School Bus

Heading back to school can be stressful. It is important for parents and educators to have resources at their fingertips.

The Sussex County Prevention Hub is an initiative of the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Communities, a program of the Center for Prevention and Counseling. Our goals are to support the members of our community by providing a direct link to evidence-based support services, educational programs, and resources for all sectors.

Throughout the school year we will be sharing valuable resources to educators. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out.
Key messages
Continue to communicate "During the hustle and bustle of the school year," real communication can slow down. Use the moments you have together.

Researchers have found that communication between parents/adults and teens can reduce adolescent substance misuse.

Remember parents, guardians, and educators can be an influence on children and prevent them from using alcohol and other drugs.

Parents can be the number one influence on their child's decision to not use drugs. Parents should talk often and send a clear message that alcohol and other drugs are not allowed.

School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention
of underage drinking and drug use among their students.
School Bus