24 Sivan 5779 | June 27, 2019
Bais Yaakov
Parshas Shelach
Have a safe and enjoyable summer!


This past year brought many positive changes to the Lower Elementary . A special thanks to all our dedicated administrators, teachers, assistants and staff who selflessly gave of themselves to help each of our talmidos blossom!
As we celebrated 77 years since Bais Yaakov’s founding, our outgoing Second Grade is the largest in Bais Yaakov history!

Transitioning from one grade to another in the Lower Elementary is a process which we approach with sensitivity. By inviting students to their next year's classroom, we build anticipation for the new school year. The girls meet moros and teachers, enjoy a short orientation and hear all about the highlights of the upcoming year. With this introduction, our students have an idea of what to expect when they return on the first day of school.

If you have any questions regarding your daughter’s placement for next year, please contact our school office at  lowerelementary@baisyaakov.net  or (443) 548-7700 ext 4. Orientation for Grades 1 and 2 will take place on Thursday evening, August 29th and for Preschool on Monday morning, September 2nd. Looking forward to seeing you! 

We have tried to make our summer packets welcoming and compelling, as well as productive and helpful. With ongoing practice, your daughters can review their skills in all areas such as Chumash , kriah , ksiva , math facts and reading comprehension. Just a few moments over these summer days, can make a significant impact on their first few weeks of the next school year. Please encourage your daughters to take advantage of this fun, learning opportunity by calling into our summer hotline, earning their way to slurpees & prizes and feeling positive about themselves through their efforts. We will recognize each girl on her return to school for completing her packets! Hatzlacha Rabba !


After each class completed Sefer Breishis , the entire Fourth Grade joined together in the auditorium to enjoy pancakes and french toast in honor of this momentous milestone. We were honored to hear encouragement from Mrs. Russi Steinhardt , mother of our own Fourth Grader, Leah. Mazal Tov to all the students and moros on this significant accomplishment. Each of our Third Grades also each held a special breakfast siyum at the end of the year on Parshas Vayaitzei . Altogether, it was a great year of learning and growing in the Upper Elementary.

The entire Elementary gathered on the last day of school to celebrate the conclusion of another fun and exciting year of growth. The Fourth Grade led everyone in the End of Year Song, and Morah Shulamis Juravel and Morah Mindy Abraham’s classes culminated our school-wide Simcha program with a beautiful simcha dance. Rabbi Sanders spoke to the students about the feeling of accomplishment each girl should have after a year of learning. Rabbi Stein shared a message of using the summer as a time to appreciate what we have and to avoid complaining about what we may not have. The girls watched our Year in Review Video (click on the link to watch) that Mrs. Yocheved Roth prepared for everyone’s enjoyment. It was a great way to end the school year. We wish everyone a delightful summer!


Each grade made a special project highlighting the importance and beauty of Shavous . The Fifth Grade made lovely topiary plaques while the Sixth Grade dazzled in stylish flower necklaces that adorned each girl. The Seventh Grade let their creativity flow as they decorated flower cookies, and the Eighth Grade completed their last Yom Iyun by making pretty and tasty flower cupcakes. Each girl took home a beautiful project that actualized the importance of enhancing the Yom Tov

The Fifth Grade students put together a most informative and engaging How-To-Fair . Each girl wrote a process essay and made a magnificent tri-fold instructing visitors how to make their project, craft or food. The gym bustled as parents, students and teachers walked around to each demonstration and learned new techniques and ideas. The Fourth Grade visited from Park Heights and saw first-hand how exciting and stimulating the Middle School is! The girls did an outstanding job and felt really proud of their work. The Fifth Grade also participated in another fun and educational chidon (quiz) on important Parsha lessons learned in Sefer Shemos . Each class won prizes with the points they earned for participating weekly and in the chidon finale. The girls learned so much and had fun showcasing their knowledge among candy coated décor. 

The Sixth Grade completed their Yahadus lessons about the Lamed Tes Melachos ( 39 forms of work prohibited on Shabbos) by completing their Lamed Tes binders. The girls let their creativity shine as they created beautiful pages highlighting each melacha . Additionally, Project Yud Bais (for girls in their Bas Mitzvah year) came to a close with its final program, helping each girl develop and grow as she embarks on her own personal journey into womanhood.

The inspirational and exquisite Seventh Grade Eretz Yisroel Fair was the culmination of months of hard work and research that took visitors on a journey through the streets, along the mikomos hakedoshim and into the heart of Eretz Yisroel . Each girl had the opportunity to experience the different flavors and the rich history of our unique and holy land. Girls worked in groups to research their topics and create impressive displays mirroring their research. The girls learned a tremendous amount about Eretz Yisroel while gaining invaluable research skills that they will take with them throughout life. 

The Middle School said goodbye to another Eighth Grade class in a resplendent soiree that truly reflected the mixed emotions of the evening. The evening featured special guest speaker, Mrs. Yehudis Feldman , student speakers and an all-star cast in the teacher presentation. The impression the Eighth Grade made on the Middle School was profound as they gave their all to each committee and function that they participated in. The ruach and camaraderie that they displayed were second to none and they will be very missed. 


The High School had a special speaker to help everyone get into the spirit of Shavuos and Kabolas Hatorah . Mrs. Maya Kleiner , from our own Early Learning Center, enthralled us with her tale of searching to find the Derech haTorah . Her nisyonos , her courage, and her moral strength were laid out before us through her tale of triumph. The entire High School was greatly inspired by her talk.

The Eighth Grade visit to the High School was filled with introductions, information, and fun (and good food!). Thank you Mrs. Elisheva Hauptman and Miss Leah Hauptman for arranging all parts of the program. The High School looks forward to welcoming the bright-eyed, fresh faces of a new crop of students for the 2019-2020 school year!

The annual Ninth Grade Eretz Yisroel Bee proved to be as much fun as it was learning, as the five teams battled it out for what ended up as a two way tie for the first place finish. The questions ranged from the size of Eretz Yisroel , to Gedolei Yisroel who settled there, to great figures and places of the Tanach . An ice cream celebration was held for all participants- who were all winners! 

We are excited to announce an event for Alumnae of graduating classes  2009 through 2017  on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 in the Bais Yaakov High School M. Leo Storch Auditorium . Reconnect with friends, enjoy a light reception, hear words of inspiration from our high school principal,  Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig  and from beloved high school teacher, 
Mrs. Josie Vegh  and more. For more information or to get involved, please email us at  alumnae@baisyaakov.net .  

We look forward to greeting you there!  

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Parent-approved labels!
Mabel’s Labels are personalized peel and stick labels that safely go in the laundry, dishwasher and microwave. They’re a reliable product that parents love and they’re perfect for all your kids’ stuff – from shoes and clothes to water bottles, lunch boxes, backpacks, school supplies and more! The PTA makes 20% of every sale throughout the year!
Support the PTA: 3 Programs that provide crucial funds* without costing you ANYTHING extra!
Box Tops              Amazon Smile               Giant Rewards
For more information about any of these programs click on the above links
Aug 29 1st and 2nd Grade Parent Orientation
Aug 30 9th Grade Student Orientation
Middle School Orientation
Sept 2 Preschool Parent & Student
Sept 3 First Day of School
Sept 9 3rd and 4th Grade Parent Orientation
Sept 17 Middle School "Back to School Night"
Sept 9 High School Parent Orientation
Sept 30 Rosh Hashana - No School
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