eNEWS | Sept 2020
The 2020-21 Green Chimneys School year is well underway. Students returned to both campuses on Sept 2 and have been acclimating to their new teachers and classrooms. Transitions are not always easy, and for many of our students the shifts in routine, places, spaces or even sounds can be extra challenging. We're proud of the resilience of our children who are adapting, asking for help, and applying coping skills. Just last week, students participated in the time old tradition of picture day. This week families met with teachers and staff for a Virtual Open House, and clinicians continue to host online group meetings and trainings for families, too. Thank you to all those who've already reached out to wish our students and staff a successful year ahead!
Parent's Perspective
For some students in our Residential Treatment program, the start of a new school year may align with their own readiness to return home and attend Green Chimneys School as a day student. This is an achievement not as readily seen by the public eye, but it’s an accomplishment that signifies the great work of the child and all those who support them. Read one parent's perspective >
Rehabilitated Bald Eagle
Returns to the Wild
Just before the end of the school's summer session, students witnessed quite a sight: the release of a rehabilitated juvenile Bald eagle. Full story and video >
Supporting Community Kids Through Outdoor Experiences
In response to the shifting needs of the community, Green Chimneys has launched a series of outdoor programs for children this fall. Helping children connect with the natural world has been a part of our nearly 75-year history and we understand that now more than ever, families need additional means to help kids stay active, get outdoors and socialize. Learn more about fall programs at Clearpool >
Upcoming Events

Sept 26

Oct 3

Oct 17

Green Chimneys strives to help young people maximize their potential
by nurturing connections with their families, the community, animals and nature.

Now more than ever, we need your support.
Please help us maintain the integrity of our nature-based therapeutic programs
for children with special needs. Support the care of our animal partners.
Green Chimneys | 400 Doansburg Road, Brewster, New York 10509 | 845.279.2995