The doldrums of August have arrived. The Mixed Border has spent blooms that are starting to flag in the heat. But the queen of mid-late summer is the hydrangea. They are beautiful right now. There are numerous varieties that vary from subtle and delicate to the blowsy and ostentatious mopheads, H. macrophylla. However, the lovely lacecap hydrangeas, also H. macrophylla, rival them all. Of course, that is an opinion- not necessarily a fact.
You can decide which ones capture your imagination. Lastly, a hydrangea that is not seen very often, but unrivaled in elegance, is the H. macrophylla, “Ayesha.” The elegance of the flower is only accentuated by its location, rubbing shoulders with the necessary but rowdy compost heap.
The Mixed Border, overseen by Ann Lovejoy and the Friday Tidies volunteers, has a wonderful variety of plants blooming right now, including fuchsias, cannas, phygelius, crocosmias and more. But to me, the hydrangeas are my favorites.
On another note, the Japanese Garden gate is ready for installation. Structural engineer, Kelly Conrad, along with David Grant (the gate artist!) and Kip Bankart are in discussion to determine the optimal and most secure way to install it. Perhaps you will see it in the garden by September.
Your BPL Board - Some Interesting Facts
Many consider the Bainbridge Public Library a warm and welcoming place, and some even magical, albeit those are mostly patrons under the age of six. It takes many hands and three entities to keep the library thriving: Kitsap Regional Library that staffs the library, maintains the collection, and is responsible for the various special and monthly programs offered. Friends of the Library, from the proceeds of its monthly book sales and other fundraising activities, provides much needed financial support to fund ongoing library activities (including the care and feeding of the fish in the children’s section of the library) and ensures the library’s stability for many generations to come. And, last but not least, Bainbridge Public Library which is the non-profit corporation responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the library building and grounds.
As a Washington non-profit corporation, BPL has a governing body made up of between 11 and 15 directors all of whom are volunteers with a myriad of skills and experience. Some non-profits select their Board members based on the financial support they can provide the organization. While all BPL Board members support it financially at some level as determined by each member individually for him-/herself, their knowledge and abilities are more important to their service on the Board.
For all aspects of the library building and grounds to be appropriately addressed, the directors must bring to their Board service expertise in various fields such as engineering, construction, horticulture, legal, fundraising, organization, leadership, financial, artistry and project management. The current Board members have a broad variety of such skills, knowledge and abilities, along with a love of the library, which allow the members to work with each other symbiotically to accomplish the many tasks that must be undertaken for the library to remain vital and well-maintained.
BPL has no paid staff; everything required for the building and grounds is accomplished by a Board member personally, other volunteers (thank you Friday Tidies and other volunteers!) or outside contractors. This is why members of the Board have to be selected carefully and thoughtfully so that there are always directors on the Board with the skills and experience to ensure that all aspects of the library building and grounds are maintained, repaired or replaced as needed.
Fundraising activities for BPL are always crucial as it receives no public funds and competes with other worthy non-profits on the Island for monetary contributions. BPL’s income is derived solely from donations, grants, and some rental income. BPL recognizes that expertise in fundraising is a special skill and always welcomes assistance in this area. Ideas and prospects to increase donations, legacy bequests, or grants can be provided to Carol Schuyler, president, at or Caryl Grosch, chair of the Communications and Fundraising Committee, at at any time and will be greatly appreciated.
What's Up With Facilities?
Prepping for the eagerly awaited reopening!
So far we have...
- Received the permit to proceed with the installation of an additional structural beam over the next month.
- Replaced and rewired an exterior sump pump that failed.
- Volunteers from BARN have completed one of two new gates to the Japanese Garden - next step is to develop a secure and long-lasting mounting system.
- Began interviewing contractors and reviewing designs for improving the HVAC system for a portion of the downstairs.
- And…the basic design for a new trash enclosure was agreed upon so the next phase can begin. This change will give us a considerably more attractive main entrance.
Have You Seen This Library (sculpture)?
Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library is home for many residents and visitors including a young boy who enjoys hanging out on his magic carpet and reading his favorite books. The future of the bronze sculpture “My Story” has always been uncertain as sculptor Mitch Billis installed the piece in 2007 and it has been on loan to BHML ever since. “This is my way of giving back to a community that has given me so much,” said Billis. “It is a gift to the library, but as much as anything, a gift to this community.” Billis said he, his father, and his brother – originally from Montana – first came to Boothbay Harbor the day before school started in 1978. Exploring coastal communities like Ogunquit and Wells, the Billises said none of the communities quite felt like home. “So, we got back in the car and drove up this way.” He said there was a real estate agent in the building directly across from BHML and his father bought a house the day they arrived and has lived in it ever since. While the sculpture had been on loan, Billis said he could not imagine taking it away, so he wanted to make its longtime home official. The community has embraced it, taken care of it and dressed it up in the winter to keep the little boy warm. ~ Thanks to John Fossett for sharing this bit of his hometown!
Fair Warning
By Michael Connelly
Veteran crime reporter Jack McEvoy, the hero of Connelly’s The Poet and The Scarecrow is back! He’s working for a watchdog crime blog called Fair Warning tracking unsolved murder cases. When a woman with whom he had a one-night stand is murdered in particularly unique and brutal manner, Jack is determined to find her killer. Turns out the bad guy is a serial killer who is using genetic data to select his victims and is skillfully flying under everyone’s radar. Working with several SoCal police agencies as well as the FBI, Jack navigates the labyrinth of the genetic, scientific and biomedical communities to trap the killer. As fast a page turner as Connelly has ever written, this is a must read for his fans and a great place to start if you have never met Jack McEvoy.
Friends of the Library Book Sales
Friends of the Library has started accepting donations of books downstairs outside the FOL book room emergency exit. The time for accepting donations is Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. FOL is following the same protocol as the library by quarantining books before sorting. Currently as there are no on-site book sales, FOL is focusing on online sales.
Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants.
Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues.
Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.