1 Tammuz 5781 | June 10, 2021
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
High School

Parshas Korach
Miriam Albert
Elisheva Baer
Bassie Bennett
Shira Bienstock
Sophie Braun
Shoshana Bronfin
Shulamis Buehler
Yaffa Caine
Devorah Leah Caplan
Aliza Casper
Rikki Ehrenfeld
Adina Ehrlich
Gitty Eichenstein
Sora Eisemann
Bracha Eisenberg
Shira Ely
Shalva Englander
Yael Epstein
Aliza Fakheri
Rochel Feder
Avigail Fialkoff
Aliza Fink
Chana Leah Fuchs
Layla Gardyn
Bassi Glazer
Aliza Goffin
Sara Gittel Goldenberg
Ahuva Goldsmith
Ahuva Greenlinger
Adina Gross
Rachel Hauer
Maya Herman
Blima Herskowitz
Leah Hoenlein
Yocheved Horowitz
Miriam Jakobovits
Mindy Jakobovits
Meira Kadden
Rivka Kaminsky
Esther Tova Kaplowitz
Feige Kasnett
Chedva Rena Kermaier
Yael Kibel
Sarah Kober
Chavy Krakauer
Bracha Yehudis Krasner
Tehila Kugielsky
Emily Kuhr
Chana Leba Lachman
Rochel Langer
Chana Ora Lavi
Leah Lebovits
Shaina Lefkovitz
Rivka Lerner
Rena Lewin
Shani Liebes
Zahava Lieder
Penina Lieder
Tzivia Lutch
Rachel Marks
Ahuva Mellman
Michal Meyers
Malka Mitnick
Faigy Nadler
Chaya Nelkin
Rochel Neuberger
Gittie Neuberger
Nechama Niknava
Tali Ohsie
Elana Openden
Raichel Oshinsky
Esther Shulamis Rabinowitz
Zahava Rosenbaum
Ahuva Rosenbaum
Miriam Rosenberg
Chana Rosenblatt
Batsheva Rosskamm
Ilana Rubin
Miri Sachs
Nechama Malka Saunders
Batsheva Schachter
Dina Bracha Schechter
Tzipora Schor
Aliza Segelman
Pesha Shereshevsky
Temima Shifteh
Daniella Shnidman
Chaya Yehudis Shurin
Malka Silber
Rina Silver
Tamar Singman
Shayna Lieba Malka Slatkin
Malki Stein
Aliza Taragin
Sarala (Sara) Tarshish
Rivkah Vegh
Rivka Waldbaum
Zahara Wealcatch
Chaya Weimer
Tzippora Weiskopf
Tehilla Weiss
Yehudis Wenger
Chaya Sora Wiener
Adina Wolf
Chaya Zelcer
This year's Exhibit will surely go down in the annals of Bais Yaakov as one of the greatest events in the storied history of our school. Despite the ups and downs and the restraints of a COVID year, the museum was an unimaginable and indescribable medium for kiddush shem shomayim. The many thousands of visitors, including twenty schools from near and far, could not contain their excitement and enthusiasm, using every superlative to describe the creativity and artistry, as well as the knowledge and poise of our tour guides. Appreciation can not be adequately expressed to Exhibit creator Mrs. Elise Wolf and her “dream team,” including Mrs. Sima Goldstein, Mrs. Devora Krakauer, and Mrs. Malka Feldman, as well as student heads Rochel Neuberger and Rivkah Vegh. Additionally, a special thank you to the many teachers who served as advisors, without whom the project could never have assumed its majestic levels of quality and beauty. Thank you to the Bais Yaakov parents and friends for their work on this project. Thank you to the student body, who, with siyata dishmaya, pulled off perhaps the greatest feat ever in the history of Torah education for young women!
The first-ever Senior Retreat took place in Fennetsburg, PA, on the grounds of Camp Chaverim, two hours from Baltimore and the cicada invasion. Realizing that the Twelfth Grade would be leaving Bais Yaakov sans the last two years of Student Shabbos, due to COVID restrictions, Grade Counselor Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein was determined to create an “exit strategy” for the students. Weeks of brainstorming, researching, careful planning, and then re-planning resulted in an unforgettable Shabbos for students and families. It included Friday afternoon activities, inspirational divrei Torah and workshops, sumptuous seudos Shabbos, singing, dancing, and ruach that reached to the skies. Perfectly timed for after finals and before graduation, the event was one that will be remembered for its serene but joyous and exciting atmosphere. Thank you Mrs. Rabenstein for your matchless dedication and this resultant triumph and to Mrs. Devora Krakauer and other teachers for helping to arrange the Shabbos with your trademark organization, finesse, and attention to every last detail.
Close to 400 students and teachers headed to ZavaZone in Sterling, VA. The trip was a reward for students taking on resolutions for the month of Nissan, that in some manner, reigned in on wasteful or detrimental technology use. This program has annually been adopted with great receptivity on the part of the student body, and follow-up reports from the students consistently asserted that it exerts a positive, long-term impact on their habits relating to cellphones and other technology use. Students who attended the trip had a wonderful day, while the small number of students who stayed back enjoyed inspirational classes with Rabbi Emanual Goldfeiz and Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg, as well as guest presenters Rabbi Aaron Tendler and Mrs. Chana Grove. Thank you, Mrs. Yehudis Feldman for the impactful program and exciting trip, and thank you to Bais Yaakov, the PTA, and an anonymous sponsor for your generous subsidies to make this event possible.
