Greetings fellow laboratorians!
Typically in this space, I would write to you about everything that ASCLS-WI has accomplished during my time as your president. In a normal year, we would have sent delegates to the Legislative Symposium in Washington, D.C. to advocate for our profession. We would have held our State Convention in La Crosse; featuring many excellent speakers, networking sessions, and student events. And we would be preparing to send a delegation to the Joint Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. Unfortunately, this has been anything but a normal year. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned this year upside down. The pandemic forced us to distance ourselves from our loved ones. We saw people we care about get sick with the Coronavirus. We watched as a surge of sick patients came into our hospitals. And we felt the impact of the economic shutdown, which ultimately made us cancel many of the events we had planned this year. But we laboratorians are a strong and resilient group of people.
Despite all of the cancellations, changes, and challenges that the pandemic forced upon us, ASCLS-WI still managed to accomplish a lot on behalf of our members. One of the major goals I had for this year was to get our budget balanced. We put together a task force that produced a lot
of great suggestions for improving our financial situation, many of which were incorporated into the final budget. The COVID-19 pandemic created additional budgetary challenges, since we were forced to cancel our State Convention. The State Convention typically accounts for a large portion of our revenue as a state society. Even though
we lost a large portion of our revenue, we were able to present a balanced budget at the annual Business Meeting. Our annual Business Meeting was held by Zoom, but we were still able to hold our elections, approve our budget, and select a delegation to attend the ASCLS-AGT Virtual Joint Annual Meeting. Accomplishing all of this in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic was only possible because of the flexibility and determination of our members.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members and all laboratory professionals for their hard work, dedication, and professionalism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each one of us has had an important role to play during the difficult time. We’ve validated instruments to perform COVID-19 testing. We’ve struggled to get test kits, reagents, swabs, and transport media so that we can run these critical diagnostic tests. We’ve performed the testing on these samples and answered questions about them. We’ve worked with students to help them finish their internships. We’ve been there to support each other through these challenging times. None of this work was easy, but my fellow laboratory professionals did what needed to be done so that patients could get the care that they needed. Without the work that we all did, the pandemic would have been much worse. Thank you for all that you do!
The one bright spot of this whole pandemic is that it brought us out from behind the scenes and put us in the spotlight. Everyone has been talking about testing. For the first time I can remember, people were talking about PCR and antibody tests on the news. People know who we are and what we do now. We can’t let them forget once this pandemic is finally over. We shouldn’t fade back behind the scenes. I challenge every laboratorian to continue advocating for our profession. Let’s use this opportunity to stay in the spotlight. Let people know the amazing work that laboratory professionals do on a daily basis. Post on social media. Share your stories. Make your voice heard. The more people that participate, the louder our voice will be!
If you want to get more involved but you’re just not sure how, please reach out to me or your Board of Directors. Our contact information is below. We’d be happy to work with you to find an opportunity that meets your needs and allows you to make your voice heard. To contact your Board of Directors, you can email
or you can contact me directly at
. We love getting feedback from our members, so please reach out to us and let us know how we’re doing. We are here to represent and serve you and your feedback helps us do a better job of that. I hope to hear from you!
Michael Lukowski, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM
ASCLS-WI President 2019-2020
Badger Lab Times is going Digital
This Spring/Summer issue of BadgerLab Times (BLT) is the last one that will be printed and mailed to members. We are also emailing this copy of this issue to members to test the digital system. Beginning with the Fall/Winter issue, you will only receive BLT through email like this via
Constant Contact
. Make sure there is no interruption in you receiving the ASCLS-WI newsletter. Double-check to be sure ASCLS has your correct email address by going to
- Once on the website, click ‘Connect Community’ in the upper right-hand corner.
- Then click ‘Sign In’ which is in the upper right-hand corner of the community page.
- When prompted, enter your Username and Password for Login.
- Once you have logged in, click the down arrow seen with the ASCLS logo in the far-right top corner. Click on ‘Profile’ and look for your email address under ‘Contact Details.’ Edit it if it is incorrect.
We hope you will enjoy the new digital version of BadgerLab Times. Going digital will bring the newsletter to you in a timely fashion while saving the cost of printing and mailing. ASCLS-WI wants to be a good steward of your membership dollars.
Although the 2020 State Convention was cancelled, ASCLS-WI gratefully acknowledges
Becton Dickinson
for their generous donation of exhibit fees
Please join us in thanking BD for their support during these difficult times.
Wisconsin Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Congratulations to these recent scholarship winners!
Stavri Joseph 4-Year High School Scholarship winner:
Emmalea Kenevan
from Appleton; attending UW-
Stevens Point in the fall
MLT Scholarships:
Karissa Arzenhofer
, Madison College
Kristin Schulist,
Madison College
MLS Clinical Year Scholarships:
Sarah Alhakimi
(Mary Muckerheide Award), Marquette
Jacob Dickman
(Ron Laessig Award), UW-Stevens Pt.
Allyson Mrocheck
(Pat Jakus Award), UW-Oshkosh
Harry Weisberg Post-Grad Scholarship
Kathryn Golab,
Rutgers University DCLS Program
During the 2019-20 year, a total of $13,000 was awarded to scholarship recipients. All of the scholarships provided by this fund are made possible through donations from ASCLS-WI members and friends.
