December 2023
Badger High School Newsletter
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Lake Geneva Schools Coffee with the Superintendent
Please join Superintendent Dr. Peter Wilson on Friday, December 15, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Inspired Coffee Shop. Stop to fill up a warm cup of coffee and enjoy informal discussions on all things related to Lake Geneva Schools.
The casual setting of Coffee with the Superintendent will allow for questions and conversation. There is no structured agenda. It's also a great time to meet other parents and community members.
All parents and community members are welcome.
Please call to RSVP (limited space available): 262-348-1005
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Up & Out, the philanthropistic club, at Badger High School, is looking for donations for their annual Presents for Parents and is asking for your help.
Presents for Parents is a project started by Up & Out in which students 'shop' for a gift for their mom or dad, wrap it up, and bring it home right before winter break. All gifts are small items, free, and allow students to give as well as receive this holiday season. Last year, donations included regifted items, crafted jewelry, candles, key chains, cooking tools, knickknacks, or other craft items the club could use to make presents.
All donations can be delivered to the main office, labeled Up & Out, or dropped off in room 122. Donations should be delivered by December 15th.
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The One Act Play competed at the State theater festival at UW-Green Bay. The 20 students and 2 tech crew members performed “Relative”, a play about a high school girl talking with Albert Einstein about her parents' divorce.
The performance was rewarded with 7 awards including the top award a play can receive: the Critics Choice. They also earned Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Technical Elements, Outstanding Direction as well as Outstanding Acting awards for seniors Billy Dennis as Einstein, Julia Kalinowski as the Judge, and Brianne Carr as Alberta’s mom.
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Parent/Teacher Conferences
December 13, 2023
PE Center
Congratulations to Badger High School, the 2023 WIAA D2 STATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS! The Badgers defeated Waunakee 34-33 to earn the gold trophy!
| Badger High School Coach Matt Hensler was named the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association (WFCA)/Green Bay Packers High School Coach of the Year. |
Breakfast with Santa & DECA Craft & Vendor Fair
Saturday, December 2, 2023, marks an early sighting of Santa Claus in the Badger High School Commons. The Music Department fundraiser runs from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Plenty of music and youth activities surround the family breakfast, an annual event at the school.
The affordable breakfast is free to children ages two and younger, kids three to 12 eat for $5, and adults are $8 each. Tickets are available at the door. Ample parking is available on school grounds.
| From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., dozens of vendors will be set up at Badger again this year for the Annual Badger DECA Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair. Enter on the East Side, door 14, and head into the Sports Center. FREE Admission, Raffles, and more. | |
Last year I started the December Newsletter with this observation from the On Wisconsin magazine for alumni. I think it is fitting, as we look to the next two months when students will select courses for the 2024-25 school year and, for our seniors, chart their post high school plan, to revisit job projections in our future:
One of the professors leading the charge is a professor of computer science, psychology, and industrial engineering. What a combination. This is the future of our work force - a diverse melding of different disciplines. Badger students are stepping into that world now. Through our comprehensive course offerings, students are able to chart their own course. Combining Badger, Advanced Placement, Transcripted Credit, and UW credit courses to create their own pathway forward.
Over the next two months, students will select classes for the 2024-25 school year. This should not be taken lightly. With our extensive elective program, from Foods to Pottery, students should look to balance their schedule with courses that bring them joy or classes that stretch their comfort zone such as Acting I.
For Seniors, the next few months will be a time to reflect on academic progress and stave off “senioritis” to finish strong. Universities are still watching as we head into final exams for semester I and coursework in semester II. If your student is unsure of what path they wish to take after high school, please stop in or ask your student to stop in to make an appointment to see their counselor. They may also choose to make an appointment with our Gateway representative to discuss not only 2-year options, but the full gamut of post secondary options.
