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Back to the Future
Recommitting to Our Lasallian Heritage
Like many other Catholic schools over the past couple of decades, Hudson Catholic became a 100% lay-administered school in 2012 when the size of the Christian Brothers community was deemed no longer viable. The number of Brothers in residence had dwindled to its smallest community ever, below that of the first Brothers community to arrive in Jersey City in 1964.
This was truly a very sad day for all associated with our school up to that time, and still tugs at the heart strings of many alumni, although some regarded this decision as unavoidable. As a result, our lay faculty and administration were challenged to pick up the baton of our LaSallian heritage and run with it. Which they have now, for ten years on.
It is a testament to our rich, wonderful Christian Brothers heritage that Hudson Catholic remains deeply Lasallian, in mission, in education, and in religious teachings and traditions. In short, the Christian Brothers taught us well and left us with a model to follow. They "Built the Legacy'.
It should be no surprise, therefore, that administrators and alumni, in recent years, have been want to 're-affiliate' with the Christian Brothers organization, DENA. Our interests have been warmly received, yet have not met with success. Yet.
Re-affiliation is a process that works through an application, with a cost for doing so. And, when successful, it means that Hudson Catholic may receive the benefits of DENA's faculty development program and promote itself as "In the Tradition of the de Lasalle Christian Brothers", a slight variation on the original proclamation "Conducted by the de Lasalle Christian Brothers."
On May 20th, President Terry Mathews received word from Mr. Jim Logan, Director for the Office of Mission & Ministry in the Brothers' District of North and Eastern America, that after discussion the District's Mission Council recently decided "that we are not prepared at this point in time to accept any new or previous ministries to DENA." 
This decision is deeply disheartening. We all know how much we love our Christian Brothers at Hudson Catholic. We continue to honor and remember our mentors in many ways. The cost of Re-affiliation was never a barrier. Larry Basinski's 2020 Gift Pledge to the school had earmarked $11,000 to cover the fees associated with re-affiliation.

Mr. Logan ended his note to President Matthews by inviting a call to discuss this matter further. Matthews' responded by expressing his disappointment in the decision, adding that "I would think that a Lasallian presence in the most densely populated city in New Jersey, serving an underserved community, would fit the Lasallian mission perfectly. For the sake of clarity so that I might provide the rationale to our stakeholders, could you kindly let me know why Hudson Catholic has been denied?" Mr. Logan stated, that at this time, DENA was not interested in bringing any new schools on board or reaffiliating with a former Lasallian school.

It is certainly a disappointing response, especially given that just over a year ago, at our Hall of Fame dinner honoring the Founding Christian Brothers, President Matthews announced that reaffiliation was one of his top priorities. He received support from the Archdiocesan Schools Office to pursue reaffiliation and received the Superintendent's signature on an official letter of request. The ball remains squarely in DENA's court. 

No matter the outcome, rest assured that Hudson Catholic will continue to provide a top-notch education steeped in the values of St. John Baptiste de La Salle.
’68 Had Nothing On Our
Pioneer Girls of 2009-10
The 1968 Hall of Fame class of all boys is generally regarded as the ‘Pioneer Class’. It is the rare school that gets to refer to a second class as pioneers, but Hudson Catholic holds that distinction. We have the Pioneer Girls of 2009-2010, the first such females to enter the hallowed halls at 790 Bergen.
As we were opening enrollment to the ranks of co-education in September 2009, we enrolled 37 girls in the freshman class -- Laura Alvarado ‘13 holding the distinction of being the first girl to register to attend Hudson Catholic. Conventional thinking was that these girls would progress through the grade levels the same way the boys did in 1964 - no upperclassmen ahead of them.
That thinking altered when, simultaneously, St. Joseph’s of West New York, once also a Christian Brothers school, sadly closed its doors, leaving three classes scrambling for their next school. It was Hudson Catholic’s good fortune that many St. Joe’s students, including 13 Seniors, 12 Juniors, and six Sophomores, chose to enroll at Hudson Catholic and make the trip from and to North Hudson every day.
Their experience among a nearly all-boys student body for three years was trying at best, and downright difficult at other times. But they persevered and earned their diplomas, as Hawks, with those 13 seniors constituting the first female graduates of Hudson Catholic.
They are: Jary Carvajal, Kristy Fernandez, Nicole Ivonnet, Danielle Lourenco, Theresa Macintosh, Jennifer Martorony, Alyson Montalvo, Angelica Moran, Samantha Moro, Cynthia Rodriguez, Thrisha Sandoval, Mary Tudela, and Diandra Valdes. Among them, Kristy Fernandez holds the distinction of being the first female enrollee in that senior class, and Jary Carvajal was the first female ever to receive a diploma from Hudson Catholic, by the serendipity of alphabetical order, conferred by President-Principal Richard Garibell.

