Happy Holidays
We are rapidly heading into the Winter Break from December 23-January 2nd, following that, the end of first semester on January 19th. It is extremely important to make sure your students are keeping up with academics as when we return from break things happen pretty quickly. Be sure to encourage your student to use their time wisely to stay on track academically.
On December 13th we will be having another round of Parent/Teacher Conferences in our PE Center from 3:30-7:00 p.m. Also that night we will have a special Financial Aid (FAFSA) presentation at 5:45-6:15 p.m. in the Auditorium followed by a Scholarship Information presentation at 6:30 p.m. This is vital information for all Seniors looking at Post-Secondary after high school. Those who attend the scholarship session will be entered in for a special $250.00 scholarship to be awarded in the spring at senior awards and scholarship night!
During this holiday season it is important to give and help out others. Our Business and Marketing Department through DECA organizes a wonderful Holiday Drive each year to support local families and brighten up their holidays. If you are interested in helping out please feel free to donate money to Badger High School and let the student members do the shopping on your behalf. We appreciate any and all support with this drive.
Join us for breakfast with Santa and the Holiday Vendor Fair at Badger on Saturday, December 2nd at Badger High School in the Commons and PE Center. Breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m.and the vendor fair opens at 9:00 a.m. Our bands will also participate in the holiday parade that night in downtown Lake Geneva at 5:00 p.m.
As we deal with the cold weather and the many other challenges that come with that, please be sure to remember any and all school cancellations will be communicated to you via school messenger, or you can watch for closings on the following news stations: TMJ 4, FOX 6, WISN 12 or listen to Lake 96.1 WLKG. Please be sure to update PowerSchool with your current contact information in order to receive these notifications.
I wish all of you a festive holiday season full of much cheer and happiness!