January/February 2020
Corporate Newsletter
January/February 2020| Issue 4
Looking to the Future
Texas A&M Press Release on
Dr. Ashok Shetty's Published Work on GVT
Texas A&M University's Health and Science Center recently published an article in Vital Record regarding Dr. Ashok Shetty's research on Bach Pharma's GVT and it's effectiveness on Gulf War Illness (GWI).

All of us a Bach Pharma are excited about the peer reviewed article published in Redox Biology and completion of Dr. Shetty's GWI/GVT five-year study as the study produced compelling data on the power of GVT. In his report Dr. Shetty discovered new information on the success and capabilities of GVT in the brain. This study gives a clear path to clinical trials for GWI veterans.

Please take a moment to review the Texas A&M press release as well as the actual Redox Biology report. Please note that this project started with funding from T he Longevity Foundation and Dr. Paul Wong was a key consultant to Texas A&M on this project.
$2.2M Series A Fundraising efforts continue
Bach Pharma is in the midst of a $2.2M capital raise in order to fund the next stage of preclinical testing, specifically a toxicology study for the Veteran's Administration. Individual Investors, Foundations and Veteran Organizations have already committed over $500,000 to this project. Once the toxicology studies are completed, Bach will qualify for an additional $8 million commitment from the US Department of Defense for additional testing of GVT.

If you are interested in increasing your shares in Bach Pharma as part of this program, please reach out to Christopher LaFarge or Mark Henry for more information.
Spotlight on our Contributors
Vikram Daesety Update - Bach Intern from Mass Life Sciences
All of us at Bach Pharma would like to congratulate our intern Vikram Daesety on his successful completion of the Boston University undergraduate program in just two years, all while working at Bach for nine months and donating his time at Children’s Hospital. What makes this so exciting is that Vikram was able to complete his studies in only 2 years! He was accepted into the BU Medical School at the end of his sophomore year. In a recent note to Bach CEO, Mark Henry, Daesety wrote,

"Today was the first day of my second semester of junior year and it's hard to believe that I'll be done with undergrad soon. I've begun taking classes at BU medical school which have a unique focus of integrating clinical contexts into the basic sciences. As of now, my interests have shifted towards studying immunology, especially in its clinical application towards asthma and cancer therapies. I am also preparing to take the MCAT in May, and studying for that is taking up a lot of my free time. I still visit Dr. Berry's lab once or twice a week, and I don't have any major projects there as of now. I mainly assist with patient database management and image analysis of cerebral organoids. Dr. Berry's main project now is developing cerebral organoids in vitro which mimic fetal brain development. The goal is to understand how galactose is toxic to the brain in the fetal and newborn periods. This project is very exciting, and we have just reached 100 days of growing the organoids."

Again, congratulations to Vikram!