We've put out a request to these ladies to share their personal updates with us and will publish them as we receive them.

Here is one of them.

Jary Carvajal also holds another distinction.

We believe she and Rashid Moore of the same class are the first two former Hawk students to enter into the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, in June 2021. She is now Jary Carvajal-Moore!

Shout out to Mr. Moore for a job well done!
Editor's Note: For the record, Anthony Abbato ’68, also by virtue of alphabetization, was the first boy in school history to receive a diploma, conferred by Brother Francis McCormick, FSC.
From the President
Focus on Faculty
August has arrived and the focus moves towards September. One of the difficult challenges of Catholic education is the competition for faculty amidst a national teacher shortage.  New Jersey’s Governor has expanded the time frame required for certification and most public school districts have dramatically increased their starting salaries.  Hudson Catholic is not immune to the impact, as we have seen several teachers take public school positions over the summer.  As I write this, I am advertising for a Math teacher and a Spanish teacher. If any of our alums is interested in a fulfilling career in teaching, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. That goes for you retirees who might still have an itch!  There is no other profession in the world that will provide a person with so much fulfillment while keeping you young at heart.
Speaking of teachers, please join me in congratulating Mr. Phil Gazzale as he embarks on his 50th year as a teacher at Hudson Catholic. Mr. Gazzale continues to educate in the spirit of St. Lasalle, changing lives in the process and still relating to today’s students.
Help a Hawk
There is a fundraiser on August 21st at the Shore House in Point Pleasant from 2pm-5pm for Hawk alumnus Mike "Mooney" Ryan '83. Mike was diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer in September of 2021 at the age of 55. Despite undergoing two brain surgeries over the past months, Mike has been rendered unable to communicate and has been paralyzed on his right side. The $60 entry fee is passed to the Ryan family in full.
Mike is known to many as "Mooney" Ryan. He was born in Jersey City and moved to Point Pleasant in 2002. He is married to Susan Ryan and is the proud father of Shane Ryan, who is 17 and will be a Senior at Point Boro HS in September. Mooney enjoyed an incredible basketball career at Hudson Catholic and then at Seton Hall University. He has passed down his talent to Shane who is a varsity basketball player at the Boro. Many say Shane's game resembles his dad's.
Mike is now at a facility due to his condition and is in need of round-the-clock care. Money raised will be used for Mike's medical expenses, as well as Shane's future and to assist the family with other outstanding expenses.

For those who cannot make the fundraiser, you can help Mike and family at the 'Friends of Mike "Mooney" Ryan GoFundMe page, organized by Bruce Gmahle.
Hawks at the Shore
Saturday, August 27th, 3-6pm
The Friendly Sons of The Shillelagh
16th Avenue, Belmar
Open to all alumni and their guests
$85 per person -- hot / cold buffet, open bar
Payment in advance only
Brother Tim Ahern -- Mr. Jack Campion
Did You Know? We've uncovered another posthumous tribute to a Hawk -- from Bob Stroebel '69. The upstairs meeting room at the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh (FSOS), where the HATS event is held, is named for Bob's classmate as ‘The Donald Wuelfing Room”. This, in 2000, following the passing of the FSOS’s beloved treasurer and our Class of '69 Hawk.  
The Class of ’69 chose to "pregame" at the Club the night before their 50 Year Reunion. So, there truly is a Hawk Legacy at the Shore.
Are you wondering who will be there? Go to to see.

