Wednesday, September 27, is the first-trimester mid-term.
First-trimester mid-term progress reports will be shared on Friday, October 6.
Parents of kindergarten students will receive a message via Seesaw regarding students' progress for the first trimester on October 6. If they haven't already, kindergarten parents should contact their child's teacher to get connected to their Seesaw class.
Grades 1-5
Students in Grades 1-5 will be sent home with a printed mid-term progress report on October 6. The report will only include comments regarding student progress in math and language arts.
Grades 6-8
Assignment scores for students in Grades 6-8 will be viewable on October 6 through the Student Portal of the PowerSchool student information system. Students in Grades 6-8 were shown how to access the PowerSchool Student Portal earlier this year. Parents are encouraged to sit alongside their students while on a District chromebook to review their assignment scores.
Standards-Based Grading
District 2 uses standards-based grading. This means you will receive scores for standards only. You will not receive an overall score for assignments/assessments.
The grading scale is:
E - Exemplary (4): The student independently extends and applies key concepts, processes, and skills and can transfer this learning to new contexts.
M - Meets (3): The student demonstrates a solid understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills and can consistently apply this learning.
P - Progressing (2): The student is progressing toward an understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills with minimal assistance.
B - Beginning (1): The student is beginning to understand key concepts, processes, and skills with assistance.
Click here for more information on Standards-Based Report Cards.