October 2020
Badger High School Newsletter
News and Information
Badger Agriculture Program Named Top in Nation

The already highly acclaimed Agriscience program at Badger High School has now been recognized as one of the best in the nation as they were named the Outstanding Secondary Agriculture Education program by the National Association of Agriculture Educators (NAAE) for Region III which encompasses the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. A goal of NAAE is to promote outstanding programs in agricultural education and effectively communicate success stories naming programs in each of six national regions.
Now Hiring - Substitute Teachers 
Apply Today: https://bit.ly/2QlpOaE 

Please return all completed sub and support staff applications to our District Office located at 208 E. South Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. 

For questions regarding subbing, please contact Lynelle Gramm at 262-348-1008. 
Don't forget about the Daily At-Home Health Check: 

Please complete it daily prior to sending your student to school. It is vital to ask the questions on the checklist each and every day to prevent the possibility of exposing other students or staff. This checklist is to be filled out at home, daily on the honor system. It is not required to be handed in to the school. 

If you answer yes to any of the questions on the checklist:
- Keep your student home. 
- Let the school office know the questions which were answered yes.
- Follow the appropriate guidelines for when to return to school: https://bit.ly/3hTRvU3 
Picture retake day will take place October 8 from 7:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the main gym. If you are having your picture retaken, please bring in your old pictures. If you need an order form, please click below.
Do you have questions on how to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)? The FAFSA is the form a student needs to complete to apply for financial aid, such as grant and loans. Plan to attend College Goal Wisconsin virtually to receive free information and assistance on completing the FAFSA. Register at https://collegegoalwi.org/register/ to sign up.
Walworth County Public Health - Fall 2020 Guide for Parents
as of 8/20/2020 

This document provides broad guidelines for safely reopening schools. Each school district has unique needs and all are encouraged to consider how and when to apply this guidance. 
Jostens Senior Class Orders

We are currently working with our Jostens representative to coordinate the senior class meeting to distribute graduation/diploma information to senior students. More information will follow via school messenger.
Social Networking Sites 
At Home & Online

Interact! is an online, interactive e-course that adults can complete with children to spark discussions around basic online safety.
Principal's Note
We are about to start the second month of this unusual school year. I am very proud of our students for navigating the school with patience, grace, and a spirit of “we are all in this together." Badger started the school year with a schedule that allowed for a smooth transition into the learning environment. Families have made the choice for their student to attend using one of three platforms: in-person, live-streamed, or a blended approach. Our teachers and staff have done a wonderful job to ensure that all three platforms converge in the classroom pretty seamlessly. 

Badger has moved our schedule back to the original schedule of three, eight-period days and two block days. We are continuing with our mask policy and physically distancing as much as possible all in the quest to remain in school and as back to normal as possible. There are however traditions that Badger has had to change due to the time we are living in and the desire to be as healthy as possible as a community. To that end, Homecoming will look very different the first week in October.  

Homecoming is September 28- October 2. Badger will continue to have Dress Up Days. Unfortunately, Badger will not have the traditional Pep Assembly and Homecoming Dance. Seniors have the opportunity to receive a ticket to the Homecoming game through the Athletic Department’s raffle process. We know that this is not ideal. This path does enable our student athletes to compete and for athletes' parents and families to view the competition.  

Students, you have done a fantastic job throughout September keeping physical distance and wearing masks as two of the key activities to keep Badger open. I’d ask that you continue this into the Homecoming weekend. Please be smart about the activities you engage in and know that, as we’ve seen across the state at college campuses, it is the activities outside of school that can impact the school environment and Badger’s ability to continue in-person education.

A reminder that families are to choose a learning platform for the remainder of Quarter 1 by September 25. If there is a need to change the learning platform for Quarter 2, that deadline is October 23.  

Badger greatly appreciates the support of our community in the effort to reopen our school this fall. It is wonderful to see students in the hallways, active in clubs and sports, and streaming live into the classrooms.  

Be Patient. Be Kind. Be Well. Be Badger.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
October 8, 2020
  • Picture Retakes Main Gym 7:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

October 29, 2020
  • End of 1st Quarter

October 30, 2020
  • No School - Teacher Inservice
Counseling Center
Badger High School is administering the PSAT test to 80 junior or sophomore students who would like to take it on, Wednesday, October 14th from 7:45 – 12:00 at Badger. The PSAT is a great way to get ready for college as it measures reading, writing, language and math skills in a format similar to the ACT and SAT test. This test also provides the opportunity for students to compete for recognition and scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Program.

To sign up for the test, students need to bring in a $17.00 check made payable to Badger High School and give it to Mrs. Ingersoll in the Counseling Center.

The deadline to register for the PSAT test is Friday, October 2nd. We are unable to take any late registrations so make sure to have students turn in their check right away so they do not miss this opportunity.

If you have any questions, please contact the counseling department!

Senior Informational Meeting
Look for more information coming out soon about the Senior Informational Meetings for Seniors and Parents!

College Representatives
Information will be coming out soon about college representatives meeting with Badger students! Many of these will likely be virtual meetings. There are several colleges and universities that also have virtual tours set up on their websites. The library also has virtual reality tours for many out of state schools!

Students needing to send transcripts anywhere need to use www.parchment.com. The account is free to set up and 2 copies can be sent for free. They are $7.00 each for each additional copy. If a paper copy is needed for any reason, please contact Mrs. Ingersoll in the counseling office.

ACT Scores
Colleges that request ACT scores can be sent through www.actstudent.org. If an account is not already set up, students will need to create an account to send scores. Many colleges will not accept paper copies or emailed copies. They will need to be sent directly from ACT.

Worker's Permits
If you are in need of a Worker's Permit, you'll need to bring the following to Mrs. Ingersoll in the Counseling Center: Social Security Card, $10 Cash and a letter from the employer stating that you will be working. If Mrs. Ingersoll is not available, you can get a worker's permit from city hall in Lake Geneva.
Badger Athletics
Badger Community Education
Click below to view the website.
Click on Pay by credit to go directly to the pay by credit site.
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Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
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Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide
and school specific announcements, and important information. lakegenevaschools.com
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