Is there someone from your class you are looking for? Maybe this list can help you decide to go. On the other hand, adding your name to the list might help others decide the same thing. Either way, plan to see and be seen at our Belmar-based event.
Be The Hawk (at the Shore)!
Reunion ‘72
Register at 
Sunday October 23,2022
6:00PM-10:00 PM
Galloping Hill Golf Club
Kenilworth NJ 07033
Event Sponsor:
Investors Bank
Register to play, or sponsor, at
And the helped shall become the helper
Once on the receiving end of
Student/Partner Alliance assistance,
Quincy Slay ‘19
Appointed to its Board of Trustees
It has often been said, if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Well, the Student/Partner Alliance got its man. But it seems they have had him all along.
Quincy Slay ’19 was an ‘S/PA kid’ as a Hawk, receiving financial aid and mentorship from an S/PA sponsor in his junior and senior years. As a freshman and sophomore, Quincy received much of the same, only as a Royal Knight, before Marist High School’s closing. He was from Sacred Heart in Jersey City and never thought about not coming to Hudson when faced with having to transfer. He attributes having Hudson friends and his ‘Hawk for a Day’ attendance as factors in the decision that he is thrilled to have made. He found the two schools similar in many respects and summed it up this way: “I am proud to be a Hudson Catholic alum. Best decision I ever made. It gave me the opportunity to attend St. Peter’s U. through the ACE program, and receive college credits that will enable me to graduate Seton Hall one semester early, this December.”
Today, Quincy attends Seton Hall, holds a Resident Assistant (RA) job there, is a Property Management Assistant at Blackstone 360, and now joins the Student/Partner Alliance Board of Trustees. Asked about this development, he said that he stayed connected with the organization and his mentor after his high school days, and participated on their college prep panels for students who came after him. He believes that the S/PA places value in having the perspective of a recent program participant on its Board. He took the role to give back and to help other participants understand what they will experience. To that end, he also plans to become a mentor.
When asked what he does with all of his spare time, he responded “not much." As in ‘not much spare time’? Of what there is, Quincy says he enjoys the time he is able to spend with family and friends.
Editor’s note: Quincy’s younger brother Gerard Slay has enrolled in September’s Class of ‘26 and is a baller. Keep an ear out for this name in Coach Nick Mariniello’s program over the next four years.
Hudson Catholic is Aces
In the Eyes of Stevens Institute
Collaboration aimed at providing opportunities to Engineering & Science students
On July 26th, President-Principal Terry Matthews received a letter from the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management at Stevens Institute of Technology, Ms. Susan Gross, extending an invitation from President Nariman Farvardin to join Stevens as a partner high school in their ACES (Assessing Careers in Engineering & Science) program.
The letter outlined the benefits of the partnership, which will begin for this 2022-2023 academic year.
Ms. Edlyn Thompson-Mettle, the Director of High School Enrichment Programs at Stevens, who oversees ACES high school programming, will be coordinating plans with Mr. Mathews and Mr. William Venezia ’70, our Director of Curriculum and Special Programs.
Ms. Gross closed by expressing the sentiment at Stevens that they are thrilled to have Hudson Catholic join in this important initiative, no doubt swelling the heart of Rick Roscitt '69 who is a member of the Stevens Institute's Board of Trustees.
Hudson Catholic Lay Faculty
“The Early Years”
by Mr. Jim Gannon
Foreword: Jim Gannon, like many faculty from the early years, never forgot his roots. He, and they, stay in touch with many of their students, attend reunions and events, and remain good friends to Hudson Catholic. We recently asked Jim to recall some of his memories from the time.
My memories of the early lay faculty are very pleasant. The bonds of friendship that started the first day we joined together have lasted well over fifty years (see accompanying photo, circa 2010). Even after all this time many of us still stay in regular contact with each other.
