September 26, 2023

BSD2 News & Notifications | District & Community Flyers | BSD2 Events Calendar


BSD2 Early Childhood Program meets state’s highest goals for quality

The Illinois State Board of Education recently recognized Bensenville School District 2’s Pre-Kindergarten Program with the “Gold Circle of Quality.”

Issued through ExceleRate Illinois, the state’s system for supporting continuous improvement among early learning providers, the “Gold Circle of Quality” is the highest rating a program can earn.

The BSD2 Pre-Kindergarten Program earned this honor in 2019, and received it again this year for continuing to be “actively engaged in continuous quality improvement,” and for meeting the “highest standards for quality” in four areas: 

  • Teaching & Learning 
  • Family & Community Engagement
  • Leadership & Management
  • Qualifications & Continuing Education


First-trimester mid-term progress reports will be available Friday, October 6

Wednesday, September 27, is the first-trimester mid-term.

First-trimester mid-term progress reports will be shared on Friday, October 6.


Parents of kindergarten students will receive a message via Seesaw regarding students' progress for the first trimester on October 6. If they haven't already, kindergarten parents should contact their child's teacher to get connected to their Seesaw class.

Grades 1-5

Students in Grades 1-5 will be sent home with a printed mid-term progress report on October 6. The report will only include comments regarding student progress in math and language arts.

Grades 6-8

Assignment scores for students in Grades 6-8 will be viewable on October 6 through the Student Portal of the PowerSchool student information system. Students in Grades 6-8 were shown how to access the PowerSchool Student Portal earlier this year. Parents are encouraged to sit alongside their students while on a District chromebook to review their assignment scores.

Standards-Based Grading

District 2 uses standards-based grading. This means you will receive scores for standards only. You will not receive an overall score for assignments/assessments.

The grading scale is:

  • E - Exemplary (4): The student independently extends and applies key concepts, processes, and skills and can transfer this learning to new contexts.
  • M - Meets (3): The student demonstrates a solid understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills and can consistently apply this learning.
  • P - Progressing (2): The student is progressing toward an understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills with minimal assistance.
  • B - Beginning (1): The student is beginning to understand key concepts, processes, and skills with assistance.

Click here for more information on Standards-Based Report Cards.


Thank you for attending! We hope to see and hear from you again soon!

All three District 2 schools and the BSD2 Pre-Kindergarten Program hosted their curriculum nights last week, and the turnout for each event was great!

Thanks to all of our parents and families who took the opportunity to visit their children’s classrooms, get to know their teachers, and - most importantly - learn more about what their students will be studying this year!

Remember: we want to see and hear from you again! Please make plans to attend other family engagement activities throughout the year.

Also, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns!


Friday was a fantastic fall night at Johnson!

The W.A. Johnson School community came together again Friday night for another awesome evening of great food and family fun!

Thank you to all of the families that came out to enjoy Johnson Fall Fest, and thank you to everyone - the Johnson PTA, staff, volunteers and vendors - who worked together to make it such an amazing event!


Tioga celebrates with read-alouds, sing-alongs and showcase of staff's Hispanic heritage

Hispanic Heritage Month began Friday, September 15, and runs through Sunday, October 15.

Throughout the month-long celebration, students at Tioga School will enjoy read-alouds and sing-alongs of Hispanic stories and songs.

Additionally, many Tioga staff members have collaborated to create a powerful display that showcases artifacts and shares the stories of their families’ Hispanic heritage.


STAR Team's annual breakfast helps new students feel like they belong

Blackhawk Middle School treated its new students to a special breakfast this morning as a way of welcoming them to the community and making them feel like they belong.

Each new student could also invite a new friend to enjoy the breakfast with them.

Blackhawk's STAR Team organizes the breakfast each year, and STARburst students also attend it so the new students can acquaint themselves with peer leaders who can answer questions and help them adjust to their new school.


First meeting to cover IEP and IFSP process

Bensenville School District 2 is hosting a parent engagement series for families of students receiving specialized services.

The group's first meeting will be from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, September 27, at Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road (enter Door 43). The meeting will focus on supporting families through their student’s IEP and IFSP processes.

For more information, contact Blanca Cruz, Outreach Coordinator, at

630-766-2602 ext. 4275 or


BSD2 Board approves 2023-2024 budget

The District 2 Board of Education approved the 2023-2024 budget at its September 20 meeting.

The budget projects a small surplus, with expenditures and revenues roughly balancing at $46.3 million. At its low point, the District’s fund balance is projected to stand at $28 million at the end of May.

The budget will allow the District to continue to offer all of its programs while continuing renovations at Blackhawk and expanding its meal program to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. 




Looking for part-time employment? District 2 has the perfect opportunity for you!

District 2 is looking to fill several part-time positions that are perfect employment opportunities for retirees and for parents interested in working while their children are at school.


Being a part-time bus driver is a rewarding opportunity! Pay starts at $27 per hour with a $2,000 sign-on bonus. The position includes sick days and contributions toward an IMRF pension. District 2 also provides paid training for the required commercial driver’s license and longevity bonuses for years of service. 


Many of our lunch and recess supervisors are parents working part time during the middle of the day while their children are at school. Lunch and recess supervisors work with students in order for students to eat lunch, come and go from the lunchroom and playground, and monitor students’ behavior while they eat and play. Some supervisors also work breakfast shifts. Pay starts at $14.30 per hour.


Crossing guards work short shifts every morning and every afternoon, helping students cross busy intersections and walkways on their way to and from school. Pay starts at $14.30 per hour.


 If you're active on social media, please like and follow the BSD2 Facebook and Twitter pages

If social media is your thing, we’d love it if you’d visit our Facebook and Twitter pages, click the “like” button, and follow our postings to keep up with the latest BSD2 News.

Just login and search for “Bensenville School District 2.”

You’ll know you’re where you belong when you're on a page with the District's new "Learning & Growing Together" logo shown to the right.


Here are the current community flyers posted on the District's website

District 2 has gone "green" in its approach to distributing community flyers.

Rather than sending flyers home with each student via backpack mail, District and community flyers are posted on the BSD2 E-Flyers page for parents to view or print 24/7.

It is estimated that this saves our schools hundreds of hours per year spent sorting and handling the materials, not to mention the number of trees and other resources saved in producing them.

Bensenville School District 2
210 S. Church Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
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