Dear Global Christian Warriors,

John Adams was perhaps the most wise and devout Vice President and then President this nation ever had. In 1794 he said: " To expect self-denial from men when they have a majority in their favor, and consequently power to gratify themselves, is to disbelieve all history and universal experience---it is to disbelieve revelation and the Word of God, which informs us 'the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked' -Jeremiah 17:9--There is no man so blind as not to see that to talk of founding a government upon a supposition that nations and great bodies of men left to themselves will practice a course of self-denial is either to babble like a newborn infant or to deceive like an unprincipled imposter."

Well, the current occupant of the White House apparently doesn't know that Scripture from Jeremiah. He's babbling. At the United Nations conference on "climate change" he claimed that: "immediate and aggressive collective action is needed to ward off the existential threat of climate change....“There’s no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves,” Biden said. “This is the challenge of our collective lifetimes. The existential threat to human existence as we know it."

The Living God is not even considered in their thinking!!

Pray for Mr. Biden that he would literally wake up, repent, be born again and receive Holy Spirit Wisdom. At present Biden is a vessel for the spirit of humanism which denies Christ. Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 expose this humanistic lie from the anti-Christ: " There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

Proverbs 28:15 also speaks to this: "As a roaring lion, and a raging bear; so is a wicked ruler over a poor people."

And Proverbs 14:34: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."

In an 1803 Election sermon to the Connecticut legislature, the Reverend Mathias Burnet admonished citizen and leaders: " To God and posterity you are accountable for your rights and your rulers... Let not your children have reason to curse you for giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which your fathers delivered to you."

And John Adams spoke Truth when he said: " The safety and prosperity of Nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and the National acknowledgment of this truth indispensable duty which the people owe to Him."

Reverend Burnet and John Adams speak to Joe Biden and us today.

It's time to repent-- personally and nationally! Pray in the Name of Jesus that the actions of Biden and the world "leaders" be held in abeyance by the hand of God so that nothing will transpire which is not in His Sovereign Plan.

Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.

No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests.

Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
Every Wednesday NDR hosts a one hour zoom call focusing on one sin pattern that we all have. You'll have private time with the Holy Spirit to review that sin with Him and then have time to confess it, as well as to repent, fully put it behind you, replacing that old stronghold with His Word. JOY follows repentance! The call is at 11 AM pacific, 2 PM eastern, 5 AM Thursday, Eastern Australia time. Direct Zoom link: Password 1221
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