Bachelor of Science in Integrated Health Sciences (BSIHS) Program

Mission and Statement:
Why is our program Special?

The Bachelor of Science in Integrated Health Sciences (BSIHS) is a 120 Hour program designed to:

  1. Serve as the academic starting point for as the academic starting point for the competitive undergraduate, healthcare related, academic pathways requiring a secondary admission application
  2. Prepare graduates to obtain an entry-level position as a health science professional ready to work in a variety of places including
  3.  Be used to fulfill the requirements for most health-related professional graduate programs.


Study Tips to help you succeed:

Read before listening to the lecture and take notes while doing both. Check blackboard often for updates from the professor. At least 3 times per week.


  • Pay Attention in Class
  • Go to Class and Be on Time
  • Review everything in Blackboard
  • Do all online activities posted!
  • You can’t learn if you are not in class      
  • Take Good Notes
  • Stay on Task
Who to Contact?

Who do students contact if difficulties are experienced in major courses?


 No tutoring available. 

Call-to-action link

Health Professions Career Explorer

Program QR Code
Student Resources Page