BUSD Community Connections

March 2023

Our monthly newsletter is a great way to learn about the latest news at Berryessa Union School District. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates and visit our website for calendar and meeting information.

Message from the Superintendent

Dear Berryessa Community, 

This month our school district is celebrating Women’s History Month. We recognize the significant contributions that women in our very own Berryessa community have made. Our women heroes are all around us.   


In the spirit of celebration, we are celebrating the many wonderful achievements of our students and staff. Our students are celebrating an important milestone in their education by becoming bilingual or multilingual, and our teachers are recognized for their completion of National Board Certification!


There is still lots to achieve, and we look forward to working together. Thank you for your continued support of our school district and students!

With BUSD Pride, 

Dr. Roxane Fuentes 


Watch a special message from Dr. Fuentes: 

Piedmont Middle School Gym Groundbreaking

BUSD celebrated the Groundbreaking for the new Piedmont Middle School gymnasium and window replacement on Friday, February 17, 2023. In July 2022, the District applied to the State of California Budget Committee for grant funding for a new gymnasium and window replacement at Piedmont Middle School. 


BUSD has been awarded $10M in grant funds for the Piedmont Middle School projects. On March 8, 2023 the BUSD Board of Trustees accepted the State of California Department of General Services Regional K16 Education Collaboratives Grant Program Agreement for $10M for a new gymnasium and window replacement. 


Piedmont Middle School, which was built in 1959, still has its original multipurpose space that functions as a gymnasium/cafeteria with windows that are over 60 years old. The funding secured will provide Piedmont Middle School with a new state of the art facility with a full-size middle school basketball court and a bleacher section. It will allow for expanded lunch service, will meet athletic sporting event standards for competition, and will provide a space for community services. 


We thank 25th District Assemblymember Alex Lee for his advocacy for BUSD at the state level.

Reclassification Ceremony for English Proficient Students

On March 1st, Berryessa Union School District hosted our annual Reclassification Ceremony, honoring our 202 multilingual students who have worked hard to fulfill the requirements to be reclassified as English Proficient. Each student met or exceeded standards on the rigorous state assessments which include the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California Test and the state Smarter Balanced Assessment in English and Math. This is no small feat, and it was a great delight to celebrate this achievement with family, caregivers, friends, and principals. 


Dr. Yee Wan, from the Santa Clara County Office of Education, spoke on the value of being bilingual, and guests were entertained by Morrill’s orchestra and Cherrywood’s very own Lion Dancers! It was a joyous occasion, made even more special by our ability to celebrate in person again after a 3-year hiatus.

Congratulations, Berryessa students and educators!

Recognizing Two National Board Certified Teachers  

Ms. Sandhya Raman of Morrill Middle School and Ms. Liz Escobar-Ausman of Vinci Park Elementary School Teacher earned their National Board Certification this year!  


The National Board Certification (NBC) is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that goes beyond state licensure. “National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education.“ NBC has national standards and four key components that teachers must accomplish. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous 2-3 year certification process. 


We congratulate Ms. Sandhya Raman and Ms. Liz Escobar-Ausman! They are an inspiration to us all and daily demonstrate their love of teaching and learning.

Women's History Month

March is Women’s History Month. We are celebrating the achievements of women not only in our country, but in our community! Our women heroes are all around us, and we celebrate the women who are making a difference every day. Watch and listen to Dr. Fuentes read "Ambitious Girl" by Meena Harris.

Learn more about Women’s History Month with these resources.

Women's History Month

How to Celebrate Women's History Month with Kids

SJPL Women's History Month Resources

San Jose Women's History Month Resources

Read Across America Week 2023

BUSD celebrated Read Across America week with a variety of activities across our schools! Literacy is a tool that is important for our entire lives, and our students are finding their love of reading each day. Take a look!

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Berryessa Union School District
(408) 923-1800