19 Iyar 5782 | May 19, 2022
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
High School

Parshas Behar
A most unforgettable, impactful Student Shabbos, described by some participants as the “best Shabbos of our lives(!),” left an indelible impression on students and teachers alike. The Shabbos was a seamless set of activities and programs that left all participants on the highest of highs, both inspired and energized going into the tail end of the school year. From the gorgeous mural gracing the lobby that was created by twelfth grader Malka Trout, to the back-to-back workshops by inspiring teachers and Rabbonim, to the impactful talks by special guest Mrs. Toba Shifrin, to the Friday night grade onegs, to the zmiros, to the student divrei Torah, to the incredible kumzitz at the end of Shabbos, there was simply nothing lacking. Thank you to Faculty Advisors Mrs. Devorah Krakauer, Mrs. Sima Goldstein, Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein, and Miss Pessi Rappaport for preparing and executing the unforgettable program. Thank you to all the faculty who gave up a restful Shabbos at home to spend the Shabbos with us. Special thanks to Mr. Binny Margolese and his maintenance team for working so hard over the entire weekend. May the taste of the Shabbos linger as we go forward in our year closing academics - and in our service of Hashem! (For more on Student Shabbos by a High School student, click here)
Approximately ten years ago, Mrs. Shira Leah Ribakow nee Hirschman was a bright eyed, caring Bais Yaakov Ninth Grader. Drawn to high school Gemach opportunities, Mrs. Ribakow was paired up through the “Adopt-a- Bubby” program with Mrs. Frances Zywica a”h, a respected woman in our community. The young high schooler telephoned Mrs. Zywica regularly, walked with her, and, as time went on, engaged in various activities with her - and even included her in family simchos. Although Mrs. Zywica passed away last year, she was not forgotten. In the greatest expression of love and admiration, Mrs. Ribakow recently gave her newborn daughter the name Frayda Miriam, after her beloved “bubby.” Thank you to our Gemach advisors, Mrs. Malka Zweig and Mrs. Zehava Lefkovitz for constantly perfecting old programs and introducing new ones that are making a real difference in providing chessed opportunities for our students and bettering people’s lives. And thank you Mrs. Ribakow for representing Bais Yaakov and your family with such gracious caring and love!
A Leadership Training Worskshop for our Eleventh Grade, created by Grade Counselor, Mrs. Sari Bienstock together with Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein and Mrs. Shira Abramovitz, was described in detail by Henna Ehrenfeld, Shalva Goldenhersh, and Maya Grove, “With the end of our eleventh-grade year quickly approaching, concerns arose among us about how our grade would successfully lead the school next year as seniors. Since COVID rudely interrupted our high school experience, we lack crucial building blocks necessary in forming key leadership positions. The program began with a group activity in which we were given real-life conflicts regarding leadership choices, and we discussed what decisions we would make in those scenarios. We then had the privilege to hear advice and personal experiences in leadership positions from Mrs. Esti Feldheim, Mrs. Cherisse Weissman, and Mrs. Beth Adler. We walked out of the meeting feeling inspired and ready to accept the responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with twelfth-grade jobs and being a role model to the younger grades.” Thank you to our faculty, for creating this thought provoking and meaningful workshop.
Club activities have been proceeding unabated. Thank you G.O., Gemach, Discovery, Mishmeres, and Gedolei Yisroel for your exciting programs. Congrats to the four students who won a free final for the Discovery Nissan technology program in which almost the entire school participated and will thus be “reward tripping” to Adventure Park USA. Thank you to our Discovery Advisor, Mrs. Yehudis Feldman, for your determination in creating this program! The winners are Rochel Leah Danziger, Dina Shoob, Leeba Goldstein, and Ora Galay… Thank you G.O. and Mrs. Rabenstein for the uplifting Shmittah film to kick off the Student Shabbos theme of Shabbos and Shmittah
Once again, the Graduation Dinner turned into a truly gala affair, as it was held in the beautifully appointed DoubleTree Hilton. The ambiance and esthetics were truly magnificent, and every part of the affair was coordinated with pinpoint precision by Mrs. Chana Lavi. A stirring charge was offered by Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein, beloved Twelfth Grade Counselor, and the assembled also heard from “graduating” parent Mrs. Yael Alyeshmerni, who delivered a powerful bracha to the class from a shmittah farmer in Eretz Yisroel. Student speakers Deeni Frand and Malka Shane focused on their journey through the high school as part of a group where achdus became more fortified with each passing year. A moving song tribute to the parents served as an inspiring and emotional finale. Thank you Bais Yaakov for allowing us to hold this event in the hotel, creating a beautiful venue for such an august occasion. It was an evening that will be cherished for years to come. 
The Macks Center for Jewish Education (CJE) sponsored a though provoking talk by Rav Aaron Lopiansky shlit”a that was hosted by Bais Yaakov High School about the trials facing educators in the contemporary world. The talk was preceded by an insightful and penetrating analysis to principals of the way in which savlanus, the ability to tolerate and suffer challenges, plays a key role in the life of a leader. Thank you CJE for sponsoring these impactful and inspiring lectures.
Mrs. Elena Tal brought her father, Mr. Daniel Heifetz, a world renowned concert violinist to her voice class to demonstrate his remarkable skill with the violin, at the same time sharing with our students his love for Yiddishkeit and how it has impacted his international performing career…Congratulations to Mrs. Tal on being awarded and elected as an official member of the prestigious National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) and certified as teaching and encouraging the “highest standards of the vocal art.” Mrs. Tal comments about teaching at Bais Yaakov, “I am truly honored and so love teaching your girls.”
Dear Bais Yaakov,
I was recently informed that my daughter Bassie has been chosen to be her seminary’s (Peninim) Valedictorian. While she has grown and learned so much in seminary this year, the education she received at Bais Yaakov and the dedication of Bais Yaakov’s staff definitely played a huge role in turning her into the amazing young lady she is today, earning her this distinction.   I wanted to share this nachas, as it is Bais Yaakov’s accomplishments as much as Bassie’s. Thank you so much!     
Rina Leah Bennett
5/23 Alumnae Shiur with
Mrs. Chanie Hendler
5/30 Memorial Day
  • ES - School Closed
  • MS - Early Dismissal 11:50 AM
  • HS - Early Dismissal 12:05 PM
5/30 Time to Refocus - An evening of information and inspiration with Rabbi Eytan Feiner
May 16/ 15 Iyar

In Memory Of
Sarah Hadassah bas Chaim Chaim A"H

Sponsored by
Moshe and Gila Nelkin
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, 
or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or [email protected] 
for more information.