I came to Hudson Catholic in the Fall of 1966 as a 21 year-old recent college graduate who got bored in graduate school, quit, and needed a job. Bob Miskell was a French teacher at the school and his sister was a good friend of my girl friend. Through Bob, I found out the school was looking to hire someone quickly so I applied and got the job.
On my first day, I met up with Jack Campion who I knew casually through Saint Peter’s College. John Allison was another SPC grad on the faculty. It was quite impressive how well the faculty enjoyed working with one another. Quite possibly this was due to the SPC connection but a lot of us were Jersey City / Bayonne / Hudson County guys. Very early on we socialized quite a bit, going to parties at Bob Miskell’s and Don Ruby’s. John Ferro and Richie Przystup were two other JC guys who blended in among us.
In the Spring of 1967, I spoke to Jake O’Halloran about joining the faculty. Jake was finishing his Master’s degree at the University of Connecticut (where I had just left). Jake and I go way back, as we attended Saint Vincent’s for a few years in grade school, along with Joe Bonner and Gloria Moore (Mrs. Edward Polakowski). Jake and I also went to SPC. Needless to say, Jake was hired and fit right in. Also in that Spring, as I left my house on the corner of Highland and the Boulevard, I ran into Joe Bonner. He asked what I was doing and I said I was teaching at a great school. Both Joe and Jake started in the Fall of 1967.
Also joining in 1967 were gym teachers Frank Becht and Ed Agresta, although Ed moved to Psychology the next year. Ed maintained our friendship even after moving to a teaching job in Union City. In fact, when I was Athletic Director, I brought him back as the head football coach. In 1968, we added Paul Lenczuk as a gym teacher. I knew Paul, having grown up close to one another in JC. The next year, I hired Ken Dandorph after he had resigned his commission in the U.S. Army and was looking for a teaching job. He was a math major at SPC; I knew he would be a perfect addition to the faculty. Besides that, he became an assistant football coach.
We were also very fortunate that some of our earlier graduates came back as teachers: Kevin Lynch '69, Joe Pompeo '70, Jim O’Donnell '69, Bob Cangelosi '70, Mark Fugel '73, and Bob Calderone '72 (sorry if I missed anyone).
Jack, Jake and I have remained close friends for many years. For a couple of years, we lived close to one another in Bayonne. At one point in the late 70s, we looked into buying a bar in Bayonne. One of the reasons for that was that we had built up enough of a following with the HCHS graduates that it would have guaranteed success. Jack and his wife, Jane, also introduced me to my wife, Peggie. Considering that we will celebrate 46 years married in November, it was a good intro.
Even though I left Hudson Catholic in 1978, I continued to stop in to say hello to my friends who were still there until the mid-2000s. I suppose in my mind that the school was still a part of me. Having moved to South Carolina and now, Florida, makes it impossible to visit on a regular basis. But we all fondly remember the years we spent together at the school.
I have mentioned this to people before. That Hudson Catholic was such a great educational institution was due to many factors, but a prime factor was the close bond that the faculty had with our students. On a personal level I looked at everyone who came to the school during my years to be a “younger brother”. Overall, I believe most of us looked at the students as just younger versions of ourselves.
Certainly the school I worked at from 1966-1978 is not the same now, but just as Hudson Catholic served the community from that time exceptionally well, the present Hudson Catholic has continued this tradition in today’s world and definitely deserves support from all who shared in the wonderful experience.
Seated (L to R): Kathy Agresta (wife of Ed), Gina Caputo (wife of Jerry), Margaret Lynch (wife of Kevin ‘69 and sister of Marty Sues ’76 and Billy Sues ‘73), Peggie Gannon (who actually performed in Jack Campion-directed plays in the early years). Standing (L to R): The Honorable John F. O’Halloran, Jacqui McCloskey (former wife of the late Eric Erickson (former HC faculty and Athletic Director), Ed Agresta, Jerry Caputo (former football assistant, retired assistant superintendent of schools in Union City), Kevin Lynch ’69 (former HC history teacher and football coach, and retired Bayonne police captain), Gentleman Jim Gannon, Jane and Sir Jack Campion.
Honorary & Future Hawk Legacies abound at Summer Stage Production of The Lion King, Jr.