Our only fundraiser of the year is the Silent Auction which was canceled along with the annual state meeting. Start thinking about items you might possibly donate next year!!! And, remember that you can donate directly to the fund at any time by sending a tax-deductible check to:
Mrs. Barb Hill, Treasurer
876 Jean Circle
Oregon, WI 53575
Fox Valley Society Congratulates Morgan Rymer
Ascension-St. Elizabeth Hospital MLS student, Morgan Rymer (left), was the recipient of the FVSCLS Donna Jones Scholarship. The award was presented on November 7, 2019 by Hannah Ruplinger (right), FVSCLS President.
With $2,465 raised Region V secures a win for a SECOND year in a row.
Thank you all Wisconsin donors that contributed to the over $13,000 raised for the Political Action Committee this year.
ASCLS-WI Board of Directors
Based upon elections, here are the ASCLS-WI members who will serve on our Board of Directors in 2020-21:
- President: Leah Narans
- President-Elect: Elizabeth Dahlgren
- Immediate Past-President: Michael Lukowski
- Treasurer: Susan Stalewski
- Secretary: Samantha Bradley
- Communications Chair: Samantha Salm
- Executive Secretary (non-voting): Patricia Boyer
- Developing Professional Chair: Ashley Wagner
- Ascending Professional Chair: Isabel Cabrera
- At-Large Board Members:
Kathryn Golab April Harkins
Melissa Kasper
Alexandra Nussbaum
Nominations Committee: Mike Lukowski (chair), Cindy Koffman, Benjamin Kaetterhenry
ASCLS-WI members are invited and encouraged to attend board meetings. Tentative dates are:
September 26, 10 am, Teleconference
November 14, 10 am, Madison in person
February 20, 10 am, Teleconference
April 15, Post-convention, LaCrosse
Congratulations to Linda Laatsch,
Winner of the 2020 Lifetime Service Award
Linda Laatsch, Ph.D., MT(ASCP)SM received an undergraduate degree (1973) in Medical Technology from UWM, a master's degree (1979) in Health Care Education from Central Michigan University, and a Ph.D. (2000) in Education from Marquette University. She began her career in the microbiology lab at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, but spent most of her career as part of the CLS faculty at Marquette (38 years). In 2007, Linda won a University Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.
Linda has served ASCLS-WI at many levels. She has been editor of BadgerLab Times since 2005 and on the Scholarship Fund Board since 2004 (Chair since 2009). Linda served on the ASCLS-WI Board for 7 years and was President in 2005-06. She served on the Awards Committee (4 yr.), Student Bowl Judge & Moderator (10 yr.), and on several state convention committees. Linda was involved in the Milwaukee branch (10 yr.) and now in the Racine/Kenosha branch (16 yr.). She was a member of the ASCLS Promotion of the Profession Committee for 7 years, on the Editorial Review Board of
Clinical Laboratory Science
for over 20 years, and the Editor of ASCLS
Clinical Laboratory Investigations
for 5 years.
Samantha Salm, Awards Chair
ASCLS-WI Member of the Year:
Nicole Buza
, Recognizes an individual who contributes significantly to the profession and society and who has, by outstanding example, inspired others
Friends of ASCLS-WI:
For continuous support of ASCLS-WI:
William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran’s Hospital
Clement J. Zablocki Veteran’s Medical Center
Key to the Future
those demonstrating leadership potential:
Elizabeth Dahlgren, Isabel Cabrera, Leah Narans
Omicron Sigma Awards:
Given to members who have provided outstanding service to ASCLS & the profession:
State Award:
Nicole Buza, April Harkins, Mallory Janquart, Alexandra Nussbaum, John Strous
Regional Award:
Elizabeth Dahlgren, Melissa Kasper
Cynthia Koffman
Michael Lukowski, Leah Narans, Ali Nussbaum, Andrea Pitkus, Carolyn Sabady, Samantha Salm, Susan Stalewski
National Award:
Elizabeth Dahlgren, Andrea Pitkus, Carolyn Sabady, Samantha Salm, Susan Stalewski
ASCLS-WI Board Service Awards
Given to those with outstanding service to ASCLS-WI and our profession:
Alexandra Nussbaum, Melissa Kasper, Susan Stalewski
Board Certificate of Recognition
Amanda Bakko, Sue Janke, Linda Laatsch, Tricia Ross, John Strous
Voices Under 40:
Honors those showing commitment to ASCLS, the profession, and community at a younger age:
Ali Nussbaum
Samantha Salm
Lifetime Service Award
: Linda Laatsch
Congratulations to all of the winners!
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Wisconsin |
BadgerLab Times
Linda Laatsch
Mailing Address:
ASCLS-WI, 4852 N. Sheffield Ave., Whitefish Bay, WI 53217
Article Submission:
Articles for BadgerLab Times should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and sent electronically to:
. The deadline for the spring/summer issue is May 15
, while the deadline for the fall/winter issue is October 15
A ll articles published represent the opinions of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of ASCLS-WI or the authors’ institutions unless specified. Microsoft ® Word is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
BadgerLab Times ©
is copyrighted by ASCLS-WI.