At River Ridge, we Connect, Grow, and Achieve with every child, every day.
Important Dates:

August 5 - New student and Kindergarten Registration

                       10:00am - 2:00pm 

August 17 - First Day of School for K-12

August 24 - First Day of School for Preschool

Supply List - Kindergarten through Fifth Grade 

Click Here to Access the Supply List

River Ridge's new before/after school care partner for 22-23 will be AlphaBest. You may call the area manager, Ashley Cunningham, and she will be happy to answer questions.


Would your child qualify for our full-day preschool program? 


The family must reside in the Kenton County School District in order to attend the preschool program. The program is available at no cost to the family (other than lunch fees if the child is not free lunch eligible).

The Kenton County Preschool Program is an enriching program serving children who meet eligibility criteria as defined by the Kentucky Department of Education. 

The preschool program is available to

  •  Four-year-old children who are income eligible, 160% poverty level. 
  • Three and four-year-old children with an educational disability due to delays in their development, regardless of income.  

For more information call 859-957-2632 or 859-344-8888

2772 Amsterdam Road,
Villa Hills, KY 41017
Phone: (859)341-5260
Visit our website