World Traveler: Find the Flag and Mystery Country
Up to June 30th, All Day
This event takes place all of June. Find the flag and get a prize! Once you get all the stamps on your “World Passport” activity card, provided by the library staff, you will receive a World Traveler Certificate! Want a challenge? Try to find the mystery county using only one hint given by staff every week! For more information, please click here.
Vivarium with Owen Maereks
July 7th, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Learn about reptiles and amphibians with our guest speaker, Owen Maereks! The library will be hosting an event to learn more about amphibians and will actually have a few reptilian guests! For more information, please visit their website.
Indoor Music and Movement Storytime
1st and 3rd Tuesday, 5:00pm-5:30pm
Every first and third Tuesday of the month, the library offers storytime through songs and rhymes! Make sure to stop by the front desk to get a ticket due to limited capacity. More information can be found here.
Science Day
July 2nd, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Did you know strawberries have a lot more DNA than any other fruit? Learn more about strawberry DNA and many other scientific concepts! To learn more, click here.
Free Vision Screening
July 18th, 10:00am-3:00pm
Get a free vision screening and eye exam at the library! This is available for children ages 5-18. No registration or insurance is required. For more details, please visit the SJPL website.
Make this summer an educational summer, whether it be learning about our reptilian friends, different countries, how to draw, or even learning what it takes to be an author! There is always something new to learn at the Berryessa Branch Library!