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Spring has sprung!  As we start our month we have Spring Break wrapping up on April 2nd with a return to school on Monday, April 3rd.  This also marks the start of 4th quarter.  The school year will be coming to close in just about eight weeks. There is a lot to be celebrated this school year and that includes graduating the class of 2017 and honoring their accomplishments.  We will be having a lot of activities surrounding the graduation of our seniors.  Please mark your calendars for the following events.
            Senior Awards and Scholarship Night        Wednesday, May 17
            Graduation Rehearsal                                    Wednesday, May 24
            Graduation                                                      Sunday, May 28
I am also pleased to announce that we will be offering online learning options for the 2017-18 school year.  Please look for a special article from Dr. Gottinger, Superintendent of the Lake Geneva Schools inviting you to attend a special information night coming up on Thursday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the District Administration Building adjacent to Badger High School.  This is a great new opportunity that is a direct effect of the 2016 Strategic Plan.
With the school year winding down I encourage all students and families to really buckle down and finish the year strong.  As always, remember we have a lot of after school lab opportunities for students to get extra assistance and or work on assignments and projects.  Please take advantage as this is an excellent resource.
Education Buzzword:  "STEM or STEAM"
STEM= Science/Technology/Engineering/Math
STEAM=Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts (Art,Design,and Architecture)/Math
Currently these are areas of high demand and high wage opportunities.  At Badger we offer lots of courses that support these areas.  Below are a sampling of classes we currently offer that have college credit/advanced standing opportunities attached to them.  For a complete listing please see our course guide by clicking here: Badger 2017-2018 Course Guide
  • Landscape Design
  • Interior Design
  • Computer Science Principles NEW 2017-18
  • Engineering Design and Development
  • Principles of Engineering
Hope you have a wonderful start to Spring and look forward to seeing you at the many great events happening around school.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 3rd.  We will be celebrating Bob K Day at Badger High School.  There will be live music, food, and entertainment for the whole family. Proceeds from the event will go to support the Bob K Scholarship Fund.  This will be a great day to celebrate the life and career of former Badger Principal Bob Kopydlowski. Thanks in advance for your support!

Russ Tronsen
Badger High School

"Badger High School is a Value Up school.  We recognize that each person in this school is valuable and of equal value.  That value is not determined by appearance, success, intelligence, or behavior.  It is found in our potential to treat each other well, to learn and grow, and because tomorrow has yet to be lived."

Associate Principal Corner - Ms. Straus

For monthly updates highlighting the main events at Badger and pertinent information for students, parents, and the larger Badger community, please 
visit our Associate Principal's Corner on the Badger website.

April 5            Forensics Conference Meet
April 13          2 Hour Late Start
April 14          No School
April 21          Forensics State at UW-Madison
April 26-29    Deca competes at Nationals
April 27-30    Culinary Teams compete at Nationals

Online Learning Opportunities Coming to the Lake Geneva Schools I nformational Meeting Set for May 11, 2017

Badger High School and Lake Geneva Middle School will provide online learning opportunities for students beginning with the 2017-2018 school year. An informational meeting for parents has been scheduled for May 11, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the District Administration Building located at 208 South Street in Lake Geneva.

Any student in grades 6-12 attending Badger High School or Lake Geneva Middle School or receiving home-based education and residing within the district may apply. Acceptance of applications may be based on availability, individual student needs and input from school staff.

Courses offered online are aligned to national and state standards. Lake Geneva Middle and Badger High School students can enrich their course selection with courses not currently offered by the school districts.

The informational meeting on May 11, 2017 will further explain the program, provide information on course options and requirements and begin the registration process.

More information can be obtained by visiting our website at or by contacting the Online Learning Director, Chiper Tennessen at chiper.tennessen@badger.k12.wi.usor Anne Heck, LGMS Principal at or Russ Tronsen, Badger High School Principal at .

We are all excited to expand our offerings to the students of our educational community in an online environment. These opportunities for an enriched curriculum are consistent with the strategic objective of our strategic plan to improve student achievement through enhanced curricular offerings.

We hope to see many interested parents at our informational meeting on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the District Administration Building located at 208 South Street in Lake Geneva.

AP Exam Pre-Administration Sessions April 20th

All Students taking an AP Exam must attend a Pre-Administration Session.  There will be a session taking place each hour of the day on April 20th in the Recital Hall.
After attendance in your first AP class of the day report to the Recital Hall for completing pre-administration paperwork.  These sessions will take less than 30 minutes after which you will report back to class.

Prom is just around the corner!  The junior class is excited to   host the big event
on Saturday, May 13 at The Abbey Resort and Spa. Tickets will be sold to juniors and seniors before and after school in room 605 and during all three lunches in the Commons the week of April 24th. Tickets cost $60 each.  In order to purcha se a ticket, all school fees must be paid in full. Permission slips for all guests (both Badger and non-Badger attendees) are required. Please check your mail for a letter providing additional information related to prom. If you have any questions , please feel free to contact one of the junior class advisors listed bel ow.

