Hello Fellow LHS Alums,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are now enjoying the early fall weather. In Lowell we know it is fall because the leaves are starting to change, the nights are cooler, and over 14,000 kids have headed back to school. We all know how important a good education is to the future of our children and our community, and there are lots of ways we can work together to improve the educational system in Lowell. See the side bar below for ways that you can help the Lowell Public Schools get a leg-up on the competition. 

And as always, please encourage your Lowell High friends and family to send us their contact information or  sign-up for our newsletter so we can keep them up to date with Alumni news. In just a few short months, we have added  over 7,500 names to our LHS Alumni Database. Don't get left behind. 

Take care,
Caroline (Petruzziello) Rider - Class of 1983
Alumni Relations Manager

Student Spotlight: Onotse Omoyeni
In her Senior year at Lowell High School, Onotse is a remarkable young woman. Not only is she a stellar student, taking many AP and Dual-enrollment college courses, but she has taken a leadership role in numerous clubs and organizations, in addition to working two part-time jobs. With a passion for public policy and diversity, we can't wait to see what she will accomplish.

Post LHS Plans
Attend Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University

Favorite Thing About LHS
"I think that our different experiences give us very unique ways of understanding the world and going to school with and being immersed in so many different schools of thought forces us to question our grounding principles and ask ourselves why we believe what we believe."

How have your experiences at LHS changed you?
"[My experiences have made me] more empathetic and more understanding of others. Lowell High School has made me a better person."

How can Alums help current students?
She would love to see more alums become both professional and personal mentors as well as offer internships in local companies. 

Mentor a Lowell High Student
Have you ever wanted to give back to Lowell High School, or have you ever considered being a mentor? If so, then the LHS PALS (Partners in Achievement of Lowell Students) mentoring program would be a great fit for you.

This program engages at risk students from LHS in order to help them graduate and promote post-secondary success whether it is through further education or a career. Mentors are trained and supported by PALS staff. Mentors would meet with their mentee at Umass Lowell or LHS for various activities. 

Mentors and mentees meet biweekly. This time will include one-on-one mentoring, group activities, and trainings. Mentor training will begin in October. The commitment is small, but the rewards are great.

For more information, visit the PALS website, or contact the Program Director Carla Correa at

Calling All Carney Medalists, Class Officers & Reunion Committee Members
Were you a Class Officer or Carney Medalist? Are you currently on your class reunion committee? Or do you know someone who was or is currently involved? If so, please contact us. We would love to host an event with you, but we need to know how to reach you. We are hoping to engage some of you to be ambassadors for the new Lowell High School Alumni Association.

As leaders of your class you are perfectly poised to help us get the word out about our new association and all that we hope to accomplish with it.

Please drop us a line at:

The mission of the Lowell High School Alumni Association is to help its members to connect with each other; to engage with the school and the community and to inspire future generations of Lowell High School students by way of mentoring, advising and tutoring. 

Connect with over 2,000 alumni (and growing) on Facebook.

Visit our new page for program information, news, reunion resources and more.

Contact our general mailbox to share ideas, join our mailing list or learn more about our programs.

Use our online form to update your email preferences and tell us a little more about yourself and your connections to Lowell High.

Make a Donation to a Scholarship Fund
- Lowell High School
   Scholarship Fund
- Class Reunion
- Other Funds

Volunteer Opportunities
- Mentoring
- Guest Lecturing
- College/Career
- Tutoring

In-Kind Donations
- Student Supplies

Have a special skill or an idea about how to help that you don't see on the list? Just email us. We would love to hear from you.

The Alumni Relations Program is a collaboration between Project LEARN, The Greater Lowell Community Foundation and the Lowell Public School System. It is funded in part by the "$100k for 100" grant from the Cummings Foundation. Our goal is to invite the alumni to work with new and existing programs within the schools to help make the academic experience better for all students as well as to provide tangible benefits to alums and current students.