At City with Dwellings, our work BUILDING COMMUNITY to support persons experiencing homelessness often morphs into BEING COMMUNITY with individuals as they work to end their experience of homelessness.
Our staff and volunteers WALK BESIDE individuals starting the housing process at the Community First Center and connect them to helpful resources. We continue to OFFER ENCOURAGEMENT through what can be a complicated path out of homelessness, and if we’re lucky, we’re there to CELEBRATE when friends move into housing. Along the way, relationships are created and we BECOME COMMUNITY.
All of this is possible because of an amazing network of volunteers who connect with CwD in such a wide variety of ways. Whether helping with the Overflow Shelter, mobilizing to support the Medically Fragile Shelter, volunteering to get housing units ready for occupancy, or helping at the Community First Center, it all happens because our community of volunteers is committed to BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY.
With Love,
The City with Dwellings Team