The COSEBOC team wishes all of our partners and colleagues a great start to the 2022-23 school year!
Professional Development Opportunity for PK-12 Teams: The COSEBOC Standards Course

The COSEBOC Standards Course is a foundational course that provides a strong operational framework for the healthy transformation of schools and communities to ensure successful learning outcomes for all students, especially boys and young men of color. School teams ranging from Pre-K to high school will use the standards to identify strengths and challenges in seven core areas and will develop action plans as part of the course.
Upcoming COSEBOC Events
"Conversations with Thought Leaders" is back!
Join us in October for the start of our fall series of Conversations with Thought Leaders. Our first guest will be Dr. Pedro A. Noguera, Distinguished Professor of Education, UCLA.

Monday, October 24, 2022
4:00 - 5:00pm EST

The goal of this series is to strengthen the capacity of educators and advocates dedicated to the affirmative development of boys and young men of color. These free, virtual conversations provide an opportunity to learn and engage with prominent leaders in an inquiry focused on boys and young men of color. Our guests will be joined by Ron Walker and other members of the COSEBOC team.
From Our Blog
New Post: Priming to Pivot

Dr. Deidre Farmbry reflects on her interview with Dr. Shawn Ginwright, author of The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves. Her essay inspires us with courage and understanding of what it takes to transform ourselves, even against all odds. Of our newly transformed self, she writes: "Every bud of the emerging new you must have as its roots grounding essentials, a north star, and core values, or the bloom will wither and die shortly after it emerges."
Featured Post: A True COSEBOC Champion
This is an excerpt from a letter written by a driving force behind the founding of COSEBOC in 2006. Kevin Johnson–now incarcerated in a Pennsylvania prison–was a gifted former student of Ron Walker. Kevin and his story are always at the heart of COSEBOC's mission.

“I am so humbled to be blessed in this manner. I still feel like I’m just lil’ ole KJ – being recognized for a good deed. It’s times like this when my life really does seem to have value, a purpose. Thank you and your organization for recognizing lil’ ole KJ.” 

COSEBOC Job Opportunity:
Manager of Client Services and Operations

The position of Director of Operations has been restructured into the new role of Manager of Client Services and Operations. COSEBOC is seeking qualified applicants with relevant experience and a deep commitment to our mission. The job description and application instructions are posted on our website. Please share this link with your networks and forward it to any prospective candidates. Any inquiries about the position should be directed to Octavia Gilmore: [email protected]
Partner News & Updates
STEM-OPS 2022 Annual Convening: Access to STEM Education and Careers Is a Human Right, Not a Privilege

October 25–27
St. Louis, MO

This in-person event hosted by the Education Development Center brings together researchers, practitioners, educators, and community leaders who work at the intersection of the carceral system and STEM. Information and ideas will be shared via expert panels, concurrent sessions, and roundtable discussions. 
COSEBOC | Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
255 Main Street, 8th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142