December, 2019
Badger High School Newsletter
Badger High School Breakfast with Santa, Vendor Fair, and More
Saturday, December 7 marks an early sighting of Santa Claus in the Badger High School Commons. The Music Department fundraiser runs from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Plenty of music and youth activities surround the family breakfast, an annual event at the school.
Students Earn Industry Certifications
Students take important step in pursuing career goals by attaining industry certifications Badger High School is pleased to recognize students for earning
certifications this academic year. Through the intensive certification program, these students have shown mastery of the knowledge needed for entrance into their respective career field of interest in various Career and Technical Education (CTE) subject areas. This promotes a successful transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce.
Badger High School is offering an ACT ScoreCelerator Student Workshop to help provide students with a better understanding of the ACT test. See the next page for detailed information about what to expect from this workshop.
Badger FFA Chapter members attended the National FFA Organization’s 212º and 360º Conference at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin November 15-16, 2019.
One Act Play, "The Amazing Angelman", competed at the State Theater Competition
Badger High School’s One Act Play, "The Amazing Angelman", competed at the State Theater Competition held at UW-Milwaukee on Friday, Nov. 22nd and took home eight awards, including Critic's Choice, the highest award a play can receive.
The change in weather brings a continuation of student achievement at Badger. As we head into this festive season, I am grateful for all that Badger has to offer our students and community. Mr. Stoltenberg, our theater teacher, and his students presented their One Act play,
The Amazing Angelman
, in competition at the State level. Badger’s One Act performance received the Critics Choice, Best Direction, Best Ensemble, and FIVE students received Best Actor awards. Our Jazz Band welcomed Northern Illinois University to the stage in November for a wonderful performance open to our community. The NIU director spent the day with our band students fine tuning their performance. And on November 22, the Student Council Blood Drive at Badger had 75 blood donors who helped save 189 lives through their donation.
The month of December will see our DECA organization gathering toys and family necessities as part of their annual Holiday Drive. Our Guidance Counselors are also busy getting ready for the ACT pilot testing on December 13th. Badger is one of the pilot sites for the online rollout of the ACT. 75 juniors will take either the traditional paper ACT or the new online version. Students may use results if they choose.
And lastly, November saw the start of
Popcorn with the Principal
. This is a time for me to sit down with students and discuss topics of importance to them and our school.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
December 7, 2019
- Pancake Breakfast with Santa 8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
- DECA Vendor Fair 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Christmas Parade 5:00 p.m.
December 9, 2019
December 13, 2019
- No School - Teacher Inservice
December 16, 2019
- Choir/Orchestra Concert 7:00 p.m.
December 18, 2019
- Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
December 19, 2019
- Jazz @ Popeyes 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
December 23 - January 3 NO SCHOOL
As parents and guardians, January is your reminder to file your taxes. For the college bound student, this is a reminder to fill out the FAFSA form if you have not done so yet. FAFSA stands for the
Free Application For Federal Student Aid
. Any student looking to obtain federally funded grants and loans must complete the FAFSA in order to determine eligibility. Some students feel they will not be eligible for these types of aid and choose not to complete the form; however, keep in mind this form is sometimes a requirement in order to obtain additional scholarships and work study opportunities.
The online course selection will be done through PowerSchool and it will be available during each class registration week. After the online course selection window closes, any changes will need to be done by meeting with a counselor. The course guide will be available online this year on the Badger website. Please reference that when selecting courses. Information will begin to come out through the month of January as to how students will go online and select courses.
Scholarships are becoming available on the Badger website in the Counseling section. The General Scholarship Application is due on January 10th. There are many scholarships that have due dates later this spring as well. Please be aware of the criteria when applying, what the specific due date is and where to send the completed application. Good luck!
If a work permit is needed, please see Mrs. Ingersoll in the counseling center. You will need $10 cash, your social security card, and a letter from the employer stating that you will be working there. If Mrs. Ingersoll is not available, you can get a work permit from city hall.
On November 13th the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater held their seventh onsite admission at Badger High School. We would like to congratulate the students that received admission into the university.
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