BUSD Community Connections

August 2024

Our monthly newsletter is a great way to learn about the latest news at Berryessa Union School District. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates and visit our website for calendar and meeting information.

Message from the Superintendent

Dear Berryessa Community,

Welcome back! We are so excited to have you join us for the 2024-2025 school year! If you are joining our vibrant school community for the first time, we look forward to working with you to support your learning. If you are a returning student, we are thrilled to continue this journey with you. Either way, we cannot wait to see the amazing things you will achieve this year. 

Last school year, our BUSD parents, staff, students, and community helped us achieve some remarkable accomplishments, including several special community events, student and school recognitions, as well as, the grand opening of the Piedmont gymnasium, and so much more! 

This year, we will continue to provide all students with an incredible learning experience to become lifelong learners and successful 21st century global citizens. Let’s continue to support one another and work together to make this year the best yet!

With BUSD pride,

Dr. Roxane Fuentes



Watch a message from Dr. Fuentes

Back to School Tips

Starting at a new school or simply returning to the same campus after summer break can bring challenges as students adapt to new routines and schedules.

There are many ways parents and guardians can support their children’s transition. Here are tips from healthychildren.org:

  • Parents and guardians can remind their child that teachers know that students may be nervous about the first day of school; they will make an extra effort to make sure everyone feels as comfortable as possible.
  • Point out the positive aspects of school to help your kids look forward to the first day of class. Talk about how they will see old friends and meet new ones, for example.
  • Develop a healthy sleep routine. Help your child adjust to earlier bedtimes a week or two before the new school year starts.
  • Create a bedtime routine that is consistent to help your child settle down and fall asleep. For example, a calming pre-bedtime routine may involve a bath/shower, reading with them, tucking them in and saying goodnight.
  • Have your child turn off electronic devices well before bedtime. 
  • Plan for safe travel to & from school. 
  • Children who eat a nutritious breakfast function better. 
  • Consider backpack safety: Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. 

Attendance is Essential

We always emphasize the role that consistent attendance plays in allowing for academic achievement and overall student success. Research shows that regular school attendance directly relates to increased academic performance, improved social skills, and increased graduation rates.

The Importance of Attendance:

  • Academic Excellence: Regular attendance is fundamental to achieving higher academic scores and mastering essential school expectations.
  • Community: Consistent school attendance creates stronger bonds among peers and educators, creating a supportive learning environment for all students.   
  • Preparation for Future Opportunities: Punctuality and consistent attendance allow for crucial life skills that are necessary for future academic interests and professional goals.

Ways to Support your Student:

  • Establish a Consistent Routine: Create a structured morning schedule to ensure punctual arrival at school each day.
  • Effective Communication: Promptly inform the school of any absences and work with teachers to complete missed coursework.  
  • Encourage Engagement: Foster enthusiasm for learning by actively participating in school activities and emphasizing the value of education.

Additional Resources:

Berryessa Union School District Attendance Policy

Attendance Works

Updates from Student Nutrition Services

It is important to know that school meals will continue to be FREE for ALL students thanks to California’s Universal Meals program. Each student may receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day. Meals include fruit, vegetables, and milk. Milk taken separately from a meal costs $0.75 (covered by Universal Meals program if taken with a school meal).

Please note that families are strongly encouraged to apply for Free and Reduced price meals in 2024-25 in order to increase funding for school programs and possibly qualify for a Summer-EBT gift card and discounts on after school programs, utilities & internet.

Don’t wait! If you apply online for free and reduced price meals by August 23rd and you qualify, your student(s) will receive a $120 Summer-EBT gift card (if not already received this summer) from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). For more info, visit the CDSS webpage: https://www.cdss.ca.gov/sun-bucks

Paper applications will be accepted as well, but must be received at the SNS office prior to August 23rd to allow for longer processing time. To access our online free and reduced price meal application, click here.

The application may also be downloaded from the SNS Meal Applications webpage and dropped off at the Student Nutrition Services office; printed applications are available at the SNS office as well. Please call 408-923-1875 or 408-923-1879 if you need any assistance.

Student Nutrition Services needs your help! We hire Substitutes throughout the year, but especially at the start of the school year! Substitute food service staff are needed in our school kitchens almost daily to cover staff absences.

Hours are typically 2-3 hours during mid-day (late morning/early afternoon). If interested, please apply on edjoin.org.

For questions about this on-call position, please contact our office at 408-923-1875.

You Are Invited to BUSD Town Hall Meetings

BUSD will be hosting town hall meetings at our three middle schools for all members of our community to learn more details about the School Consolidation Advisory Committee’s work and the process that lies ahead. We encourage members of our community to attend. Translation services will be available.

You can also continue to learn more about our BUSD School Consolidation Advisory Committee work by visiting our district website where we post presentations, meeting information, community updates and more.

School Consolidation Advisory Committee Updates

Watch Our Board Meetings via Live Stream 

Our next Board meeting will be on August 14, 2024.

To better serve you, board meetings are now being live streamed! You can stay informed and watch these meetings from the comfort of your home. Please note that to participate in the meeting or make comments, you must attend in person. 


For more information about the BUSD Board Meetings, please click here

2024-2025 School Year Calendar
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Berryessa Union School District
(408) 923-1800