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Volume 9; Issue 5
| August 2013
Just as the dust was settling after filming two television programs and a magazine story, this month we were approached by another TV producer who is looking to interview biotherapists for a new TV series: "Health Explorer." Read more about this medical television program in this newsletter, and contact the producer if you would be interested and willing to speak to him about maggot therapy or other biotherapeutic modalities. Contact him today . . . this could be your 15 minutes of fame!
Thank you to the GoodSearch users who have raised $211.68 for the BTER Foundation! If you are not already a GoodSearch user, please sign up so that every time you search the internet, GoodSearch donates to the BTER Foundation and other charities.
Have you voted for your favorite biotherapy video? Have you renewed your membership in the BTER Foundation? If so, Thank You! If not, What are your waiting for?
Finally, in this issue we present a few updates on eCAM's call for papers on biotherapy, and how the BTER Foundation aims to assist you.
Ron Sherman
Biotherapy to Get More Airtime
"Health Explorer" to Explore Maggot Therapy
Juan Rivera, MD, will host a new TV program: "Health Explorer." Viewers will follow Dr. Rivera as he looks for fascinating cures to some of today's biggest medical problems. The show is being produced for a new cable network called "Fusion," co-owned by ABC and Univision.
The BTER Foundation was contacted by the producer, in search of maggot therapists to interview for this new medical program.
If you would be interested and willing to speak to him, please contact the producer directly at:
Edgar Perez, Supervising Producer
DiGa Vision LLC
Office: (646) 532-2540
Cell: (305) 766-6227
[email protected]
Although other biotherapies have not yet been slated as topics for the program, therapists with experience in bacteriophage therapy, bee venom therapy, helminthic therapy, hirudotherapy, or service / therapy animals should also contact Mr. Perez to let him know what you do, and that you are available for an interview if he and his program staff are interested.
GoodSearch Success
GoodWork Everybody!The BTER Foundation would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all our supporters who have been using GoodSearch! Through your use of the GoodSearch search engine, we have raised $211.68. If you would like GoodSearch to support the BTER Foundation with just a click of a button, please visit and select the BTER Foundation as one of the organizations you want them to support.
Updated Call for Papers
eCAM is Soliciting Biotherapy Articles
The journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) has extended it's deadline for submission of articles for the upcoming special issue on medicinal invertebrates and their products. The new deadline is November 1, 2013. Contact the editors straight away if interested in submitting a manuscript.
For more information, see the eCAM announcement web page .
We have heard from several authors about the publication fee for this Open Access journal (a common practice for high-quality journals that make their articles free of charge to any reader and accept no paid advertising). If paying the fee will be a financial hardship, contact the BTER Foundation; we may have a few remaining Publication & Presentation Grants.
Vote for your Favorite Video | Don't Forget to Vote! Please visit our webpage to watch the submitted biotherapy contest videos and vote for your favorite one. This year's submissions feature documentaries on leech therapy and maggot therapy, as well as an animated film about doctor-patient communication. To vote, go to each video's YouTube page and click the "like" button. The video with the most likes will be the winner of the 2012 video contest!You may vote for as many videos as you wish, but only one vote per video. If you want a video to receive more votes, tell your friends to vote!
Join (or Rejoin) the BTER Foundation Today
| Are you a member of the BTER Foundation? If so, Thank You for supporting the organization that has brought biotherapy to thousands of patients, and information to hundreds of thousands. This would not be possible without all of our volunteers and members.
If you are not yet a member, or if your membership has lapsed . . . please review all of the benefits of membership.
Membership often pays for itself in program discounts. Members qualify for free access to our entire Biotherapy Library (with the cost of membership being less than the cost of ordering one or two scientific papers from the publisher, based on the dues for Community and Student members).
Other benefits include: free educational materials, free insurance billing assistance, discounts on workshops and conferences, and more.
2013 Conferences & Events :
Biotherapy Workshops & Webinars
4th Annual Palliative Wound Care Conference - Indianapolis, IN; May 16-18, 2013
Wild on Wounds 2013 Conference (WOW) - Las Vegas, NV; September 11-14, 2013
Eastern Idaho Wound Care Conference 2014 - ID; April 18-19, 2014 Conferences with Biotherapy Lectures & Exhibits 4th Annual Palliative Wound Care Conference - Indianapolis, IN; May 16-18, 2013
Wild on Wounds 2013 Conference (WOW) - Las Vegas, NV; September 11-14, 2013
Symposium on Advanced Wound Care - Las Vegas, NV; September 27-29, 2013
Eastern Idaho Wound Care Conference 2014 - ID; April 18-19, 2014 How About a Workshop in Your Town?
To arrange a maggot therapy or leech therapy workshop in your community, contact the BTER Foundation. Local and national experts are available to provide 1-hour lectures, full day workshops, and anything in between. Know about something we don't? Let us know of any biotherapy news or event that isn't on our list, so we can make sure that everyone knows about it!
doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Publication Credits |
THE BeTER LeTTER is published by:
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation 36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617 Phone: 949-679-3000 / Fax: 949-679-3001 [email protected] /
Ronald A. Sherman
Assistant Editor:
Lynn Wang
Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Dr. Robert McKie, Dr. Jacques Oskam, Sheri Rosen, Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi, Catalina Wang,
Dr. Shou Yu Wang. Your name could be here!
Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston, Dr. Aletha Tippett
Foundation Board
Ronald A Sherman (Chair); Randall Sullivan (Secretary);
Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS (Chair, Programs & Grants Committee); Donna Beales. Your name could be here, too!
Administrative Assistant Karin Thompson |