We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 the Berryessa Union Board of Education approved the selection of Dr. Greg Barnes as the new Piedmont MS principal for the 2024-25 school year. Dr. Barnes comes to us with a wealth of experience and is looking forward to meeting the Piedmont students, families, and staff.
Dr.Barnes is thrilled to join the BUSD family, seeing this new role as the
fulfillment of long-held promises. With 25 years of experience in public
education, he brings extensive site and district leadership expertise.
Beginning a career as a 7th-grade science teacher, Dr. Barnes quickly
transitioned into site leadership, spending over a decade working with
students, staff, and parents on curriculum development, social-emotional
learning, and initiatives focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
His district leadership experience has equipped him to address the diverse needs of individual school communities while further pursuing his passions.
"As Principal, I'll work tirelessly to build a community of partners and learners
dedicated to meeting each student's personalized needs," Dr. Barnes
shared. "I'm excited to be part of a community that supports the same
foundations of education as I do, and I look forward to meeting everyone
soon." Welcome, Dr. Barnes, to the BUSD team!