Fred Barbi '86 with daughter Abigail, who played the part of Pumbaa, and Elle Mullins, granddaughter of Bruce Bock '75, who played the part of Rafiki, at opening night of Lion King Jr. Fred worked lights/sound under the watchful eye of Larry Basinski '70.
Alumni Spotlight
Spills & Pils. Charles Milan, Hall of Fame Class of ’68, is a home brewer in Baton Rouge, LA where he has lived for three-plus decades, after obtaining his undergraduate degree from Rutgers in Biological Science, then enlisting in the U.S. Navy for three years, as a Radar Operations Specialist, and finally landing in Louisiana for a graduate degree at LSU in marine science. As an environmentalist of his day, Charles worked on cleanup of chronic oil spills, ever-present conditions that required ongoing treatment. For a short spell, he ventured to Houston and the oil business there but, in 1986, made his way back to Baton Rouge, joining LSU as a Research Associate, which became his life’s work. He retired in 2018 and now enjoys duck hunting when the spirit moves him.
Med Man. Assem Abdelhammed '15 is a Compounding Pharmacy Technician for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Nester Invester. Peter Ferdinandi '88, Chief Operating Officer, Hanover Street Capital is another graduate of the Hawk Nest to have moved into the capital markets and the business of investing.
Man on a Mission. Anthony Luna ‘89. As Director of Donor Impact at Independence Mission Schools, a network of 15 Catholic schools in the city of Philadelphia. Tony is driven by a core set of values -- altruism and faith. His profile at IMS describes him as follows: “The work he does must allow him to live out his values. He finds strangers energizing and lives for getting to know people’s stories in order to find some common interest to build a relationship. He is empathetic -- a bridge builder between cultures, sensitive to the invisible hand. He is man an of action -- always on the lookout to find the positive in a situation -- and no matter what the setbacks, he will find a way forward.” Great words to live by.
Good Times and Get-Togethers
Class of '95 taking in some Baltimore baseball
Hector Torres, Paul Roncagliolo, John Pein
Participants at
Hawk Alumni Hockey:
Ken Ciolek '14 / Nick Vaccaro '14 / Walter Francis '13 /
Chris Peterson '11
Still Friends
Hair Band & '81-'82 Student Council:
Leonard Cupo '82 / Alan Crawford '82 / Steve Dnistrian '82 / Richie Furino '83
Blast From The Past
We received a good number of responses from Hawks who believe they were in that photo at the waterfront, with most responses claiming 1989. Johnny on the Spot, Hall of Famer John Patrick Cruitt claimed that our Blast from the Past is a photo of the very first Hudson Catholic School Walkathon, a trek by the student body from McGinley Square to Liberty State Park and back, circa 1988. Orlando Soler '91, claimed to be in this photo of a Walkathon that raised $25,000 as part of the celebration of the school's 25th Anniversary in 1990. And Giuseppe Fazari '92 wrote to say "the photo in downtown Jersey City was taken in 1991-92 following the Walkathon. I can advise on some familiar faces in the crowd, including my own, having graduated that May." Somewhere in there among the cobwebs of everyone's mind lies a compendium of the truth.
Korrections Korner

In our follow up segment on Hawks in Halls of Fame, we mistakenly listed Denise Danilewicz as a member of the Class of ’71. In fact, it is Dennis D. (Editor’s Note: these apologies to Dennis are beginning to pile up.)
“I don't wanna know who was for me......
I wanna know who was for me EARLY!"
-- Anonymous
The Office of Advancement ~ Gary, Jill & Jenine
201-332-5970 x118
BTL Sponsors
We are grateful for our Sponsors
Mike Pecklers '71
Mike Dunne '77
Chris Johnston, HC Director - Technologies & Football Coach
Mike Silva '04