Happy Holidays
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families, and are ready to enjoy all the upcoming holiday events. Check out what's happening around the area at: http://events.ktvb.com/.
Exterior Lights
With winter beginning to set in, it is dark in the morning when we head out and it's also getting dark earlier at night when headed home. Please watch for kids and pedestrians out and about, and be sure your exterior home lights are on from dusk to dawn. The more light there is, the better we can all navigate and see anything suspicious.
Holiday Lights
We hope you like the addition of holiday lights at the entrances. We certainly like seeing all the lights in the community, it makes for a beautiful evening drive/walk.

Pleasant View Elementary
The City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission will be holding a public hearing at Meridian City Hall at 6pm on Thursday, December 6th for the purpose of reviewing and considering the application by West Ada School District for Pleasant View Elementary for a Conditional Use Permit of an approximately 65,000 sq. ft. education institution (elementary school).


Community info   

Check out what's new meridiancity.org.

Let's be friends!
Catch up with neighbors  NextDoor


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager

208.378.4000 / HOA@brightoncorp.com  
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am - Noon