Thank you!
Bridget Hansen 348-2000 ext. 2662                             Click here to view the letter
Jessica Noller 348-2000 ext. 2708
Katie Nelson 348-2000 ext. 2144
Badger Good News
Congratulations, Badger DECA

Badger DECA just completed their annual trip to the Grand Geneva for the Wisconsin State Career Development Conference from March 7-9.  

We are so proud of our 36 members who demonstrated exemplary professionalism. This amazing team did a great job this year.  Congratulations to the following students:

Overall Finalists

Heidi Engerman - Automotive Services Marketing
Eddie Dunn, Carson Hillier - Business Law and Ethics
Nathan Gibson, Thomas Guske - Buying and Merchandising
Thomas Guske - Economics
Nick Aufmuth, Louie Burmeister, Jack Egan - International Business Plan
Andy Schmidt - Professional Selling
Charley Giese - Professional Selling

Qualifying to compete at ICDC in Anaheim, CA next month are the following 17 members

Jack Egan - Human Resources Management
Jack Murphy - Automotive Services
Jackie Carper - Business Services
Nathan Gibson, Thomas Guske - Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan
Ximena Morales - Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan
Katie Schuster - Entrepreneurship Start-Up Business Plan
Sarek Hoerth - Entrepreneurship Start-Up Business Plan
Zander Zilly - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan
Emily Faul - Food Marketing
Ryan Johnson - Marketing Communications
Carson Gundlach, Andy Schmidt - Marketing Management
Eddie Dunn, Charley Giese - School Based Enterprise
Aaron Smith - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan
Nick Aufmuth, Louie Burmeister - Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Badger Artist Earns National Recognition

We are pleased to announce that senior Ellie Elmudesi has been identified by panels of creative professionals as one of the most talented young artists in the nation. Ellie Elmudesi has been awarded a gold medal in the in the 2017 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. M ore than 330,000 works of art and writing were submitted. Less than 1% were recognized at the national level. Ellie has been invited to attend a ceremony at the world-famous Carnegie Hall June 8 .

A print of Ellie's painting is currently on display in the Badger Visual Arts Gallery. 

FFA Members Compete  at 
Sectional FFA Speaking Contest

Badger FFA members did an incredible job at the Sectional FFA Speaking Contest. Congratulations to the following members:
  • Braden Kundert- 3rd place in Discussion, 1st place in Extemporaneous. He's moving on to the State contest in June
  • Heidi Lininger- 2nd place in Prepared Speech
  • Bryn Rohde - 3rd place in Employability Skills
Way to Go!
Math Students of the Month

Melanie Soto is being nominated for math student of the month by Ms. Seifert for her enthusiasm, passion, and kindness as a student and as a person. Ms. Seifert states, "Melanie always has a smile on her face and is genuinely engaged in her surroundings.  I believe that a day does not go by with our Melanie doing something kind for another person.  I see her kindness daily, from helping other students to kind words of encouragement.  Being around Melanie and her smile makes everyone's day around her better."

Amanee Vazquez is being nominated for math student of the month by Ms. Seifert Ms. Seifert states, "Amanee is a hard worker and is dedicated to his learning and the learning of those around him.  Whenever Amanee comes to see me, he is always looking to make sure that he understands the material and not just that the answer is right.  He even comes to see me with problems that he knew he recieved the right answer, but still wanted to make sure that his reasoning and logic were also correct.  What stands him apart from others, is that I believe he does this for his learning, but more importantly to be prepared to help others when they need it.  He is a compassionate peer and his classmates and I are lucky to have met him."

Isabella Vitullo is being nominated for math student of the month by Ms. Nelson. Each and every day Isabella demonstrates a maturity not many students her
age possess.  She approaches every task with the same determination to achieve
a high level of understanding, and she does this consistently. Her approach
to her studies will, no doubt, lead to success in whatever career path she chooses.
It has been a great pleasure to have her in my class.  

Rachel Bearder is being nominated for math student of the month by Ms. Nelson. Rachel is tenacious in her desire to understand and achieve at a high level.
She asks thoughtful questions and completes all assignments in an organized,
detailed manner. She will not accept anything short of the correct answer and
will stick with a problem until she is satisfied that she understands it. This
will undoubtedly translate well in her collegiate studies. Rachel will be successful
in whatever career path she chooses. She is a great pleasure to have in class.

Forensics C ompetes at WHSFA District Meet
The Badger Forensics team competed at the WHSFA district meet.  Coaches Zastrow and Machan are excited to report that all team members who competed qualified for State on  April 21  at UW Madison. Special recognition goes to the following for getting a perfect score in one of their rounds: Karen Castro, Ava Mannion, & Grace Elmudesi. Extra special recognition goes to Jessie Smith for getting a perfect score in all three rounds. Way to go Badger Forensics!
  Leadership Dynamics To Offer "Badger Connect"  App For Students

Students in Mr. Gebhardt's Leadership Dynamics class are excited to announce their new project. 

