In the Library Garden

As we shelter in place, the gardens continue to produce lush growth and glorious flowers.   Sometimes the affect is subtle, sometimes bold.   But the gardens reassure us of the continuation of life when we need it most.

First an update on the Venus Dogwoods, planted last spring.  They are presently putting on a spectacular show.  As Junkoh Harui, the founder of Bainbridge Gardens, said (probably over and over to reassure the more timid gardeners) 'They sleep, they creep, then they leap!'  These lovely trees are in their 'creep' cycle, but their flowers are showing us their lovely potential for the coming years. 

The Haiku Garden Gate is languishing, but once restrictions ease, and the BARN reopens, a new gate is one of their future projects.   The BARN is ready to go with the materials and design.   While we want all BARN 'Gate Artisans' safe, we are excited to see this new addition in the future.  


The Spring Fern Garden is the definition of lush right now.   Each type of fern has unfurled fronds that defy description.   They are more subtle, in some ways, than the eye-catching blooms of the Mixed Borders but gregarious in their exuberance.    

On another note, the movie 'Fantastic Fungi' and Paul Stamek's numerous books tell of the role of fungi in the health of our ecosystem.   Mycologist Stamek started a company, Fungi Perfecti in 1980.   One aspect of their business is mycoremediation of toxic soil. The library gardens have used this company in the past to great success.   Recently a small area of the Fern Garden by the entrance to the Children's Library was failing to thrive.   With the help of this company, plants are starting to thrive once again, along with a few mushrooms!

The Mixed Borders are not to be forgotten.  There are so many lovely nooks and crannies.  Each with their own interest and beauty.  Thanks to the artistry of their creator, Ann Lovejoy, each is a complex layering of both flowers and foliage.  Sometimes, the foliage itself speaks to us, other times, it is a single blossom.  Nature adds its own surprises.  It is best to relax and enjoy the walk through all the gardens. 

What's Up With Facilities?

Generic tools for Facilities work  

IT upgrades and prepping for additional structural support
Library U

REGISTRATION is now open for the BAINBRIDGE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION's three-part series on how to take charge of your financial future in these challenging times. FREE! Co-sponsored by the MERRIMAN FINANCIAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION and LIBRARY U.

Registration and details are at  BCF FINANCIAL EDUCATION SERIES. Please note that the June 2 series is reserved for students and their parents, so send this on to your offspring!

Each program will feature a 60-minute presentation by Paul Merriman, followed by a Q& A.
PAUL MERRIMAN is a nationally recognized authority on mutual funds, index investing, asset allocation and both buy-and-hold and active management strategies. Now retired from Merriman Wealth Management, the Seattle-based investment advisory firm he founded in 1983, he is dedicated to educating investors, young and old.

Library U is sponsored by the Bainbridge Public Library with funding support from the  Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library and a generous donation in memory of Louise Brody Weissman. 

Have You Seen This Library?


It is the Boston Public Library in Copley Square. Established in 1848 by an act of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts, the Boston Public Library (BPL) was the first large free municipal library in the United States. In 1839, French ventriloquist M. Nicholas Marie Alexandre Vattemare became the original advocate for a public library in Boston when he proposed the idea of a book and prints exchange between American and French libraries. The Mayor of the City of Boston, Josiah Quincy, Jr., first president of the  Board of Trustees,  Edward Everett, and his successor, George Ticknor, were also at the forefront of the library's establishment. Charles Follen McKim of McKim, Meade, and White was appointed the principal architect in 1887 for the new building. The present Central Library in Copley Square has been home to the library and has served as its headquarters since 1895, when Charles Follen McKim completed his "palace for the people."
Books Worth Sharing

Redhead by the Side of the Road
By Anne Tyler

Micah Mortimer is a forty something, single, self-employed tech support geek. He's also lacking a few social awareness skills. Read clueless! When his woman friend suddenly tells him she's going to be evicted from her sublet apartment and a teenage boy shows up at his door claiming to be his son, Micah's carefully organized life begins to unravel. Absent the savvy to either comfort his lady or plumb the depths of teenage Brick, Micah's a fish out of water. His flailing about may nearly drive readers to distraction until a surprising encounter with a client and a nudge from an old flame bring him closer to center. This is one of the best feel-good books I've read in a long time. Anne Tyler's ability to dip into her characters' hearts and bring out just the right measures of compassion and humor makes this a perfect read for right now!

~ Susan Braun
Quotable Library Quote

"Everything you need for a better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library."

Henri Frederic Amiel 
(1821-1881. Swiss moral philosopher, poet, and critic)
Is This Your Library?

Friends of the Library Book Sales

Our book sales are temporarily suspended. Please stay tuned for notice of their return.
Did You Know?


  • Bainbridge Public Library, a separate nonprofit organization, owns, operates, and maintains the Library building and grounds through community donations and grants. 
  • Kitsap Regional Library provides the library staff, collection, classes, and a virtual library at with funding from property tax revenues.  
  • Together we provide the quality library our community wants and has come to expect.  
Be safe... be well!

Fall leaves outdoors blanket cozy