BUSM  This Week     
October 15, 2017
News news

Congratulations to the officers who were recognized and thank you to all members of the Department for your hard work and dedication.  Watch the video!

Researchers examined the statistical relationship between coronary artery disease and the presence of mental health conditions in female veterans over the age of 45.

A three-year, $446K grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will be used to explore different approaches to capturing health data using mobile devices such as smartphones.
In the Mediainthemedia

Neelam Vashi, MD

Caroline Apovian, MD
Faculty Actionfacultyaction

The chosen faculty member will serve a three-year term on the Medical Education Committee.

Learn More and Vote
10/16: A Talk & Conversation with 
David Acosta, MD

Monday, Oct. 16
11 a.m.-noon
Bakst Auditorium

Join David A. Acosta, MD, c hief diversity and inclusion officer of the AAMC, for his talk, "Actualizing Inclusion Excellence: The Next Generation of Work for Academic Medicine." 
"Moving the Needle on Diversity in the Biomedical Workforce"

Monday, Oct. 16
3-5 p.m.
Instructional Building, Hiebert Lounge

Attend the first Provost Workshop of the academic year to discuss tools and best practices in building a more diverse biomedical workforce.

Learn More
Please visit the  calendar  for a full listing of grand rounds, lectures and events for this week.
Save the Datesavethedate
10/28: Student Financial Services
Open House

Thursday, Oct. 26
2-4:30 p.m.
Robinson Building, B401

Celebrate SFS's new space and new director! Interact with staff, win raffle prizes and enjoy refreshments. 

RSVP to osfs@bu.edu.

Wednesday, Nov. 15
7-9 p.m.
Museum of Science - Cahners Theater 

Learn what is possible now and what may be possible in the near future in Precision Medicine, aided by interdisciplinary research and Team Science, using examples of research from Alzheimer's Disease. Featuring Katya Ravid, DSc; Lindsay Farrer, PhD; Rhoda Au, PhD; and Alice Cronin-Golomb, PhD.

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