A gentle reminder that student tardiness to school and classes is part of the larger attendance accountability at school. The tardy kiosk to the Main Office allows for less congestion in the morning and gets students who are tardy to class as quickly as possible. We do understand how the “perfect storm” can hit on a given morning - the bus is missed, the car won’t start, or the alarm did not sound. We definitely allow for this infrequent occurrence. Please know that if frequency persists, consequences including detentions will occur for your student. Also, tardiness to school and class count toward the 10 days (80 hours) you as a parent/guardian can excuse. Please help us teach this important workplace skill and hold your student accountable for when they choose to be late to school or tardy to class.
As we head into the winter driving season, I looked to AAA for some tips for all of us to keep in mind.
- Keep a bundle of cold-weather gear in your car, such as extra food and water, warm clothing, a flashlight, a glass scraper, blankets, medications, and more.
- Make certain your tires are properly inflated and have plenty of tread.
- Keep at least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle at all times.
- Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface, such as on ice and snow. ( Winter Driving Tips)
This is also our Concert Season. Please check out the Calendar portion of this newsletter for all the goings on around Badger. Hope to see you on December 13th for our second Conferences of the year.
On behalf of the Badger Staff, I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy winter season.
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Upcoming Dates to Remember
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December 2, 2023
- Pancake Breakfast 8-11am
- DECA Vendor/Craft Fair 9-2pm
- Christmas Parade 5pm
December 6, 2023
December 8, 2023
- No School Teacher In-Service
December 11, 2023
- Choir/Orchestra Holiday Concert 7pm
- Badger Board Meeting 6:30pm
December 13, 2023
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7pm PE Center
December 18, 2023
December 25-January 1, 2024
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Junior Conferences
Junior conferences will be starting after our Thanksgiving break on the week of the 27th. Please watch your email for information on how you can sign up to attend with your student. These meetings will cover information that’s important for your student’s success in senior year and beyond. These meetings will be approximately 45 minutes and will be held between 7:00am-
Scholarship Night
The Badger High School Counselors along with the College and Career Readiness Coordinator will be hosting a Scholarship Presentation during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, December 13 at 6:00pm. Join us to gather information that will help your student explore all of their scholarship opportunities.
There are major changes and improvements coming to the 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. As a result, the new form will be available in December 2023, not Oct. 1. In the meantime, we strongly recommend you create your account and FSA ID. Your account username and password combination, called your FSA ID, gives you access to certain information online and allows you to sign your FAFSA® form and promissory notes electronically. While you can get your FSA ID as you’re completing the FAFSA form online, getting it ahead of time and using it to fill out the FAFSA form on cuts down on errors and delays. Retrieved from
Holiday Stress
The holiday season is all about giving — and that includes giving yourself whatever you need to reduce stress so you can fully appreciate and find meaning during this time. Because stress affects people in different ways, this can look different for everyone. For some people, it means having time each day for meditation. For others, it means getting plenty of sleep or exercise —
or both. Eating nourishing foods, keeping a gratitude journal, and maintaining a normal schedule are other ways that people take care of themselves. If you are at a loss for which self-care activities work best for you, here’s an idea of something you can try: make time to do one thing each day that makes you happy. Incorporating joy into your life and reconnecting with the things that mean the most to you is, frankly, what the holidays are all about. Retrieved from:
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The Badger Library and FabLab will be hosting its 4th Annual Make-and-Take Workshops during block hour days in December. Students are invited to visit the Library and FabLab during their study hall to participate in any or all of the workshops and stations available. Again this year, Badger Library received generous donations from staff members to have gift wrapping and holiday cards and stationary stations available to all students the entire month. Workshops will include upcycled book decorations and laser-cut personalized wooden ornaments handmade by each student. As always, Badger Library and FabLab are free-of-charge to Badger students. | |
Badger Community Education
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Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
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Share your news, event summaries, photos and/or give us a "head's up" on your upcoming events so we can promote your successes. Email
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Badger High School Newsletter
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Badger High School
(262) 348-2000
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