April, 2019
Badger High School Newsletter
AP Exam Pre-Administration Sessions are Friday, April 5
All Students taking an AP Exam must attend a Pre-Administration Session. There will be a session taking place each hour of the day on Thursday, April 5
in the Room 212.
After attendance in your first AP class of the day report to the Room 212 for completing pre-administration paperwork. These sessions will take approximately 30 minutes after which you will return to class.
If you can’t make one of these sessions, please contact Mrs. Jan Lazzaroni by email (
) or in the Copy Center to schedule a makeup session.
Balance due payments can be turned in at these sessions. Remember payment in full is due before the day of the exam out of courtesy to others to assure we are not taking time away from administering the exam. You can make balance due payments online through School Pay.
On April 15, the freshmen class will take the ACT ASPIRE test. The next day, April 16, the sophomore class will do the same. This test is an opportunity for your student to formally practice for the ACT test which will be given their junior year. The state of Wisconsin mandates this testing sequence for all public high school students. The results of this test are useful for both your student and our school. For you student, it will provide an idea of where they are on the path to career and college readiness. For the school, it will provide valuable feedback on instructional strategies.
Please be sure your student brings a fully charged Chromebook the day of the testing. Also, eating a nutritious breakfast will definitely help. Students are also to bring a calculator to the test (they can check one out with the Math Department as well).
We are excited to announce the opening of a 3-Year-Old Preschool, Buzzing Bees, for the 2019 - 2020 school year. Buzzing Bees Preschool was established to provide quality early academic readiness, build a strong base around social-emotional well being, and create a culture that will help foster pleasure in learning to young children.
Congratulations to Anh Bui
for receiving a Gold Medal and national recognition in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Anh was awarded this medal for her digital art titled "Courageous."
Her work will be shipped to New York and put on display at the Pratt Institute’s Pratt Manhattan Gallery through June. An awards celebration will be held to honor all national medal recipients June 5 - 7, 2019 in New York City.
Nearly 340,000 works of art and writing were submitted to the 2019 Scholastic Awards. Anh’s work was selected by some of the foremost leaders in the visual and literary arts for excellence in originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Receiving a National Medal places Anh within the top 1% of all submissions! Since 1923, the Awards have celebrated teen artists and writers from across the country. Anh is now a part of that legacy, joining the ranks of celebrated alumni like artists Andy Warhol, Robert Indiana, and Kay WalkingStick; writers Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, and Joyce Carol Oates; and filmmakers Lena Dunham and Ken Burns.
Badger Forensics
team competed at the WHSFA District State Qualifier held at Waterford Union High School. All eleven team members who competed qualified for the State Forensics meet at UW Madison on April 12.
Please congratulate the following team members: Anna Dickfoss, Bella Peetz, Jessie Smith, Kaleigh Leach, Kyler Rohde , Lauren Helsing, Mel Soto, Muneeza Munawar, Nathan Dyer, Sam Hill, and Sophia Georges.
Culinary State Competition
Congratulations to Badger's Culinary team who took 3rd place out of 19 teams and also got the award for Best Beef Entree at the state competition. Congratulations to the following students:
Yeager Borchert
Ethan Harris
Gracie Fredericksen
Ben Greuter
Yoshi Gaspar
DECA State Competition
Twenty-five students from Badger High School competed at the DECA Wisconsin Career Development Conference from March 4-6th. DECA members traveled to Grand Geneva Resort to compete in 28 occupational series events as well as prepared written project presentations. Over 1,400 students from Wisconsin participated in this conference.
Principal Tronsen's Topics
Spring has sprung! As we start our month, Spring Break's wrapping up on March 31st with a return to school on Monday, April 1st (No Fooling!). This also marks the start of 4th quarter. The school year will be coming to a close in just eight weeks. There is a lot to be celebrated this school year and that includes graduating the Class of 2019 and honoring their accomplishments. We will be having a lot of activities surrounding the graduation of our seniors. Please mark your calendars for the following events:
- Prom Saturday, May 11th
- Senior Awards and Scholarship Night Wednesday, May 15th 6:00 p.m./7:00 p.m.
- Underclassman Awards Friday, May 24th (Invitations to be mailed)
- Graduation Rehearsal Wednesday, June 5th (After Exams)
- Last Day of School Friday, June 6th
- Graduation Sunday, June 9th
With the school year winding down I encourage all students and families to really buckle down and finish strongly. As always, remember we have a lot of after school lab opportunities for students to get extra assistance and or work on assignments and projects. Please take advantage; this is an excellent resource.
I hope you have a wonderful start to Spring and we look forward to seeing you at the many great events happening around school.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
April 10, 2019 |
- Jostens Senior Order Delivery During Lunches 11:05 - 1:17 p.m.
April 12, 2019 |
- Wall of Success
- National Honor Society Meeting 7:00 a.m.
- Variety Show Auditorium 7:00 p.m.
- Forensics State at UW-Madison
April 15, 2019 |
April 16, 2019 |
- 8 Period Day
- Aspire 10th Grade
April 17, 2019 |
April 18, 2019 |
April 19, 2019 |
April 29, 2019 |
- Student Council Blood Drive Main Gym 8:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
ACT Testing
Scores from the Junior February ACT test will be sent home and delivered to the school near the end of the school year so be on the lookout for those. If you would like to sign your student up to take the ACT test again, go to
to do so. Badger High School will be hosting an ACT testing date again on June 8th, 2019. You'll need to register for this test through the ACT website in order to take the test on this date at Badger. There are other dates available at other locations, which can also be found on the ACT website.
Placement Testing
Now that many Seniors are making decision on which school they will be attending in the Fall, placement testing will be happening. Students who are attending UW colleges will need to complete placement testing. To register for placement testing and for more information regarding placement testing, please visit the following website:
Work Permits
If a work permit is needed, please see Mrs. Ingersoll in the counseling center. You will need $10 cash, your social security card, and a letter from the employer stating that you will be working there. If Mrs. Ingersoll is not available, you can get a work permit from City Hall.
Badger Community Education
Spring Community Education Classes Now Forming
Click on the catalog to view class offerings. Click on the link below to go directly to the pay by credit site.
Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities.
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