On  March 1 , the group will roll out a new app for the students of Badger High. The app can be found under the name  "Badger Connect" in either the App Store for iPhones or in Google Play for Androids. 

The app will provide students with direct access to the bell schedule, lunch menu, and calendar of school events (these are also available on the school website). 

Additionally, students will have the opportunity to fill out surveys and see the school-wide results, as well as watch humorous and informative videos. 

Lastly, the app will offer a "Student Recognition" page, where students will highlight the accomplishments of fellow students both in and out of the classroom. (Art projects, volunteer work, sports awards, etc.) 

The app is absolutely free and will only be available to Badger students through their school gmail login.

News From Badger's Counseling Center
Junior Conferences
If you have not had a junior conference with your child and their counselor yet, please be sure to try and attend this meeting if possible. In this meeting we will be discussing graduation requirements, post graduation plans, scholarships, transcripts, and more. A letter was sent home in late February detailing when you and your child's meeting time will take place. We will be wrapping these conferences up in May.

Aspire Testing
At the end of April and early May, all Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking the ACT Aspire test. The Sophomores will take this test on April 25th and the Freshmen will take this test on May 2nd. Both tests will be taken at Badger on their Chromebooks. This test will give benchmark points for Math, Science, English, Social Studies and Writing, as well as give information about how students may score on the ACT test that will be taken during Junior year. Please be sure that Chromebooks are charged and ready to go the night before, in addition to getting a good night's sleep and having a healthy breakfast the day of the test.

Cap and Gown Info
If you have not yet ordered a cap and gown for graduation, please be sure to email   or . Graduation orders will be distributed May 4 during lunches.  

Summer School
Summer school will run June 5th through June 23rdMonday through Friday from 8:30am until 12:45pm.

ACT Testing
ACT scores for juniors will be sent home in the near future from the late February test date. If you would like to sign your student up to take the ACT test again, go to to do so. Badger High School will be hosting an ACT testing date again on June 10th, 2017. You'll need to register for this test through the ACT website in order to take the test on this date at Badger. There are other dates available at other locations, which can also be found on the ACT website.

Several scholarship deadlines have passed but there are still other scholarships available for Seniors to apply for. Senior students have been given instructions on how to access scholarships via Career Cruising where information on each scholarship can be found, as well as the applications. For those Seniors planning to attend a UW school in the fall, check out some other scholarships at this link:

Placement Testing
Now that many Seniors are making decision on which school they will be attending in the Fall, placement testing will be happening. Students that are attending UW colleges will need to complete placement testing. To register for placement testing and for more information regarding placement testing, please visit the following website:   
Work Permits
If a work permit is needed, please see Mrs. Ott in the counseling center. You will need $10 cash, your social security card, and a letter from the employer stating that you will be working there. If Mrs. Ott is not available, you can get a work permit from city hall. The job board in the commons has many job opportunities available!

News You Can Use
  • District Open Enrollment Going On Now:  Know someone who is interested in open enrolling in Lake Geneva Schools for the 2017-18 school year? The Wisconsin open enrollment window runs through April 28.
Introducing the Lake Geneva Schools 
Com munity  Backpack

Lake Geneva Schools is pleased to announce a new community resource for area families called the Community Backpack, available now on

The Community Backpack is designed to serve as an online hub where families can go to find out about community programs and resources for kids in grades pre-K through 12.

Sign Up For District Text Message Alerts

Badger Community Education
The Badger Community Education 
Spring Program Brochure Is Here

Explore a wide variety of classes for all ages. Register in person at Badger High School or via US Mail.  Click image to view guide.

Badger Athletics
Visit for Athletics Updates, Successes & Events
Follow us on Twitter (@LGBadger) 
for up-to-the-minute Badger sports news. 
Youth Sports Clinics
2017 Girls Youth Volleyball Clinic/League - Girls Grades 5 - 8        

2017 Summer Camps & Clinics
Badger High School Strategic Plan

Badger Board Goals 2016-17

1.  Develop a Plan to Implement the Strategic Plan
2.  Develop Transition Programs
3.  Exceed State Averages in All Tested Areas on Standardized Tests
4.  Demonstrate Fiscal Responsibility While Improving on Our Educational Programs and Facilities.  

Featured Photo of the Month
Have a great photo of a Badger activity/event that you would like featured as the Photo of the Month?  Submit it to

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Badger High School Newsletter

Badger High School
220 E. South Street 
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Note: While you have the option to unsubscribe from our mailing list below, please know that by doing so, you'll be unsubscribing yourself from ALL school and district emails going forward. We don't want you to miss important information!