Eucharistic Adoration and a Christmas Treat tonight
Christmas Eve Play Opportunity
Christmas schedules for St. Thomas Becket and St. Emily
St. Emily and St. Thomas Becket Parishes
December 17, 2019
Dear Families,

On December 18, we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction in the church.  All parents are welcome to join us.  The students will come over in 'shifts' and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be about 6:30 PM, continuing until Benediction about 7:15 PM.

After the service, we'll all go to Hajdu Hall for a Christmas treat and we will dismiss from there.

Please come to the table where your child's class will be waiting in order to pick them up.

We hope to see you as we gather for the feast of the Nativity.  The  full schedule of masses  for the Christmas season can be found below.

If you and your family are traveling over the holidays, we hope you have safe journeys.

One of the hallmarks of this season is gratitude and taking stock of blessings.  The work of the catechists, who try hard week after week to plan engaging and effective lessons for the students is a wonder to behold.

I am also grateful for the families who entrust their children to us, and who work hard to share the faith on a daily basis.

We'll all return - to continue the second semester of fun and learning - on January 8!

christmaseveChristmas Eve Family Mass
Children are invited to participate
Please join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus at the St. Emily Christmas Eve Family Mass at 4:00 PM.  If any children of the parish in Kindergarten through 8th grade are interested in participating,  email the information form to Jen Kottra by  Friday, December 13.   Children participating in the Children's Choir are also welcome to participate in the living gospel. 
The mandatory practice for the Christmas Eve Mass will be held on  Tuesday, December 17 from 6:00-6:30 PM. in the church. 

If you have questions,  please contact Jen Kottra.

christmasJoin us on Christmas - 

and during the Christmas season
Masses at St. Emily and St. Thomas Becket

Christmas at 
St. Emily
Christmas at 
St. Thomas Becket
Christmas Eve
4:00 PM 
Family Mass
6:00 PM
12:00 AM  
Carols beginning
at 11:45 PM
4:00 PM
Family Mass in English
10:00 PM
12:00 AM 
Christmas Day
7:30 AM

9:30 AM

11:30 AM

7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:30 PM
New Year's Day
December 31

5:00 PM

4:00 PM
January 1

8:30 AM
10:00 AM

9:00 AM 
10:45 AM
Confessions during Advent will be heard at 3:45 PM on Saturdays at St. Emily and at 6:15 PM on Fridays and 3:30 PM on Saturdays at St. Thomas Becket.
St. Emily Diamond Jubilee Dinner Dance
Save the date for February 22, 2020

The parish of St. Emily is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee.

Among the festivities is an upcoming dinner dance at Manzo's on February 22, 2020.

Thanks to all who contributed to our Silent Auction basket.  It is much appreciated!

The proceeds from the dance help to sustain the building and staff in which your children learn about the faith.
winterEmergency Closing Information
Know how to be informed

We hope that all our Wednesdays are sunny and dry, but it is Chicago and we realize that winter weather is no joke.

If we find it advisable to close, we will send a blast email to all families that day.

We will also post any closings at the   Emergency Closing Center.  Please check there to make sure.   You can also sign up there for email alerts that tell if and when the Religious Education program is cancelled.

Dates to Save
  • December 18 - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  All families welcome to join us.
  • December 25 and January 1 - No class for the holidays
  • January 8 - Return to class for the New Year
Quick Links
St. Emily Parish
Catherine Crino, DRE
St. Thomas Becket Parish
Renata Sosin, CRE