The pools are scheduled to open on June 13th, with the entry of stage 4 of the Governor's Rebound Idaho plans. We understand the desire to use the pool facility and want to open it up, but we also want to make sure we are following the guidelines as much as we can in these unprecedented times in order to protect the Association.
Idaho Rebounds has provided some protocols for reopening facilities, in concert with the Interim Guidance for Safe Gatherings and Public Events. Stage 3 allows 10 - 50 people to gather. Stage 4 allows over 50. There are some that say these standards conflict with each other, and pools can open. However, there is no way for the HOA to manage the number of users in the pools to less than 50 to fit within the Stage 3 guidelines. Places like Roaring Springs and the YMCA have staff that can cue people in and out. The Association does not. Signup sheets, no guest policies, and limitations on use just can't be monitored or managed in a fair or equal way in order to keep under the stage 3 gathering limitations.
Like all other aspects of our lives, this season will be a little different as well. We will be keeping all pool furniture stored this season in order to limit touched surfaces. Pool users are able to bring in their own chairs. The pool and restrooms will be cleaned daily, paying attention to high touched surfaces including the gates. We'll also be increasing the deck cleanings from monthly to weekly. There will be no lost and found items kept on the deck. Items left behind will be disposed of the next day. New signage is going up throughout the facility reminding you to stay home if feeling sick, covering coughs and sneezes, wearing a face covering when not in the water, avoid touching your face, washing hands often and maintaining social distancing when possible. We want to remind everyone that the potential risks for spreading COVID-19 at outdoor community pools is possible when people are unable to maintain physical distancing and proper hygiene when out of the pool.
A new emergency call box located has been installed at the pool this spring. This red box calls 911 with a push of a button in the event of an emergency. There's a sign located next to the call box notating your location for emergency services. PLEASE make your family aware of this emergency device and make sure they know it's not a toy.
We understand that other communities are opening early, and that makes this more frustrating, but they are responsible for weighing the risks they are putting their community in. There is no precedence for this, and we hope that you understand our decision does not come lightly and is made in the best interest of the community as a whole.
ATVs & Motorized Vehicles
The Association does not allow for ATVs and other motorized vehicles used for recreation to be used on the common areas. These items tear up the paths and grass causing damage and repairs, plus are a danger to other pedestrians using these spaces. Please help us maintain the community by keeping these on the roads.
Chinden Improvements
Work on Chinden has been ongoing, but if you're interested in knowing what the plans are, you may view project details online at the
ITD website.
Dog Reminders
Please remember that dogs should be leashed at all times when not on your own property, and should always be cleaned up after. Please remember to dispose waste in your own trash can or in the trash at the pool. Please also stay off the private farms and canals around us. Let's all be good neighbors.
Community Garage Sale
The garage sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 13th. Signs will go up at the entrances next week, and we've posted an ad in the Idaho Statesman. Please share to your social media outlets and participate if you want. It's time to get rid of all the things you've cleaned out of your home since quarantine.