Wonderful start to the 2019-20 school year
Welcome and Welcome Back! I am excited to be the Principal of Badger High School. Being a member of the Badger community for a decade has given me so many opportunities to witness the generosity,compassion, and kindness of our staff, students, and community.
Badger is such an amazing place for our students. I believe that Better Never Stops and we will continue to learn and grow to deliver the quality instruction and care our community expects.
Badger is gearing up to have a wonderful start to our school year. Freshman First Day is designed to help our ninth grade students feel comfortable in the building, meet our teachers, and connect with their year-long mentors. A highlight every year is the student panel answering freshmen questions about Badger and high school life in general.
In this edition of our Newsletter you will find information on the new staff we’ve welcomed to the Badger family this summer. They are all accomplished educators who will add their voices to the quality education found at Badger. Please take a moment to talk with your teen about the importance of school attendance. Just like in life, if you don’t show up each and every day it is very hard to achieve dreams and goals.
Class meetings are being held the second week of school. Our message is, “Get involved and high school can be the best four years of your life so far.” Please encourage your student to get involved in a club or sport this year. If they do not see anything online or in our student handbook that interests them please have them come in and propose their club ideas to one of the principals. Many of our clubs from bowling to GSA have had their start by student request.
Our staff is excited for what is gearing up to be a very good year at Badger. Please do not hesitate to call or stop by if questions and comments arise throughout the year.
Enjoy the year,
Jenny Straus