes are brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastic creatures. These young artists really used their imaginations to craft their own versions of these colorful creatures. 


Throughout the month-long celebration, Tioga students enjoyed read-alouds and sing-alongs of Hispanic stories and songs. Additionally, many Tioga staff members collaborated to create a powerful display that showcased artifacts and shared stories of their families’ Hispanic heritage.

SPECIAL SERVICES PARENT GROUP 'Who is in your SpEd Team?' Find out at Wednesday evening's meeting

REMINDER: Bensenville School District 2 is hosting a parent engagement series for families of students receiving specialized services.

The next meeting will be tonight, Wednesday, October 25, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road (enter Door 43). The meeting will focus on: Who is in your SpEd TEAM?

For more information, contact Blanca Cruz, Early Childhood Outreach Coordinator, at 630-766-2602 ext. 4275 or bcruz@bsd2.org


Get low-cost, high-speed service through Internet Essentials from Comcast

You may be eligible to receive Internet service and equipment for just $9.95 month through Internet Essentials from Comcast.

Keep you and your family connected for work, remote learning and everything else you need to do online.




Looking for part-time employment? District 2 has the perfect opportunity for you!

District 2 is looking to fill several part-time positions that are perfect employment opportunities for retirees and for parents interested in working while their children are at school.


Being a part-time bus driver is a rewarding opportunity! Pay starts at $27 per hour with a $2,000 sign-on bonus. The position includes sick days and contributions toward an IMRF pension. District 2 also provides paid training for the required commercial driver’s license and longevity bonuses for years of service. 


Many of our lunch and recess supervisors are parents working part time during the middle of the day while their children are at school. Lunch and recess supervisors work with students in order for students to eat lunch, come and go from the lunchroom and playground, and monitor students’ behavior while they eat and play. Some supervisors also work breakfast shifts. Pay starts at $14.30 per hour.


Crossing guards work short shifts every morning and every afternoon, helping students cross busy intersections and walkways on their way to and from school. Pay starts at $14.30 per hour.


 If you're active on social media, please like and follow the BSD2 Facebook and Twitter pages

If social media is your thing, we’d love it if you’d visit our Facebook and Twitter pages, click the “like” button, and follow our postings to keep up with the latest BSD2 News.

Just login and search for “Bensenville School District 2.”

You’ll know you’re where you belong when you're on a page with the District's new "Learning & Growing Together" logo shown to the right.


Here are the current community flyers posted on the District's website

District 2 has gone "green" in its approach to distributing community flyers.

Rather than sending flyers home with each student via backpack mail, District and community flyers are posted on the BSD2 E-Flyers page for parents to view or print 24/7.

It is estimated that this saves our schools hundreds of hours per year spent sorting and handling the materials, not to mention the number of trees and other resources saved in producing them.


Bensenville School District 2
210 S. Church Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
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