January 2021 Newsletter
Book lovers night out heart pages
Save the Date! - February 18th, 2021
Booklover's Night Out (In!)
A Virtual Authors Extravaganza
Join our moderator George Shannon and a panel of popular Northwest authors for an evening of conversation on books, authors, and authorship – from the comfort of your own home! This will be a free event presented by the Bainbridge Public Library. Registration for the event via Eventbrite will be available in the February BPL Newsletter and the Library’s web page.
Leaf by Leaf, Growing Into the Future...
20210101 with horse or pony
Legacy Circle Member - Delight Willing

As a child I liked to ride my horse or my bike to the Bellevue Public Library to bring home a load of books. And now, although it's an electric car instead of a horse that gets me there, I still like to visit my local library. So, to support it, my legacy gift is a bank account that I have established that on my death is payable to the Bainbridge Public Library. I make a deposit  to the account each month. The longer I live the bigger it gets. I hope it gets very big!
~ Delight Willing

You, too, can make a pledge to the future by becoming members of the Bainbridge Public Library Legacy Circle. Visit our website, bainbridgepubliclibrary.org, and click on A Lasting Legacy under the Support BPL tab to learn more about putting your leaf on the Library’s Legacy Tree. You can leave a message at 206-866-1250 or email us at [email protected] to make your pledge.
From the Library Garden
As of December 21st, winter is officially here. Today, there is frost on the ground and a nip in the air. If we lived in Montana, it is unlikely we would be seeing any plants flush with growth or blooms. But on Bainbridge Island there is still plenty of color. Heather, Spring Bouquet viburnums and camellias are already starting to bloom. They are undaunted by the mild cold spells.  
But hardscape is needed in gardens, as well; it adds function and beauty. The latest addition to the garden’s hardscape are three galvanized steel rain leaders which carry the rainwater from to the library’s roof gutters to lovely ceramic pots below on its way back to the Sound, or to a catch basin that pumps the water up to the rain garden feature in the fern garden; the rain garden provides an opportunity for much of the water to percolate down into the earth to help replenish the island’s limited fresh water aquifer before the overflow passes on to the Sound. The most recent BPL Facilities Chairman, Bernie Baker, initiated and designed the ladders rain leaders as part of a drainage project. The current BPL CoChair Kip Bankart brought it to completion. It was the last link to complete the project started so long ago. The simple and elegant addition has a history of complexity that belies its final form. Make a point to observe how the rainwater shimmers and dances as it descends the length of the rain leader; it can be joyfully mesmerizing. Thank you both for your innovation, tenacity, and technical expertise that brought this project to its conclusion.
Volunteers Kip Bankart and Jim Fox at 7:30 am on a cold, rainy day. Hardy folks...and Bernie Baker too!
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Friends of the Library
2020 December COVID
During the time the library is not open to the public, the Friends of the Library are unable to hold our normal book sales. However, our “Buy a Bag of Books” plan is in full swing! Books are packed by FOL volunteers into a paper shopping bag and sealed by taping or stapling the bag closed with the genre contents written on the outside. The bags of books are available for pickup Monday through Saturday, 10 AM to 1 PM. They are located under the awning by the Children's Library entrance. Access is from the Children's Library parking lot facing High School Rd. Each bag of books is priced at $5.

You can pay online by clicking here and making a donation to the Bainbridge Friends of the Library for the number of bags you want to purchase. Leave a note with the online donation indicating when you would like to pickup your bag(s). The bag(s) will be waiting with your name written on it. You can also just drop by and select one or more bags and pay in cash or by check. if you pay online, you can leave a note requesting a specific genre if you wish. Your custom selection will be waiting with your name on the bag. Pre selected bags are labeled by genre and available on the cart outside. 

Also, magazines are being accepted again!....any flavor, any year!

If you have any questions, just send us an email at [email protected]
What's Up With Facilities?
20210101 Facilities
Patience, persistence, and occasional nudges have finally paid off! Our three impressive rain leaders were installed Saturday morning. According to the weather app, they ought to see lots of action in the upcoming days! That’s Sequim metal fabricator Ian McAndie on the right and his dad, John, on the left of the just-installed rain leader in front on the Children’s Entrance. On to the garden arches!
Have You Seen This Library (sculpture)?
This is the Lahaina Public Library on Wharf Street on Maui, Hawaii. It opened on Mar. 4, 1956, on the site of a former royal taro patch belonging to King Kamehameha III. Its 19,031 sq. ft. building serves the local community as well as many tourists that visit the area. A $280,000 renovation was completed in 2012 (no State cost) thanks to the Rotary Club of Lahaina, Hawaii State Public Library System, Maui Friends of Library, and other generous donors. Uniquely, it is part of a statewide public library system.
Books Worth Sharing!
by Margot Livesey
The Boy in the Field
By Margot Livesey

On a fall afternoon in 1999, teenage siblings Matthew, Duncan and Zoe are walking home from school when they encounter a boy lying in a field, unconscious and bloodied. The boy’s life is saved thanks to their quick thinking and concern, but as a result the lives of the siblings are forever changed. On the surface the story is a classic whodunit, but the deeper mysteries of the story lie within the lives of the siblings, their comings of age, their family, and an amazingly prescient dog. This is a spare, swift-moving story, superbly told by a literary master. Livesey’s novels always entertain and always leave the reader a bit breathless. As I came to the end of the story only one word sprang to mind – stunning!

~ Susan Braun
Please remember the library when you donate to One Call for All. Thank you! (https://onecallforall.org/bainbridge-public-library/ )

You can also give online at www.onecallforall.org.
Did You Know?
  • Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants.
  • Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at KRL.org with funding from property tax revenues.
  • Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.
Be safe... Be well! Happy 2021!
One thing is for sure 2021 will be better than 2020
“A library is a cross between an emergency exit, a life-raft and a festival—a cathedral of the mind; hospital of the soul; theme park of the imagination.” ~ Caitlin Moran