Dear alumni and friends,
Hello! I'm happy to be writing my first Badger Bytes Chair's Message. This, for those of you following along, means that I must be the new Chair! And indeed, this is the case. It is a great honor and privilege for me to take on this role, and I look forward to the coming years of serving the department in this capacity. UW-Madison has been a wonderful place for my career thus far, and I hope as Chair I can do as much for it as it has done for me.
There have been significant changes on campus since our last issue. The biggest news is the recent creation of the new School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences. The School brings together the Computer Sciences Department, the Department of Statistics, and the Information School into a single unit, with a Director (newly hired alum Tom Erickson) to lead the way.
Known as CDIS, the new School will bring more opportunities to our students and faculty, including new educational programs, expanded course options, more resources for research, and more connections with industry and entrepreneurs around Wisconsin. It is indeed an exciting time to be on campus!
For those nearby, I would also like to extend an invitation to the CS Alumni Happy Hour on October 17; I hope you'll join me there! Read on for more information about the happy hour, CDIS, exciting new scholarship and award opportunities for our students, faculty research, and our newest CS faculty members.
Please do feel free to drop me a note; I'm always happy to hear from our wonderful alumni.
Thank you, and On Wisconsin!
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Chair
Computer Sciences Department
School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences announced!
 At long last the new School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS) has launched! As you read above, CS, Stats, and the iSchool come together into this new School for the benefit of UW and Wisconsin as a whole.
Welcome to Rahul Chatterjee! Rahul earned his MS here in the CS department at UW-Madison and returns to us after completing his PhD at Cornell. He joins the security research group, and his work focuses
on user authentication systems.
(More new faculty profiles to come in future issues!)
The Phil and Kit Blake Wisconsin Idea Scholarship awarded |
 Computer science students from rural Wisconsin can now take advantage of the Wisconsin Idea Scholarship created by Phil and Kit Blake.
"There's a tradition in rural communities that encourages ingenuity," says Phil
. "If there's a problem or a need to do something, you have to do it yourself . . . computer science . . . is also a place where you're dealing with problems and building something."
The first Ivanisevic Award for Dissertators recipient CS grad student Samuel Drews |
Dr Igor Ivanisevic (CS MS '98; PhD 2000) and Dr Albena Ivanisevic (Chemistry PhD 2000) have created an award for CS and chemistry dissertators. The first recipient, CS PhD student Samuel Drews, works on programming languages - more specifically, he's researching fairness properties of automated decision-making.
Bilge Mutlu, Michael Gleicher & partners awarded NASA Aeronautics grant
With newly won support from NASA, Mutlu and partners at UW-Madison and Boeing are designing lower-power robots that can handle a wider range of less-rigidly defined tasks by working more collaboratively with a human operator.
Madison area CS Alumni Happy Hour - you're invited!
CS alumni! Please join us for happy hour on Thursday, October 17! We'll meet in the fabulous community space at the AmFam Institute, 821 East Washington in Madison, from 5:30-7:30pm. Chair Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau and CDIS director Tom Erickson will speak briefly about CDIS at 6pm. Light appetizers and drinks will be served.
RSVP by Sunday 10/13 here!