BUSM This Week                                
April 24, 2016

News news
Shipley Foundation gift will fund research in personalized medicine.

Two Faculty Selected for 2016 Alpha Omega Alpha Induction

Robert M. Beazley, MD and Paul Tornetta, III, MD have been selected for induction in the 2016 Alpha Omega Alpha national medical honor society.
As medical director of CFHI, Gabrielle A. Jacquet, MD, MPH, emergency medicine, will assist with pre-departure training and research as well as curriculum development.

In the Media inthemedia

Is Crowdfunding An OK Way To Raise Money For Zika Research?

Nahid Bhadelia, MD, MA 

CDC to Investigate When Kids Should Start Playing Football
Robert Cantu, MA, MD, FACS, FACSM

Aging Too Fast, Too Young
Erika Wolf, PhD; Mark Miller, PhD 
Announcements announcements
On Saturday, April 23 between 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., a crane will  be located at the entrance road to both the 710 and 610 Albany Street garages. Learn more about temporary entrances for both garages.
The Office of Academic Affairs seeks nominations for the Voluntary Faculty Award of Excellence. Submit nominations. All faculty, staff, and students may submit nominations. Learn more.

Do you consider yourself to be a Mentor, or are you looking for a Mentor in a particular area?
BU Profiles has a NEW Mentoring Section. Learn more.

Faculty Action Items facultyaction
Faculty Development & Diversity Seminar Series: CV Boot Camp

Tuesday, April 26, Noon-1 p.m.; Wilkins Board Room.

Please email your CV in advance to Robina Bhasin at
rbhasin@bu.edu and bring two printed copies to the workshop.
Events events
Please visit the  calendar  for a full listing of grand rounds, lectures and events for this week. 

BUSM Commencement 2016

Click here for the schedule of events and other commencement information.

Conquering the Conference: How to Make the Most of Academic Conferences

Friday, April 29, Noon-1 p.m.; L206.
RSVP dsimeone@bu.edu by Wednesday, April 27.

Learn more about research and funding opportunities from the Boston Biomedical Innovation Center, Evans Center and the Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Office. Open to faculty and trainees. Reception to follow.

Wednesday, May 4, 3-5 p.m.; Hillel House, 213 Bay State Rd., 4th floor.

Save the Datesavethedate
BUSM General Faculty Meeting

Wednesday, May 4, 2-3 p.m.; BUSM Instructional Building, L112

Celebrate the Strong-Vaughn Professorship

Come celebrate the establishment of the
M. Stuart Strong and Charles W. Vaughan Professorship in Otolaryngology.

Monday, May 16, 5 p.m., Hiebert Lounge 
RSVP by email to busmdev@bu.edu, or call (617) 638-4570

Inflammation Symposium May 23, Registration Required

Monday, May 23, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Learn more about the symposium schedule.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Contact program administrator, Francisco Patino.

11th Annual BUMC McCahan Education Day

Guest Speaker: Dr. Colin Montpetit

Wednesday, May 25; Hiebert Lounge


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