Trophy Trout                              Duck & Dove Hunting          Fly Fishing & Sightcasting

The transformation of all times has occurred here on Baffin Bay with the advent of a couple of feet of rain in the past month! The drought is over, the brown tide is gone, we are now welcoming the crystal clear water that is teeming with life!

Read the article below  for an interesting history of Baffin Bay in the past 6 years of so, as recounted by Capt. Sally and published in  Saltwater Angler Magazine in the June 12th edition.

Capt. Josh releases his personal best at 30-1/2" on June 7, 2015
Kimberly's Personal Best - 29"
Capt. Josh's Personal Best, June 7, 2015

And the flounder are here, too! Caught June 5, 2015

Our New Home and Lodge
The plans are complete for our new home/lodge and we are very excited to get things going.  We've picked and general contractor and should break ground within a week or so!  Our " temporary lodge" on the water is comfortable and beautiful, ready for you to come and enjoy some fishing at  "The Last Best Place on the Texas Coast!"tm  

Crabs, making a huge come back on Baffin Bay!

The summer and fall are looking to be "epic" for great fishing! Don't forget to come visit us, see the progress of our new place and book a trip of a lifetime on the most beautiful and uncrowded bay on the Texas coast!

Capt. Sally & Capt. Aubrey Black
June 8, 2015
mainBaffin Bay Fishing
Report  & Forecast
Clear waters return to Baffin as drought busting rains make an unbelievable change

About 6 or 7 years ago, I started looking for waters farther south than Rockport, to escape the crowds and the airboats.  I knew Capt. Aubrey Black, of Baffin Bay, so I called him to ask him if there was any good shallow water to sight cast in.  He said, in all honesty, that he really didn't know.  His game was wade fishing in waist deep water, tossing lures in search of the trophy trout and he'd been very successful.

Curiosity made me run down there in my skinny running Curlew at the time, and Aubrey jumped on board for a shallow water scouting mission.  Beautiful grass flats and shallow, sandy shorelines were everywhere, the water was crystal clear.  The entire south shoreline was a pasture; all of the rocks in the bay were clearly visible.  It was almost like an aquarium, and I was mesmerized by this untouched and undiscovered part of the Texas Coast.


Soon, every chance I got, Baffin was the destination for more scouting adventures and unbelievable fly fishing and sight casting opportunities.  The decision was finally made, moving Capt. Sally's Reel Fun Charters to Baffin Bay was a real risk, but, since I had fallen in love and married the Guru of Baffin Bay, Capt. Aubrey Black, it somehow didn't seem that impossible.


About a year later, I was guiding in Baffin Bay full time, successfully moving many of my clients with me and bringing in a whole new group of clients who had the same wonderment that I did about Baffin Bay.

51" redfish caught by Drew in the fall of 2012


But then, with the drought setting in, windy conditions and salinity levels rising to never before seen levels, the brown tide began. 

At first, it was a little disturbing.  Eventually, it was a fact of life, and, like the sea creatures of Baffin, those who adapted, thrived.  Capt. Black and I found a pattern that was a lot like my style of fishing, but with the brown tide, in most places, the bottom was not to be seen.  Our pattern was to watch and follow the rafts of mullet in the shallow water.  Even in a brown tide, the fish have to eat, so we set about to refine this pattern and replicate it on a daily basis, no matter what the conditions.  2013 and 2014 where two of our best years ever for trophy trout fishing.  With the brown tide almost a non-issue for us, we continued to thrive but were virtually all alone in Baffin Bay.  Our persistence and tenacity paid off and our business boomed. 


The rain began, finally, in the winter of 2015, and almost never stopped.  Baffin Bay received several feet of rain in a short amount of time and began to show herself again.  Little by little, the clear water was starting to take over.  Grass was beginning to grow in the places it used to grow.  Growing amazement from our guides and clients brought proof that Baffin Bay had, with a healthy dose of fresh water, "turned over a new leaf" bringing forth the decimation of the brown tide and the introduction of the "aquarium-like" crystal clear waters of 5 years ago.


Like a celebration, the creatures of Baffin Bay have exploded onto the scene.  Blue crabs abound, cow nose rays, jellyfish and even a few stingrays inhabit Baffin now, in every corner of the bay.  Each day, something new shows up and it's almost like living the waters we fish.


It's our celebration now.  The fishing is truly off the charts, with big Baffin trophy trout and good numbers of healthy mid-sized trout are being caught on a daily basis.  Redfish are roaming in the grassy areas, big grass flats and shorelines, consuming the baby blue crabs about as fast as they emerge. Black drum are everywhere along the sandy shorelines, rooting around for their favorite fare.  Good-sized flounder and hefty sheepshead lurk in these same areas, giving anglers lots of opportunity for a great fishing story.



