As shared in our August newsletter, the BUSD Board of Trustees and administration are committed to working diligently to address the District’s current budget challenges. We continue to work on the directive from the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) to identify $6M in reductions by the end of this calendar year.
The BUSD Budget Stabilization Committee, consisting of diverse representation from the California Teacher Association Berryessa (CTAB), the California School Employee Association (CSEA), Teamsters, BUSD parents, and a combination of site and District office administrators, has been hard at work and have held several meetings. Their feedback is an essential part of this process.
The next committee meeting will be held on September 21st to discuss their proposals in detail and to determine the priority of those ideas, so they can be presented to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees for recommended adoption before the end of 2023.
We look forward to sharing more updates each step of the way. More information regarding our budget development process and about the Budget Stabilization Committee is available on our website. Thank you for your support and partnership!