Yet another outing that had to be skipped over last year, saw Mrs. Ruthie Kinzer’s Eleventh Grade Chumash class travel to Monsey, NY, for an inspiring Shabbos. The students enjoyed a tour of the Skverer kehilla - New Square on Friday afternoon. They were then treated to delicious seudos Shabbos, stimulating and inspiring panel discussions, and guest divrei Torah. A pizza stop on the way out rounded out an exciting experience. Thank you Mrs. Kinzer for giving up your personal Shabbos in order to provide this truly unique opportunity for your students. 
Graduation Dinner enjoyed a special touch as the upgraded location, the Double Tree Hilton, provided an ambiance that made this event a uniquely memorable experience. The move to this venue had originally been prompted by COVID related concerns, as social distancing would not have been possible in the Bais Yaakov Auditorium. As it turned out, the special elegance of a beautiful hotel ballroom, on top of the uplifting program, created an almost magical atmosphere. Spirited messages were delivered by students Pesha Shereshevsky and Dani Shnidman and “graduating” mother Mrs. Mindy Hauer, all reflecting on the unique Bais Yaakov of Baltimore experience. The evening was capped by sentiments and a charge offered by Grade Counselor, Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein. The beautiful program ended with a moving rendition sung by the students to their mothers. Thank you Bais Yaakov for sponsoring this event at the hotel so that it could be experienced in the fullest measure.
Bais Yaakov won four(!) prestigious awards in the National STEM Innovation Day Competition. Mazel Tov to the “Pen” Couragement team, Divi Green, Leeba Knopf, and Sara Lowenthal, who won First Place for Healthcare and Safety Products. Later in the competition, the same team also discovered that they won First Place for Best Video. A very well-deserved award went to Rikki Berry, Ayala Attar, and Bracha Pleeter of the Auto-whiteboard Cleaner team, who won Second Place in the Mechanical Engineering Category. A Second Place award was later announced in Design Process for the Kiddie Light created by Shira Alyeshmereni, Rachelli Horowitz, and Esther Nadler. The competition was fierce with 400 projects produced by 45 schools! Mazel tov Bais Yaakov! Tremendous thanks to Mrs. Sarena Schwartz and Mrs. Ora Attar and their aides, Miss Tehilla Portnoy and Miss Devorah Preiser, for teaching and guiding the teams again this year, and once again achieving such stellar success.
Gedolei Yisroel ended the year with a moving video about four great leaders who were lost to Klal Yisroel this year, Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Yaakov Perlow (the Novominsker Rebbe), Rav Meshulam Dovid Soloveichik, and Rav Yitzchok Scheiner, ZT”L. Taryag Mitzvos ended this year’s program with a meaningful siyum - thank you to Mrs. Rubin and Mrs. Tendler respectively for guiding these invaluable, inspiring programs. Thank you to the G.O. for a ruach filled closing program. Thank you to our recent Twelfth Grade Chayei Mishpacha presenters - Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, Shlita, (Torah Values),  Mrs. Elise Wolf (Meeting "Mr. Right"), Mrs. Zehava Lefkovitz (Taharas Hamishpacha), Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg (Parshas K’doshim Highlights), Mrs. Judi Silverman and Mrs. Miri Samuels (Shalom Task Force) and Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig (Raising Happy Children). Kavod Hatorah was highlighted in the Discovery closing program, with the theme developed by inspiring guest presenter, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, of Atlanta, GA. Thank you one and all for these exciting year-ending events.
June 13 - 4th Grade Program
June 15 - Last Day of Preschool
June 16 - Last Day of School
  • 12 PM ES Early Dismissal
  • 11:30 AM MS & HS Early Dismissal
June 10/ 30 Sivan

With endless gratitude to
Tamar’s amazing Teachers
and the Administration and Staff
of Bais Yaakov High School. 

Sponsored by
Her Children
June 9/ 29 Sivan

L'zchus Refuah Shleimah
Sara Faiga bas Tzivia Leba

Sponsored by
Her Children
June 8/ 28 Sivan

Thank you to the Bais Yaakov Administration, Limudei Kodesh & Chol Teachers and Support Staff for the inspiring Chinuch that our daughter/granddaughter receives daily.

Sponsored by
Mr. and Mrs. Shaya Abramson
Rabbi and Mrs. Alan Abramson
June 4/ 24 Sivan

L'zchus Refuah Shleimah
Shalom Zev ben Fraida Shlit"a
Rabbi Shalom Weingot

Sponsored by
Rabbi and Mrs. Naftoli Hexter
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or [email protected] for more information.