Don't miss this beautiful transformation of one of the most mysterious bays along the Texas Coast.  Baffin Bay has a lot to show you now, come with us to share in the amazement of this "new" Baffin! Capt. Black and I, along with Capt. Marcus and Capt. Josh have openings on our calendars, which you can find on our website, .  You can book right there as well. 


Everything we have worked so hard for has come to fruition and we'd all like to share it with you this summer.  Don't miss this awesome opportunity to catch trophy trout in the morning on top waters (the top water bite is on, big time) and then sight cast to hungry redfish and black drum in the clear and shallow waters of Baffin Bay.  


On another note, the ground is just about to break on our new home and lodge. This is an exciting time for Capt. Black and I as it has already been a year since our home and lodge burned down. The wheels move slowly when a life changing event like this happens. 

The good news, however, is that we are growing. We have hand-picked and personally trained three new guides who are learning Baffin Bay and our fishing style, along with our high standards of customer service. 

Our temporary lodge, right on the water on the Cayo del Grullo is a beautiful setting and is serving its purpose for everyone. We are still serving up great food and our guides are mingling with all of our clients, answering lots of questions, talking about fishing techniques and generally just having a great time! 

Our new guides, Capt. Marcus Canales, Capt. Josh Hartwick and Capt. Jake Jones are the future of our lodge and their booking calendars can be found on our website,

Between all five of us, we've got Baffin Bay covered! Trophy trout season is here and in a big, big way! We've asked Sarge (Sarge Custom Rods) to begin putting a 32" mark on all of our rods. 30" is the new 28" here on Baffin Bay! 

We are confident that in the next year or two a new state record is going to come from our home waters. All we ask is that it be caught by one of our clients! Until next time, see you on the water!  

Capt. Sally Black  
Capt. Sally has her first
cover shot!
Thanks to Saltwater Angler Magazine for this special cover shot, holding a 30" trout, caught on April 27, 2015

Check out these fun videos from this past week:

Capt. Marcus precariously brings in a big trout, but Capt. Sally makes a great net save!
Capt. Marcus precariously brings in a big trout, but Capt. Sally makes a great net save!

Capt. Sally sight casts to a redfish on the fly, Baffin Bay, June 2015
Capt. Sally sight casts to a redfish on the fly, Baffin Bay, June 2015

Also check out the following magazines for current articles about Baffin Bay Rod and Gun featuring Capt. Aubrey and Capt. Sally Black:

May, 2015 Issue:   Texas Outdoors Journal - David Sikes writes the most informative article ever written about Baffin Bay and in doing so, highlights "The Blacks - Baffin Bay's enterprising couple".  Read about how we weathered the drought and brown tide, making 2013 and 2014 two of the best years ever for trophy trout on Baffin Bay.

April, 2015 Issue:   Texas Fish & Game Magazine - Doug Pike article about potential guides that might break the illusive Texas trophy trout record!
Book A Trip
Book A Fishing or HuntingTrip 
 The Guides of
Baffin Bay Rod and Gun

Capt. Aubrey Black,
Capt. Sally Black,
Capt. Marcus Canales
Capt. Josh Hartwick
Capt. Jake Jones, arriving soon!

Capt. Sally with a 28" trout, top water fishing, June 2, 2015

While drifting on a grass line n about knee-deep water, this big girl inhaled a pink and silver One-Knocker Spook, about ten feet from the boat!
Get Social With Us! 

More awesome 
fishing photos from this Summer on Baffin Bay!

Another fat Baffin Bay trophy this month!

Cissy with a fat 27" trophy!
Sight Casting!
On the fly!!!
Capt.Marcus strikes again!


Kelly's Korner
A black lab's perspective on the Coast.... 
Ok, I just found out that I gained 5 pounds since duck season was over.  I am now being limited on my food and treat intake so that I won't be fat!  I feel and look just fine, I don't know what all the fuss is about.  Now give me a Milk Bone, please...please... Come On!"



W hile our lives have been hectic and filled with stress since our home and lodge burned down and the new one is being constructed, there have been a few things that really have kept us both going.  You, our fishing clients, make every day on the water so worthwhile.  The beauty of God's creations on Baffin Bay are breathtaking and so very peaceful - they will recharge your souls.  

Thank you to everyone who makes our daily lives so much fun!

Hey Everyone!! 
We are waiting patiently for you to get here. 
Sally & Aubrey Black 
Jett Black, April 2014