Dear Families of L'Ecole Française du Maine,

MERCI BEAUCOUP to all of you for making our first week back to school a smooth success! It's been wonderful to see the smiles shining through the masks of friends new and old. We know big transitions are not always easy, but we've witnessed students and families rising to the occasion this week-- from following new protocols to providing all necessary forms and a huge amount of helpful supplies, we thank you so much! With your continued help, we are so excited to provide a place to safely play and learn.

Each year we like to host an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and for teachers to briefly present their plans for the coming year. Since everything is a bit different in the 2020-2021 school year, we have made some slight amendments to our usual Back to School week...

Taking advantage of the wonderful summer weather and our new outdoor classroom tent, you are invited you to attend a brief introductory meeting with your student(s) teacher(s), at the scheduled times below. To keep group sizes as small as possible, we are asking only one parent per family to attend.

We ask that all parents/guardians wear a mask, and keep their distance from others, as teachers meet their small group of parents beneath the big white tent at the corner of our playground lot. Nothing compares to meeting your student's teacher "face à face", so we hope that you can join us for this special presentation.

Monday August 24th

8:30-9:00: Victorien's Class, GS/Kindergarten and CP/1st grade

3:00-3:30 Dasha and Katie's Class, PS/Preschool

Tuesday August 25th

8:30-9:00 am: Elodie's Class, CP/1st grade and CE1/2nd grade

3:00-3:30 pm Marie and Tania's Class, MS/Pre-K

Wednesday August 26th

3:00-3:30: Simon's Class, with Amy in English, CE2,CM1,CM2/3rd, 4th, 5th grade

If you are unable to join for the scheduled time, we will be taking minutes of each meeting to share with those cannot attend!
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Routines

This first few weeks of school we want to be sure to offer new families and our youngest friends the space and support they need to allow for the smoothest transitions possible.

Our two-line, two-location morning drop-off has worked well so far, with older students starting off on the playground, and younger students entering at the main entrance with their families waving good-bye nearby.

Drop-off & Pick-Up on playground:
Victorien's Class, Elodie's Class, and Simon's Class

Drop-off & Pick-Up at glass entryway:
Dasha's Class and Marie's Class

We expect to simplify entry to one-line, one-location soon, with all families entering at the playground gate (younger students will head right up the back ramp into the building while older students remain outside). Pick-Up plans will remain the same. Please be on the lookout for any announcement of changes!

Rainy days also cannot be avoided, so we ask you always have your umbrella on-hand!
Some very attentive students for our August start!

Elodie's class

Victorien's class
Back to School Car Parade!
Thank you to the participants for your joyful spirit and "Joie de Vivre"!
Reopening Plans and Covid-19 Protocols 08/03/2020 version
click to download:     
Classroom "Virtual" Tours
This is certainly the year of adapting to change! Since we cannot have large groups of adults entering the building, we plan to include photos of students within their classroom environments, indoors and out. Each upcoming newsletter will present a different classroom at work and play!

Simon's Classroom
CE2, CM1, CM2- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade

We have installed air filters and purifiers in the downstairs classroom, with the extra hallway door open to allow for as much circulation as possible. Students are spending only about half of their days indoors, and we certainly are grateful for the large outdoor space we can enjoy!

Preparing to decorate their classroom entryway, Simon's class worked on their project outside

Reading time in Simon's Class

English Language Arts Class with Amy
Updates to Allergy Information
To reinstate our allergy restrictions for this year:

Please refrain from sending foods with TREE NUTS as ingredient (almond OK) or processed in a factory with. Teachers will be checking ingredient lists.

As for the following allergies, the threat is ingestion and not exposure. This means you may pack foods with these ingredients, but should be aware of the allergy. Students will be strictly adhering to a no sharing of food policy and a thorough cleaning of any common eating areas will continue to be performed as necessary.

- peanuts
- chickpea, green pea, lentils, sesame
- sunflower seeds/oil
Implementing Maine CDC Protocols Safely
Everyone gets their temperature taken at the start of the day- Even Emily!
Frequent hand-washing thoughtout the day
Learning outside whenever possible