January, 2020
Badger High School Newsletter
News and Information
Lake Geneva Schools is partnering with Nei-Turner Media to host Kids' Expo Lake Geneva at Badger High School. There will be all kinds of fun and excitement for kids and families! 

Education and financial literacy are very important to us at Community State Bank. On February 13th, 2020, we will help guide your student and their classmates on a financial journey through a Community State Bank developed program known as “MyLIFE” (My Local Interactive Financial Education). MyLIFE is an interactive program for high school students designed to demonstrate the importance of sound money management skills.
Badger High School is offering an ACT ScoreCelerator Student Workshop to help provide students with a better understanding of the ACT test. Follow the link for detailed information about what to expect from this workshop. 
The Thornburgh Family received an Achievement Plus Award for donating their time to work at every home football game moving the chains for Badger High School. Bill Thornburgh has been doing this for 27 years and has never missed a game. The Thornburgh Family are all graduates from Badger High School. They  have demonstrated exemplary achievement and significant effort and accomplishment above and beyond that which is normally expected. Pictured are: Janet Giovannetti, Board Member, Patsy Thornburgh, Bill Thornburgh and Eric Thornburgh.
January 15
Period 1 7:40 - 9:14 
Period 3 9:29 - 11:06
Period 5
1st Lunch 11:06 - 11:34
Exam 11:49 - 1:24
Exam 11:21 - 12:56
2nd Lunch 12:56 - 1:24

January 16
Period 2 7:40 - 9:14 
Period 4 9:29 - 11:06
Period 6
1st Lunch 11:06 - 11:34
Exam 11:49 - 1:24
Exam 11:21 - 12:56
2nd Lunch 12:56 - 1:24

January 17
Period 7 7:40 - 9:14
Period 8 9:29 - 11:06

Principal's Note
The Concert Season was in full swing at Badger during the month of December.  Choir, Orchestra, and Band put on wonderful shows to get the community in the mood - even without the snow.   The end of the semester will come quickly after the winter break. On Monday and Tuesday, January 13th and 14th, the Freshman Mentors will host a Study Session in the Badger Union from 3pm - 4:30pm for all freshmen.  Refreshments and snacks will be provided. This gives our students an opportunity to work together to continue studying for final exams. Final exams are January 15-17 please see below or check the school calendar for the Exam Schedule.  Semester II starts on January 20th. This month we will start our preparation for the 2020-21 school year. Registration for classes opens on January 31. Please have conversations with your students about interests and possible career paths.  Our Career Planning and Course Guide will give you and your student information on all Badger has to offer academically.  If questions, please contact your student’s guidance counselor.  

Dates of importance in the month of January:

Juniors:  ACT Prep January 30   8am - 11am. Sign up in the Main Office

Upcoming Dates to Remember
January 6, 2020
  • School Resumes

January 11, 2020
  • DECA Districts @ Racine Case High Schools

January 15, 2020
  • Final Exams 1, 3, 5

January 16, 2020
  • Final Exams 2, 4, 6

January 17, 2020
  • Final Exams 7, 8

January 25, 2020
  • Forensics Festival @ Badger

January 30, 2020
  • ACT Scorecelerator Workshop 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

January 30, 2020
  • Course Selection Opens
Counseling Center
For the college bound student, this is a reminder to fill out the FAFSA form if you have not done so yet. FAFSA stands for the  Free Application For Federal Student Aid . Any student looking to obtain federally funded grants and loans must complete the FAFSA in order to determine eligibility. Some students feel they will not be eligible for these types of aid and choose not to complete the form; however, keep in mind this form is sometimes a requirement in order to obtain additional scholarships and work study opportunities.

Juniors will take the ACT test on March 3rd. Badger will be holding a practice ACT test on Saturday, January 25th. The practice ACT test will be limited to 50 juniors. To sign up for the practice ACT, juniors should stop in the counseling center for a form.
The online course selection will be done through PowerSchool and it will be available between January 31st and February 14th. After the online course selection window closes, any changes will need to be done by meeting with a counselor. The course guide will be available online this year on the Badger website and we encourage both parents and students to utilize this resource. Information will begin to come out through the month of January as to how students will go online and select courses.
Graduating seniors should continue to apply for the many scholarship opportunities available on the Badger website. Several emails were sent to the senior class with information on how to access scholarships. The General Scholarship Application is due on January 10th and can be found on the Badger website. There are many scholarships that have due dates later this spring as well. Please be aware of the criteria when applying, what the specific due date is and where to send the completed application. Good luck!

If a work permit is needed, please see Mrs. Ingersoll in the counseling center. You will need $10 cash, your social security card, and a letter from the employer stating that you will be working there. If Mrs. Ingersoll is not available, you can get a work permit from city hall.
Badger Athletics
Badger Community Education
Click below to view the website. Click on Pay by credit to go directly to the pay by credit site.
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Please visit our website frequently for district-wide
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